Only Want You - Mason Mount

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You can't say that you're proud of the way you and Mason ended your relationship, it was filled with a lot of yelling and hurt feelings on both sides. Now - a couple of months later - you're in the grandstand at Stamford Bridge because Ben wanted you there for the very important game versus Man City, the one that could mean winning the Champions League. While you and Mason stopped communications completely, you and Ben remained good friends, his shoulder being the one you cried on when everything fell apart. Ben's other half is sitting next to you, and for that you're thankful, it being the first time since the breakup that you've come to a match and it brings up all the of the emotions you wanted to keep suppressed. "Here for you Y/N" she murmurs while squeezing your hand, you smile over at her, "thank you" is your quiet reply as the Chelsea supporters break into a chant around the two of you.


The rain started at the beginning of the match and doesn't stop as you curl into your friend, regretting not bringing any kind of jumper as the cold rain drenches you from head to toe. Your focus stays on the Chelsea boys as they battle with the reigning champions of the league, your heart jumping whenever the football gets close to the goal. You can tell Ben's girlfriend is going through the same thing because she squeezes your hand at those same anxious moments. When halftime comes around you're able to take a breath, slumping into your seat before you tie your hair back into a bun to keep it off your damp skin. "These men will be the end of me" you laugh at your friend's statement, "welcome to the Prem League" she sighs and looks at you, "how'd you do it for so long?" at first you tense up at the question but then relax, "friends and family, and finding distractions to forget about the hard times". She pulls your hand into hers, "sorry, didn't mean to bring it up" you shake your head and smile, "it's okay, you were just asking a question" she nods then rests her head on your shoulder while looking out at the pitch. "Why'd it have to rain?" You mumble making her laugh out loud, "this is the UK" is her reply, you huff and the tense moment seconds earlier is forgotten.

When a bad call is made later in the second half you jump out of your seat. Shouting towards the pitch with the other spectators, you spot Mason doing the same thing and you know he has that familiar look of frustration on his face. You shake your head at the thought before sitting back down with a huff. "Terrible call" you mumble while crossing your arms, not aware of the knowing look on your friend's face. "Hey Y/N?" she asks making you turn, but before she can say anything the crowd roars making the two of you look at the pitch. The Chelsea boys hugging each other while Ben has his arms up towards the spectators, "did he just?" the woman next to you squeals and brings you into a hug while jumping as the goal is replayed on the big screen. You feel excitement growing in your body as play resumes for the last portion of the match.


When the final whistle is blown it's like an out of body experience. The crowd sounds muffling while Ben's girlfriend throws her arms around you, your gaze going to the footballers on the pitch who are celebrating the huge win. You feel tears gathering in your eyes when you find Mason amongst his teammates, a huge grin on his face, making you remember how he dreamed of someday winning this trophy with Chelsea. You had hoped to be by his side when he did, not watching as if you're strangers. "You alright Y/N?" you turn to your friend and smile, "yeah, this is just such a big moment" she kisses your cheek dramatically making you laugh, "they deserve it, always have" you nod in agreement and peer back to the pitch to watch the trophy ceremony.

"Ben said we can come down now" your friend mumbles a few seconds after the trophy is presented, you nod and let her drag you down to where family and friends can enter the pitch. As you step onto the grass she immediately abandons you to run over to Ben, you watch them embrace lovingly and can't help but feel a tug at your heart at the scene. When you turn away from the couple you freeze because you notice Mason watching you from where he's standing with his family. The tears you were holding in earlier seem to resurface in a split second, the distance between you two stretching on for miles even though it's only a few feet.

He says something to his family before stepping away, his brown eyes locking on yours again as he starts to close the distance. Your bottom lip trembles and the past doesn't seem to matter anymore so you break into a run towards Mason. The midfielder stumbles slightly as you wind yourself around him, burying your tear streaked face into the crook of his neck. "I'm so so so so proud of you Mase" you mumble, he tightens his hold on you, "I'm so sorry for everything Y/N" he replies quietly into your ear, "no I'm sorry, You're the love of my life Mase and stupid things were said when we were angry" you blubber out while lifting your head. His brows furrow in concern so he lifts a hand to gently wipe away your tears, "I love you darling, only ever wanted you" he murmurs before lowering his head to brush his lips against yours hesitantly. You tighten your grasp on Mason to encourage him, his composure going away as he presses a firm kiss to your lips, your eyes flutter shut and a calmness flows through your body, feeling like you've finally come back home.

After a couple of seconds you pull away and smile, "so Champions League winner huh?" you say, the midfielder grins as he drops you to your feet again, "has a certain ring to it doesn't it" he replies proudly. "Always knew you could do it" he chuckles, "wish you were with me through the whole season though" you slide your hand into his, "this is the first of many, I plan on being there for the rest of them, if you'll have me of course" Mason nods and quickly presses another kiss to your lips in response. You shiver when a cold breeze passes by making the midfielder pull away, "shit baby, you're shivering" you smile sheepishly at him, "didn't think to bring a jumper, plus it's been raining all match" he frowns then cups his hands around yours to bring them up so that he can blow some hot air against your skin. Your heart warms at the caring gesture watching him peer up briefly as he rubs his warm hands against your cold ones. "Better?" You shrug, "I'm still gonna have a cold tomorrow" he sighs but you smile, "go celebrate with the lads, don't worry about me" he scoffs, "I'll always worry about you" you shove Mason gently towards his teammates, "my number hasn't changed so you can check on me tomorrow alright" he pouts but doesn't object. "It's only you for me too Mase" he smiles and you press a kiss to his cheek before pushing him towards his teammates once more.

Once he's out of sight you shake your head in disbelief. "Well what an interesting turn of events" you jump at Ben's other half's voice. "Don't do that" she shrugs, "not my fault you were in your own private little love bubble" you blush at her statement and she links arms with you. "Everything from our past just went away once I saw him" she squeezes your arm while the two of you leave the pitch, "seeing the person you love succeed changes everything" you nod  in agreement, "I always hoped that we would find each other again, maybe not in such a public setting though" she laughs and you smile, "he's your person, plain as that" you nod, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders after so many months of questioning if you and Mason would ever be okay again. "Can't wait for all of the double dates" you laugh and lean into her while continuing towards the tube station that'll take you two home, with grins in your faces and good thoughts in your heads.

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