The Time of Our Lives 3 - Mason Mount

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You're back at work on the Monday after coming back from the UK. You have more or less pushed the memories of Mason to the back of your mind, even after your best friend urged you to go after him while you were still in Manchester. But you're now sitting at your work desk focusing on reality and trying to meet your latest deadline. As you're working a quiet knock on your cubicle wall makes you turn away from the computer, "how was your trip?" you smile at your colleague, "it was good, definitely eventful" he lifts an eyebrow, "do tell Y/N, I can sense a good story here" you shrug not enjoying the way the memories and emotions come flooding back to you, "maybe some other time" his expression becomes full of concern, "shit what happened over there" you shake your head sadly, "I'll tell you when I can keep my emotions in check" he squeezes your shoulder then nods, "always here for you" you smile and he leaves you to your own devices once more. You take a deep breath then shake out your hands, silently pushing the memories away so that you can keep doing your job.

The minute you step into your apartment at the end of the day you release a sigh and drop your things near the door. You pull the elastic out of your hair as you trudge to the kitchen, only thinking about found at this point of the day. As you walk towards the fridge your brain is too slow to process the flowers on the counter until a couple of seconds after you've walked by. When you catch up to what you saw there's a pause to your movements before you spin around. The gorgeous lilies sitting on the counter in a vase make you smile before you spot a small card tucked into them. There's a moment of hesitation but it doesn't last long as you pluck the card from the bouquet, seeing your name on the envelope makes you bite your lip. There's a split second of uncertainty as you take out the card, not sure what will greet you within but you bite the bullet and flip it open quickly.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I know we just met but I miss you

You smile at the short yet sweet note, putting it down on the counter before smelling the flowers. With a sigh you walk over to the fridge like initially planned, "so are you going to go back to him?" you jump at the sound of your friend's voice, spinning around quickly. "First of all don't sneak up on people, second i have a job here I can't just up and leave on my first day back" she picks up the card while smiling, "you know he contacted me after we left and I helped him with these flowers, he really seems to like you Y/N" you hate the way her words make your heart flutter so you busy yourself with taking out ingredients for dinner. "Look I get it, you're scared and long-distance is a huge risk but you were the one that told me how amazing that one date was" you sigh then turn to your friend, "I can't justify leaving everything I know for a man I've been on one date with, this isn't a Hallmark movie" she huffs then sits on one of the stools by the kitchen counter, "you're right I'm sorry, I just want you to be happy and he made you light up right from the beginning" you smile then walk over to place a hand on her shoulder, "I am happy" she nods and you try not to show how much of an affect her statement has. "Enough about this let's eat I'm starving" she grins so you go back to the stove to finish preparing the meal you had planned.


You should've known better when it came to your best friend. She would never let something like my love life go so easily. Weeks go by with nothing from her so you go about your regular routine trying not to think about Mason in your spare time. Definitely not aware of the plans that are being made in private between her and the soccer player.

It's after a very tough week of work that you notice your friend's weird behaviour. Usually on any other weekend she's asleep until noon but on Saturday morning you walk into the small kitchen to see her shuffling around. "Morning Y/N!" She exclaims with too much pep, you rub your eyes as if the illusion will go away, "did I sleep in?" you ask making her laugh. "Nope, I just have somewhere to be" you shrug then move around her to make some coffee, "are we still on for trivia night?" she smiles, "of course, it's not the weekend without some friendly competition" you snort, "it is far from friendly" she laughs and so do you enjoying a rare morning where neither of you are busy or still sleeping.


That evening you change into something other than your pjs as you look forward to another trivia night at the local sports bar. When you text your friend to remind her to get there on time she sends a smiley face emoji making you laugh. Once you have your belongings in order you leave the apartment, locking the door behind you before making your way to the bar.

The bar is busy as usual when it comes to trivia nights. You focus on getting your usual table, expecting to be the first one of your trivia team here. A small gasp of surprise leaves your lips when you see your friend already at the table, with someone you don't recognize by the back of their head. She waves so you walk over quicker, managing to slip through the crowd with ease. Your breath hitches when the mystery person turns in their seat, "Mase?" you mumble, he smiles then you turn to your friend who is grinning in her seat across from him. "Sit down Y/N, they'll be here soon" she exclaims even though you're still trying to process the fact that Mason is right here in front of you, "I have so many questions" the soccer player pats the spot next to him, "we'll answer them when you sit down" you nod then slide onto the bar stool.

Before you know it trivia night is over with another less than successful result. Mason seamlessly finds a spot in your friend group throughout the night as if he's meant to be in your life. "He fits in here" you look away from the soccer player laughing with your friends to smile sadly at your best friend, "but his life is in London" she throws an arm across your shoulders to drag you into her side, "he came all the way here for you, that's gotta count for something" you sigh then look up ahead at Mason again, the fluttering in your belly fully present. He must feel you watching because he turns his head then smiles, you blush and your friend nudges you, "talk to him Y/N" she mumbles. You open your mouth to object but she shoves you towards Mason before jogging away, leaving you alone with him while she catches up to your other friends.

"It's good to see you Y/N" he says when you fall into step with him, "Mason..." you start while looking down at your feet, "I know, it was crazy of me to come all this way" you look up at him then shrug. "We've know each other for less than a week, and sure we had a really good time in Manchester but crossing an ocean?" he hangs his head so you can't see his expression, "when your friend messaged me I took it as a sign to keep fighting for you even if we're so far apart" you sigh then place a hand on his arm, bringing him to a stop. "I've been trying to forget you since I got back" you admit so he smiles, "yeah?" he asks while stepping closer to interlace your fingers, "don't let it get to your head Mase" he laughs at your response which has you doing the same. "If it makes you feel better I thought about you all the time" you blush so he brings his hand up to brush his thumb along your rosy cheek.

"Give us a chance Y/N" he murmurs after some silence making you look into his dark eyes, "I'm scared that the distance will ruin us" you whisper. "What do you say we start off slow, with texts and video calls? Feel it out as we go" you bring your hand up to his shoulder, moving it along the fabric of his shirt while you consider the suggestion. "I'd really like that Mase" he smiles, the dimple in his cheek appearing, "perfect" you smile and he moves his hand to the back of your neck, the tension building between you two. After a couple of seconds you can't take it, "just kiss me Mase" you murmur, he wastes no time in pressing his lips to yours. At first there's some hesitation but when you tighten your hold on him he pulls you closer and deepens the kiss.

You pull away once you've run out of air, your panting matching Mason's, "shit Y/N I don't know about starting slow" you move your hand up to his cheek, "it was inevitable right?" he smiles then drops one last soft kiss to your lips. Cheering in the distance makes you pull away to look over his shoulder, your friends are fist pumping while shouting, you laugh making Mason turn around. "I have a feeling they aren't very good at being subtle" he murmurs, you smile then grab his hand, "not at all" you reply and start to pull him in their direction. Feeling like this is the beginning of what will hopefully be a regular outing whenever you and Mason can be together in the same country. The idea of being without him outweighing your fear of heartbreak over long distance, settling for your heart over your head for once in your life.

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