Drunk pt. 2 - Daniel Ricciardo

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You texted Daniel when you got back to your car. Giving him the update that he wanted before putting down the device and going back to the vacation house. You spent the next few days texting him, which was when you found out that he drives in Formula 1 and when you told him that you're a grade school teacher in Los Angeles. His immediate reaction was to invite you over to his place in the city of angels whenever he would be back there during the season break. He even went so far as to ask you to move in with him, claiming that a husband and wife should live under one roof. You hesitated immediately thinking of the small apartment you're renting just outside of the city, the way it has become your space to unwind and be alone, not quite sure if you're ready to let it go.


"I can't believe you convinced me to move into your mansion" you say to Daniel as you carry a box under your arm and hold your phone, which is FaceTiming the Aussie. "It was only a matter of time gorgeous, and I feel much better knowing that you're there" he explains with a smile, you nudge open the front door of the huge house, which he sent you the unlocking instructions for, and step inside where you already brought in the majority of your belongings.

"What you may think is beauty is actually a disgusting layer of sweat coating my body due to all this lifting" you tell him a matter of factly, he chuckles and sits up more against the headboard of whichever hotel he's staying in for the latest race weekend. He brings his phone closer to his face and squints slightly, "you're wrong, you look beautiful" he replies making you giggle as you drop the final box by your feet, "whatever you say" he nods and you walk further into the house to finally see the whole of it. "Woah" you murmur in awe as you stare out of the floor to ceiling windows at the spectacular backyard and view beyond it, "I said you would like it Y/N" you look at Daniel on your screen who is smiling proudly, "to be honest I loved my apartment, even though it was small" he nods, "I know, but now you have more room to lesson plan for those kids". You smile at the thought of the kids you're lucky enough to teach on a weekly basis, "yeah, that's true, this will definitely make the process a little more enjoyable" he chuckles which makes you smile as you take a seat on the large couch in the living room.


You hear the door unlocking from where you're lounging on the couch. The sound makes you sit up with a smile before standing up to walk over to the front door. When Daniel appears seconds later, with bags in hand you hold yourself back from jumping on him. "Y/N" he says with a grin on his face as he drops his things, "it's fucking weird to see you in person and not through a screen" you exclaim making him laugh. You smile and walk up to him, bringing your arms around his middle for the long awaited embrace, he reciprocates the hug and presses a kiss to your head while his hands rest on your lower back. "I missed you" you smile at his affectionate words while pulling away slightly to see his face, "missed you too Danny" he chuckles and lowers his lips to yours.

You squeal into the kiss when he picks you up in one effortless movement. He smiles before capturing your lips again while walking further into the house. Your hand moves up to his cheek as he carries you bridal style throughout the house you've taken a very big liking to. He pulls away after a few seconds making you realize that you're in what must be the main bedroom. "Wait is this your room? I've been sleeping in the other bedroom this whole time" you say in confusion. Daniel drops you onto the king sized bed with a smile, "well we've gotta change that beautiful" he replies making you giggle while looking up at his dark yet caring eyes. "I like the sound of that" you reply just as he lowers himself onto you to reconnect your lips.


You leave your classroom after sorting everything from the long day you had. The first thing you notice when walking out of the school building is the slight crowd in the parking lot. As you get closer to your car you see glimpses of a sleek McLaren through the people. Your heart flutters only knowing one person who drives a car like that, but you must be hallucinating since the Aussie is supposed to be in Monaco right now to prepare for his race this weekend. The laugh you've grown used to rings out making you come to a stop before approaching the small crowd blocking you from seeing beyond them.

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