Nightmares - Mason Mount

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You wake up with a gasp, fully sweating while your hands shake as they hold the covers. Tears come to your eyes when you remember why you're in the state you are. The empty space next to you in bed makes you sob, wishing that Mason didn't need to be away in another country. You rub at your eyes and slide out of bed, changing into another set of pjs before shuffling through the house to get to the kitchen. Once you've taken out a mug and turned on the kettle to make some tea you sit on the barstool by the counter, resting your head on the cold surface. In your distressed state you don't hear the front door opening or closing, focusing on taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.

"Damn you ruined my surprise" you jump at the voice, quickly lifting your head, your boyfriends smile drops when he sees your face. He drops his bags before rushing over to cradle your face in his hands, "nightmares?" he asks quietly, your face scrunches up as you feel the tears resurfacing, you nod in response scared that if you say anything the floodgates will open. His hands go down to yours, lifting them to kiss your knuckles softly, "we're going to figure this out baby" you sniffle and shrug. He slides his fingers out of yours to easily lift you into his arms, you wrap your legs around his waist and rest your head on his shoulder as he starts to hum your favourite song while swaying around the kitchen.

The simple action makes you tighten your arms around him and smile, "i can feel you smiling" he murmurs while squeezing your legs gently, "you always know how to make everything alright Mase" you reply and press a kiss to his shoulder. The footballer snorts but you lift your head to look at him, "it's true, I never have those stupid nightmares when you're around so my mood is ten million times better, and when I do have one you seem to know the perfect remedy every time" he smiles at your explanation and proceeds to set you down on the kitchen counter, your legs dropping from around his waist as he brushes your hair back. "I love you so making you feel happy is what I strive for always, even if I can't be here all the time" you smile up at him and he drops a sweet kiss to your lips, "I don't ever want you to be sad or scared or angry" you lift your hand to brush a thumb along his jaw, "I love you Mase, thank you for simply being you" he takes your hand and kisses your palm, "always beautiful" he murmurs. You let out a loud yawn making him laugh, you rub your tired eyes so he lifts you off the counter again, "lets get you to bed" you nod and he walks out of the kitchen, shutting off the light before going down the hall towards the bedroom.


A couple of nights later, Mason is away for a match and you're once again hit with a nightmare. Leaving you in tears while sitting up against the headboard, head in hands while you try to calm down. When you're shaking less and breathing normally you grab your phone, quickly finding Mason's contact and tapping the call button. "Baby are you alright? Are you hurt? I'll leave now!" he rambles when answering the call, you sigh, "another nightmare Mase" you mumble while fidgeting with the top covers, he sighs too, "same as the others?" you frown, "yeah" he doesn't say anything but you hear some shuffling in the background. "I'm on my way Y/N" you shake your head vigorously, "no you don't-" he cuts off your words, "I'm coming baby, stay put" you sigh, "but you need to be there with Chelsea, I feel so pathetic when I have to call you like this and you drop team stuff for me", "you are not pathetic Y/N, you're just having a tough time and if me being there makes it better I will do whatever I can to get to you" he explains. "Tuchel hates me doesn't he?" Mason snorts, "on the contrary my love, he thinks that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me" you smile shyly at his statement and hear a car door shut on his end, "I'm leaving now so i'll see you in a bit" after a quick goodbye he hangs up, leaving you grinning while sitting in your dark bedroom.

Fingers brushing down your back wakes you from a slumber you didn't realize you fell into. A sleepy smile appears on your face when you see Mason sitting on the bed next to you. "Didn't mean to wake you" he says while taking his hand away from your body, "itsokay" you slur and he leans over to kiss your head, your hand latching onto his Chelsea track jacket at the same time, "not going anywhere Y/N" he says in response to the action. You relax while he takes your hand to kiss it before putting it down on the bed next your body, "be right back" you nod and close your eyes, letting yourself go to sleep again once the bed dips and Mason winds his arms around your waist to bring you to his chest.


"Hey Y/N?" you look up from your phone, "what's up Mase?" he bites his lip and gently massages your foot which is resting in his lap. The odd behaviour makes you sit up slightly and put your phone on the side table, "okay now I'm worried" he releases the lip before pulling you closer by your leg, "I've noticed that your nightmares only happen when I'm gone" he starts while looking into your eyes. You don't expect him to talk about the nightmares so you're surprised but relax as his hands find your lower back. "D'you think it's because your mum left?" you tense up at the mention at the woman who up and left you and your dad without an explanation, "why would she have anything to do with it?" Mason quickly pulls you closer and cradles your face, "maybe subconsciously you're you scared that I'll never come back" it takes a few seconds but it all starts to click together in your mind. The fear of getting left behind present in the background, not only with Mason but other relationships you've had throughout your life.

"Oh my gosh..." you whisper before looking into the footballers warm brown eyes, he looks nervous but you just smile and throw your arms around his neck as you climb onto his lap. He tenses up at the sudden gesture but quickly embraces you tightly, "you know me better than myself" he chuckles and pulls back to look at you, "I need you to know that I'll always come back Y/N, no matter what" you feel tears gathering at the corners of your eyes as you smile, "I know Mase, I think that's why my dad likes you so much, because you're there for me" he swipes away a stray tear that escapes your eye. He shifts his hand to the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss, the weight of the constant nightmares somewhat lifting off of your shoulders now that you know the cause. "We're gonna figure this out together, if you want therapy I'll go with you, if you need something else to get past it I'll be there" Mason explains when pulling away a few seconds later, "I'm not sure yet" you reply while smiling down at the man you love with all of your heart, "okay" you nod and kiss his cheek, "I love you" he smiles and kisses your cheek, "I love you" . The two of you spend the remainder of his day off relaxing and being with each other after the major breakthrough that will make for a happier and more restful future.

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