Christmas Party - Pierre Gasly

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Charlotte invited you to hers and Charles' Christmas party, and you couldn't help but accept since you knew that you wouldn't be able to see your family this year. It gave you a source of excitement to be able to celebrate with the family you made while in Monaco. Whenever you aren't at work you're searching for the perfect party dress that screams Christmas, eventually finding something that you are able to customize to the right level of cheer with a few strands of tinsel.


The night of the party your immaculately curled hair bounces against your back as you rush up the stairs to Charlotte and Charles' flat. Once the door opens because of your knock you're pulled into a tight hug, "you made it Y/N!" Charlotte squeals making you laugh, "I did, i've been looking forward to this" you reply as she pulls back. "Well lets get in there and show of your magnifique dress" you smile and let her drag you further into the main living area, where people are already laughing and drinking. The decorations glitter in the low lighting as the two of you move around your friends to get to the table that has been set up with drinks and snacks. "How is he holding up?" you ask thinking about Charles' racing, "he's frustrated but hopeful" she replies and looks over to where her boyfriend is talking to some of his friends, "I'm sure it'll work out" she looks at you while smiling, "yeah I know" you squeeze her arm reassuringly then grab a drink.

"No pouting tonight, just thoughts of Christmas and everything that comes with it" she laughs at your happiness when it comes to the holidays, you giggle and sip your drink. Seconds later you nearly choke when arms come around you in a hug, "Y/N!" Charles says loudly into your ear making you cringe, "nice to see you Char" you reply making him grin then kiss your cheek, a giggle leaves your lips at the gesture. Charlotte rolls her eyes then reels in her boyfriend, quietly saying something to him before looking at you, "we'll leave you to enjoy" she explains so you nod.

When you turn around to face the crowded flat your eyes land on a pair of blue ones watching you. A blush comes to your cheeks at Pierre's intense gaze, always having had a soft spot for the Frenchman ever since Charles introduced you to him. You look down then swirl your drink, hoping that the fluttering in your stomach subsides if you avoid eye contact with Pierre. "Y/N can you come here for a sec?" the question from Charlotte makes you look up, finding her in the doorway leading into the small kitchen. With a smile you put down your drink before walking over, unaware that Charles is texting Pierre at the same time. "Help me bring these out" your friends says while gesturing to the plates of small treats, you nod then take one before turning to go back into the main living space. As you pass through the door you nearly bump into Pierre, "whoops" he exclaims then places a hand on your hip, "sorry" you mumble and attempt to ignore the way your skin tingles where his hand sits, "how'd they manage to get us to do all the work?" you laugh and he chuckles, "we're clearly too nice" he shrugs and finally lets go of your hip, "they owe us now" you nod and fully pass through the door to drop off the treats. Neither of you noticing what was attached above the doorway like Charlotte and Charles hoped you would, the two of them frowning as they watch from across the room.

As you go back to the kitchen you stop a few times to say hi to some friends. Pierre's gaze following you for a couple of seconds before noticing the stems hanging above the door where you and him bumped into one another earlier. You're too focused on the conversation you're having to notice the Frenchman's change of demeanour. When your phone vibrates you excuse yourself to check the notification, lifting your eyebrow curiously at Pierre's message, come help me with something in the kitchen?. You send a quick ok before weaving through the people to get to the kitchen.

Once in the small space, there's no sign of Pierre so you furrow your brows, "over here chérie" you spin towards the voice to see the Frenchman leaning against the doorway. "What did you-" you start but trail off when your eyes move above his head for a second before looking at him with a blush covering your cheeks. He walks over to gently take your hand, "I have a feeling they planned this" he says while tugging you under the doorway where the mistletoe hangs, "they're so sneaky" you mumble making him laugh and pull you flush to his body. As Pierre's hand moves to your lower back your stomach flutters, his gaze locked on yours, "kiss her already!" Someone shouts making you jump slightly, but before you can turn your head the Frenchman brings his free hand up to guide your face towards his. When his lips find yours you melt into his arms, your eyes shutting while the fluttering in your belly goes crazy. Cheers ring out but all your focus is on Pierre and how you love being in his embrace after so many shy stares and missed opportunities.

Eventually he pulls away, a huge smile coming to his face while you catch your breath. "I've wanted to do that so many times chérie" he murmurs then brushes some hair behind your ear, you impulsively pull him in for another kiss, getting a laugh out of the frenchman. After the quick kiss you blush then hide your face against Pierre's chest, "i've only ever wanted to kiss you" you mumble then smile when he kisses your head. "Joyeux Noël Y/N" he says quietly, "Joyeux Noël Pierre" you reply while finally enjoying his warm embrace.

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