Jealousy, jealousy - Daniel Ricciardo

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Your first love is always the hardest to get over, Daniel was yours. Meeting him when the two of you were just finding out who you wanted to be without your parents around meant that mistakes happened. Not to the fault of you or him, but maybe just growing up and realizing what each of you wanted and needed did the trick. There were tears and whispered pleas to stay when you broke up but eventually you two moved on and found your places in the world, with only good memories remembered from the short relationship.


Years pass and you have your dream job in a city that you love with friends that support you to the fullest. That's why you let them treat you to a night out for your birthday, not knowing what awaits you at the club that they chose for the celebration. You put on your most glittery dress and highest heels, letting your roommate do your makeup since you've never been the best at it. When everyone is ready the four of you leave the small flat to get into the Uber that will take you to the club.

You slide into the dimly lit booth that your three friends reserved for the night, grinning when an employee shows up with a bottle of champagne, a sparkler stuck on top to make it a bit of a show. Your friends sing happy birthday and people nearby do the same making you blush while putting your hands up to cover your red cheeks. When the singing stops and claps ring out the friend closest to you pours you a glass before doing the same for the rest of the girls in the booth. "To the birthday girl!" They yell and jump to their feet making you do the same while clinking glasses, "I love you guys" you shout and throw your head back to take a big sip from your glass.

Once you lower your head time stops because through the crowd you lock eyes with the man you never thought you'd see again. He gives you a small smile, and your heart flutters like it did the first time you met him all of those years ago. Before you can react further a beautiful woman curls a hand around his arm, making your happy mood sink as he smiles down at her in the same way he used to when he saw you. "Y/N!" You jump at the shout and turn to your friends who are watching you with confusion clear on their faces, "you okay? it looks like you just saw a puppy get kicked" one friend asks while putting a hand on your arm, "it doesn't matter, I just want to have fun" she bites her lip hesitantly but you just take her hand and lead your friends to the crowded dance floor hoping that it'll be forgotten.


Eventually you don't remember Daniel, and you're only thinking about getting onto the nearest table to dance. Your friends join you as a crowd forms, the drinks you had fully into your bloodstream meaning that you don't see anything wrong with what you're doing. Suddenly you feel something moving up your leg, you look down to see a man smirking up at you while he moves his hand closer to the hem of your dress. You sober up significantly and stop dancing, alerting your friends who ask what's wrong. Before you can respond someone pulls the man back, Daniel's familiar head of curls appearing, he says something to the drunk man before turning to look up at you. The concern is evident in his dark eyes as he holds a hand out to you, "shit is that her Dan?" you hear your one friend whisper but you only focus on taking the Aussie's hand.

When you're back on the ground the crowd starts to disperse but you can only see Daniel, "are you okay?" he asks into your ear, "yes, thank you" you reply. He smiles while squeezing your arm, "it's good to see you Y/N" he adds, you smile shyly, "good to see you too Danny" you reply, the nickname leaving your lips unintentionally. The slip up makes his smile widen, which sets off the fluttering of your heart, "happy birthday by the way" you furrow your brows, "you remember?" he brushes his thumb along your arm, "of course, how could I forget". That's when you see the same woman from earlier over his shoulder, dousing you with the reality of where you are. "You should go, she's probably waiting" you mumble and nod your chin in her direction, Daniel lifts an eyebrow before looking over to where you gestured. This gives you the opportunity to slip away from him to get back to your friends, hating how jealous you are of the girl he's seeing.

At the end of the night you let your friends pull you out of the club, your giggles piercing the stillness of outside. "Y/N wait!" you turn at the sound of your name, your smile wavering at the sight of Daniel rushing over. "Danny please don't" you whisper when he's close enough, "don't what? Tell you that she's my cousin? That I brought her out because she's never been here before? That you're still the only person that matters to me?" You're stunned at his words, feeling embarrassed that you jumped to conclusions and that you were jealous before getting the full story. The Aussie watches your changing expression and starts to smile while lifting an eyebrow, "wait were you jealous?" you shake your head a little too quickly to be believable but he stops the movement by bringing his hand up to the side of your face. "It's okay Y/N I was always jealous when our friends told me about the guys you dated" you look into his eyes and bite your lip gently, his eyes flick towards the simple action before going back to your eyes.

"Any birthday wishes?" you smile, "to be happy" he nods while brushing his fingers along your cheek, "do you think I could sneak in there and be the one to make you happy?" You shrug in response as you heart flutters at what he's suggesting. You watch him pull out his phone with his free hand, unlocking it before bringing it between you two, you bring a hand up to lower the device, "my number hasn't changed" he raises his eyebrows in surprise, "I could've called you this whole time?" you giggle and lean forward to kiss his cheek, "you could've but it's good that you didn't because none of this would have happened" he lowers his hand to your waist to tug you flush to him, "c'mon you call that a kiss Y/N?" You shake your head, "you have to earn a kiss Danny" you reply and get out of his arms. He smiles while you back away to your waiting friends who watched the whole interaction, winking at him before fully turning around. Your phone vibrates in your purse so you bring it out to see a text, Thanks for giving me another chance, you smile at Daniel's message, sending a smiley face emoji in reply before letting your friends engulf you in a hug as the four of you head back towards the flat for the night.

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