Heartbroken (1) - Pierre Gasly

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You curl your arms around the Frenchman laying next to you, trying to stop him from leaving the warmth of the bed. "Chérie" he starts but you shake your head while peering up at him, "nope" you reply making him chuckle. His fingers move soothingly along your back and he kisses your head, but a phone alarm going off ruins the moment. You loosen your hold around Pierre letting him leave the bed to get ready for another day at the track. Watching him get dressed makes you smile and sink further into the bed, "tu viendras après?" (You'll come later) he asks while coming closer, "oui bien sure" (yes of course) you reply with a smile. He proceeds to lean over to press his lips to yours for a few seconds, "bye" you nod and he takes his things before slipping out of the hotel room.

Once you finally drag yourself out of bed and get changed for the race you grab everything necessary before leaving the hotel room. You meet Charlotte in the lobby and the two of you head out to the car waiting to take you to the circuit. The whole ride is filled with chatter and laughter, with hopes of a dry race even with dark clouds overhead. When you get dropped off at the circuit entrance the smile on your face grows wider thinking about seeing Pierre race live after so many weekends watching from home.

You wave to Charlotte when you see Alpha Tauri up ahead, she smiles and turns to Ferrari. The small skip in your step as you approach the automatic doors makes you laugh at yourself as you weave through the hallways to get to Pierre's room. As you spot the room with its door open you bite your lip hearing voices as you get closer. "Should I tell her?" You hear, "you need to, she deserves to know what you did, even if you might lose her" another voice says. "Pyry I can't just walk up to her and say oh by the way I got drunk and kissed someone else" you gasp and bring a hand over your mouth, you don't realize how loud the noise was until you hear cursing and Pierre appears in front of you. He's partially dressed in his race suit, his eyes wide while he looks at you, guilt apparent in those blue eyes you love so much. "Y/N" he says while stepping forward slightly, "is it true?" you ask with a shaky voice, he lowers his head and it's all you need to see to know that it is. You let out a sob making the Frenchman look up as a tear rolls down your cheek, "I can't believe this" he moves a hand up but you step back with a shake of your head, "Chérie" he starts but you glare, "no, you don't get to call me that right now" he lowers his hand as more tears trickle down your face. "I'm sorry" he murmurs as your heart breaks even more, "I wish that was enough, I really do" you reply as you use your palms to wipe your cheeks. He doesn't say anything so you spin on your heel and leave the building, needing fresh air to somehow forget about your love life falling apart in a matter of seconds.


You have never left a country so damn fast, getting on the first flight that would take you home. The words you overheard playing on repeat in your mind the whole trip. As soon as the plane lands you practically run to get your suitcase and leave the airport. During the rush to leave you don't realize that most of your things are at Pierre's apartment since you basically live there. The realization makes you frown as you get into your waiting Uber, giving the driver the address you hope that you'll forget after the one last trip for your things.

Later you're standing at the kitchen counter in the Frenchman's apartment, your belongings at your feet as you hold your copy of the apartment key. With one final look around the space you blink away the tears that want to escape and put the key on the counter. The knot in your stomach increases its hold as you turn around and walk out of the place you once thought of as a safe haven, all the memories clouding your thoughts before the door shuts with a final click. After taking a deep breath you leave the building and pull out your phone to call your closest friend, needing her comfort after a crazy couple of hours that turned your life upside down. As soon as she drives up to the building you stuff your things into the car and throw yourself into the passenger seat. When she looks at you with a raised eyebrow the dam breaks, tears rolling down your cheeks. Her eyes widen and she brings you into a hug as you sob into her shoulder your hands gripping onto her shirt. She rubs your back trying to sooth you enough so that you can pull away and she can drive away from the airport. All you can think is that the further you get away from the building the more you feel like there's no going back from here. 

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