Younger - Mason Mount

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You and Jaz have been stuck to each other's sides since childhood. A sister like bond developing over the many years of friendship. Her brothers were always in the background but still a part of your life while growing up. Lewis being a true brother figure, with the endless teasing and protectiveness while Mason time and time again was quieter, but still basically family. You were never quite sure where Mason fit in your life, his childlike antics and behaviour both endearing and annoying. When you get a job that takes you out of the UK, time spent with Jaz and her family declines. Your own family having occasionally visited knowing that you would be working instead of enjoying their company much to their disappointment. Midway through your stint at the job, Jaz told you the news that Mason was loaned to the club in the town where you were working. You took the news happily, not having seen him in a few years and totally unaware that it would change everything in your awkward relationship with the youngest Mount sibling.


A couple of years pass, with that one year feeling like ages ago, especially since you never told Jaz about what went down. The first few family gatherings after Vitesse were nothing short of awkward between you and Mason, even more than before his loan. Eventually the past was forgotten, at least that's what you told yourself, and Mason got called up to the first team, his family overjoyed, his success skyrocketing in a matter of three years. In that time you had your own success, finding a good group of colleagues to push you to do your best work, leading to a promotion that you only ever dreamed of, bringing you back home after being away from family and friends for so long.

You find yourself getting up from your airplane seat, a sigh leaving your lips as you straighten the hoodie you're wearing. The soft material of the well worn piece of clothing providing you comfort, even though the memories tied to it make your heart hurt and head pound. Once you've thrown your carry on over your shoulder and follow the other passengers into the airport you text Jaz to tell her that you've landed. She proceeds to reply with the news that she can't pick you up and has sent someone to get you, the vagueness makes you furrow your brows before looking up from your phone to try and find your ride. You expect it to be Lewis or one of the parents, but your breath catches when you spot what looks like Mason in his favourite incognito baseball hat and sunglasses look, his hands in the pockets of his joggers. When he lifts a hand in greeting you know that you aren't hallucinating and you can't help but notice how much more grown up he looks since you last saw him in Holland. "That's where that hoodie went" is the first thing he says, you roll your eyes and shove him, "shut up Mase" he chuckles and swiftly grabs the bags out of your hands, "it always looked better on you Y/N" you blush but don't say anything, your focus on leaving the airport to get through the trip home with the midfielder that never fails to catch you off guard.


When Mason turns off the car in the driveway of your childhood home a smile comes to your face. "It's been awhile" Mason murmurs, you turn to him and nod, "yeah, too long maybe" you reply. He places a hand over yours making you frown, "Mase" he sighs at your tone but pulls his hand away, "I know, but we're both gonna be in London now and I'm not a kid anymore" you shake your head, "not now please" you murmur and get out of the car before he can reply. The walk up to the front door is quiet except for yours and Mason's footsteps. With a quick movement you open the door, feeling your shoulders relax instantly as you step inside the house. "WELCOME HOME!" you jump at the shouts, a huge smile appearing when you see your whole family, the Mount family and some of your closest friends with their arms thrown up in the air. "Wait is that Mason's hoodie?" you freeze at the question, your eyes flicking to the midfielder's in panic, he places a hand on the small of your back and smiles, "that'd be odd, plus mine is somewhere at home, she must've gotten an oversized one when I was still playing at Vitesse" he explains so you relax. Your mum is the first one to pull you into a hug, the hoodie forgotten as she tells you how much she missed you.

Later when you're in the kitchen pouring yourself another glass of wine Jaz walks into the room. "Another glass?" you ask her while looking up, she shakes her head so you nod, "I do want the real story behind that hoodie though" she replies making you suck in a breath and put the wine bottle down. "Well now you have to tell me Y/N, that reaction said it all" you let out a sigh and turn to Jaz, "it happened midway through the Vitesse season, me and Mason hung out often because he didn't know the language and I was someone familiar, we poured a few too many drinks one night of hanging out at my place" you start and feel your eyes grow blurry from the tears gathering, "we ended up sleeping together and I know it's stupid and cliché but I caught feelings leading up to that night" you finish, afraid to look up at her.

"Wow, that's quite the story" she says so you shrug and curl your fingers into the hoodie sleeves, you gasp when arms come around you, "you should've told me Y/N" Jaz mumbles into your shoulder. You sigh and tighten your arms around her, "I didn't want to make it weird between you and Mase" she laughs, "but it ended up being weird for you two instead" you close your eyes and slump into her even more, "that doesn't matter, it's always been weird between us" she pulls back and looks you up and down. "Why do you sound so surprised? He's had a crush on you since forever of course it'll be weird" you choke at her statement, "WHAT!" you yelp and immediately regret the volume of your voice, "shit you didn't know Y/N? I thought we all knew" you're about to respond but Lewis and Mason appear in the doorway before you can say anything.

"Everything alright?" Lewis asks with a raised eyebrow, "we heard you shout" Mason adds with concern evident on his face, everything starts to click into place when you see the footballer's expression. The confusion you had of where he fits in when you were younger finally disappearing as he tilts his head while watching you frozen in place in your childhood kitchen. You look up at him when you break out of your stunned trance, your feet moving before you can gather all of the thoughts in your head. Throwing your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug, at first he stiffens up but quickly winds his arms around you, "I'm sorry for pushing you away" you mumble, not hearing Jaz and Lewis leaving the room. "I've always cared about you Mase, at first like family but that year in Holland changed everything" you add and he pulls away slightly to take your hands, his thumbs rubbing at your skin soothingly. You slide one hand out of his to lift it up to his cheek, he proceeds to tilt his head further into your palm while looking at you with his dark eyes. "Haven't stopped thinking about you since then Y/N" he murmurs making your heart flutter while a smile comes to your face, "i've been pretending like I haven't missed you but it's all a lie, all I ever wanted is for you to be there to make me happy" he smiles and places a gentle hand on the small of your back to push you closer to him. "We're adults now Y/N, time to let go of the excuses that kept us apart for three years" you nod in agreement and Mason lowers his head to press a kiss to your lips. He's cautious at first but you pull him in further with a hand finding the back of his neck, the kiss becoming more heated as he locks you in place using his arm.

"Well its about time!" you pull away from Mason, who whines in disagreement, to see Lewis standing in the doorway with his mum, a knowing look on his face. "Shudup" you mumble making him laugh while Mason presses a kiss to the side of your head, your attention shifting back to the footballer, "he's not wrong Y/N, I've had a crush on you my whole life" you giggle, "Jaz told me earlier" he huffs in annoyance but you just pull him in for another kiss. "I've just realized how stupid I am because I've had a crush on you for forever as well" you mumble while pulling away slightly so that your noses are still touching. "It's a bit more now, but same idea" he chuckles and brushes a thumb against your cheek, "please don't disappear again" you shake your head and place a hand on his chest, "won't happen again" he smiles and kisses you once more before taking your hand to drag you back to your families, who are still chatting away in the other room, unaware of what has just happened between you and Mason, the boy who used to annoy you to no end that turned out to be your perfect match.

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