World Champion - Daniel Ricciardo

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Your posture straightens in your seat when Daniel passes Lewis Hamilton's Mercedes in the second to last lap of the race. You've been a nervous wreck since last night worrying about today's race because your boyfriend of three years can finally win the world championship after so many years of trying. After the past few years of watching the losses take a toll on the usually happy Australian you could not be happier about his success this year and the years before. Something magical has been happening this season for him, the wins stacked up more often than the losses, skyrocketing Daniel to the top of the leaderboard. While Lewis has been on his tail the whole season, this race is the decider between the two very skilled drivers. Your good luck kiss before the race felt a lot more important as you sent Daniel off to race for the coveted championship.

Your fingers play with the hem of the t-shirt you're wearing as you keep your gaze flicking between the screens and the track. When you see Daniel rounding the final turn you stand up anxiously watching him on the straight leading right to the checkered flag. Lewis is close behind but is unable to pass your boyfriend who crosses the finish line in first. You throw your arms up letting out a cheer as you watch the Australian pump his fist in the air. Your eyes start to well up with tears as you watch, feeling all of the emotions from the past few days finally bubbling over with the excitement that is felt in this one moment. "Y/N" you peer over your shoulder to see one of the Mclaren mechanics waving you over, "come on" he adds, you nod before grabbing your things to follow him to the paddock.

As you walk into the garage where everyone is cheering you wipe away your tears sniffling as the team you've become very lose to brings you into hugs. You let out a laugh when you are pulled to the pit lane, seeing the media crowding the top three finishers who are making their way to the podium. You see Daniel grinning as he talks to the some of the media, when his dark eyes latch onto yours he excuses himself before jogging over, "Danny" you say, he lifts you into his arms pressing his lips to yours. When you pull away slightly to look at him your eyes tear up again, "i'm so proud of you" you murmur, he sets you back on your feet before using his thumb to wipe the tears off of your face, "I love you so much" he tells you while grinning. "Love you, now go get that trophy" you say pushing him away slightly, he laughs and drops a kiss to your head before continuing to the podium.

You watch your energetic boyfriend run onto the highest platform on the podium, accepting the trophy he's wanted all of his life hoisting it into the air. After a few seconds of that you watching him talk to Lewis before they each take off a shoe, filling it with the ice cold champagne they're holding. Daniel peers out over the crowd, his eyes finding you giving you a wink before he proceeds to drink from the shoe, you shake your head at his antics and let out a giggle. A hand lands on your shoulder seconds later, you turn, "he wants you up there" the F1 employee says, you look at her confused, "he didn't tell me why, he just asked for you" you shrug but follow the girl up to the podium.

When you get up to the platform Daniel spots you immediately, he runs over and takes your hand pulling you in the middle of the champagne spraying, you squeal at the cold liquid hitting your clothes. "Your turn Y/N" your boyfriend say while holding his shoe out to you, you look at the Australian like he's crazy, "please babe, for me" he adds while pouting at you. The expression makes you sigh and take the shoe filled with alcohol into your hands, Daniel is grinning as you tilt the shoe back closing your eyes as you drink the sparkling beverage.

Once you finish off the alcohol you open your eyes lowering the racing shoe, "ta-da" you exclaim with a smile, "wow that was hot" Daniel says, you shove him, "shut up" he laughs and brings you into a tight hug. You keep your gaze on the Australian as he looks out at the fans cheering him on, a wide smile on his face. "Danny" he looks back down at you, "what's up?", "you did it" he presses a quick kiss to your lips pulling away soon after, "no we did it" you roll your eyes knowing that you weren't the one driving, "don't roll your eyes at me, I wouldn't be up here without your support Y/N" this makes you smile, "I'll always be here to support you" he taps your nose making you giggle. "Come on let's get out of here, celebrate on our own for a bit" you nod up at him and he pulls you towards the way you came, Lewis waves at you making you smile as you do the same to the nice Englishman.

Once Daniel pulls you into his private quarters he presses his lips to yours pulling you to him. You taste the champagne on his lips making you giggle. This makes him pull away, "what's so funny?" your hand weaves into his hair, "I don't think I needed to drink that shoey, I taste it just fine on your lips" you explain, he smirks his hand cradling your cheek, "I'm so glad you did, it was such an amazing thing to witness" he proceeds to kiss you again, your lips moving against his feverishly. He slows the pace suddenly, pulling away from you, "wait" he murmurs and lets go of you moving to his bag rummaging through it.

After a few seconds Daniel turns to you a small velvet box in his hand. You gasp, "Danny" you mumble as he walks to you, "Y/N I know it's been a tough few years and I know that it's hard being with me when I'm never in one place for very long, but we managed to make it work" tears pool at the edges of your eyes, "I'm so thankful to have you in my life, I want to keep you in my life for the long haul babe" he lowers to one knee before opening the little box. "Y/N, marry me?" You nod vigorously and pull him up to stand pressing your lips to his. Daniel pulls away briefly sliding the beautiful ring onto your finger before locking your lips again his hands on either side of your face. "DID YOU ASK HER YET!" Lando yells through the door, you giggle pulling away from Daniel who sighs before walking over to let the English driver see us. "He did" you reply with a smile, he grins and hugs you, "a Championship and a wife what a day you two" you pull away from the hug looking over at your new fiancé, "yeah pretty spectacular" Daniel winks at you and you blush like every other time he makes the gesture. "Congrats again, i'll leave you two alone" Lando exclaims before leaving. "He gonna tell everyone" I say, the Australian shrugs and brings me into his arms again, "I don't care because I get to marry the girl that I love" you grin before resting your head on his chest. You sigh happily processing this wacky day that brought you the utmost joy, making you think about your future with the race car driver holding you in his arms, glad that you have someone that has your back through anything and everything. 

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