Forget Me Not 1 - Charles Leclerc

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When you and your friends arrived at the Casino in Monaco earlier you felt on top of the world. They made sure to support you during this time of heartbreak but even with their constant compliments and mentions of not needing him you slowly began to feel out of place and out of your element. While your friends were busy having a good time you manage to sneak away and leave the casino.

The minute you stepped out of the luxurious space and into some fresh air you felt better so you take out your phone to find the nearest place to get food that doesn't ooze pretentious upper class. Once you settle on something you slip off your heels, sighing in relief before starting the walk to get some much needed food. Anyone would think that you're stupid for walking around an unfamiliar city alone at such a late hour but in your tired state the only focus is the way your stomach grumbles. You keep checking your phone to make sure that you're going in the right direction, the street lamps illuminating the way while also reflecting off of your metallic green dress.

As you arrive to your destination you send a quick text to your friends to let them know where you are, pinning your location for extra security. You walk into the shop and smile as your tensed up shoulders drop for the first time that evening. When you walk up to order your food you don't notice the man sitting alone also wearing black tie attire. Once you've paid and gotten your order you turn around to find a spot to sit, pausing when you see him. The stranger looks at you and it renders you speechless for a second or two. He smiles your way making you swear internally. When he tilts his head in a silent invite you try not to seem too eager while walking over to his booth.

"It looks like I'm not the only one running away from an event" you say once you sit down. The man laughs so you smile, "I think that there should be no events longer than an hour" he replies. You don't expect the accent in his voice but it makes you lean forward a bit more, "that should become a new law" he smiles in response and you start to eat the food you've been craving all night. "I'm Charles" you blush slightly while looking at his outstretched hand, quickly wiping yours on a napkin before sliding it into his, "I'm Y/N, it's lovely to meet you".

The simple introduction kickstarts the conversation that seems to never end even when you two step out into the night. "Let me walk you back Y/N" Charles insists while catching your hand to stop you from leaving his side. "I don't want to be a bother" you say so he squeezes your hand in response, "I'm not going to let you walk anywhere alone" you shrug, "I did that to get here and I'm fine". His eyes widen in surprise at your admission. "I know Monaco is small but it's still dangerous for beautiful women to walk alone at night" the nervous flutter in your belly reminds you why you're in this city and who you're trying to forget so you slip your hand out of Charles'. He frowns at the sudden loss of contact, "thank you for keeping me company but I should really go" you say then turn on your heel to head back to the Airbnb you're staying at with your friends.

"I'm sorry for whatever I said or did" he exclaims making you stop in your tracks, with a sigh you turn back towards Charles, "my ex dumped me last week, this spontaneous trip is meant to be girls only with no men involved and you've been so nice but I'm not ready to commit to anything" you explain. His expression becomes one of understanding as you two stand there in the middle of the sidewalk. Your heart unknowingly begins to heal while his beats faster with anticipation. "He's really stupid then" you smile at the statement, "yeah I know, my friends won't let me forget it" he chuckles and for some reason you have a change of heart. "Charles is the offer to walk me back still on the table?" he smiles then nods while walking to your side, "lead the way Y/N" you slide your hand into his again before tugging him in the direction of your Airbnb.

Once at the front door of your rental apartment you spin to face Charles. He smiles down at you then squeezes your hand. "Thank you for keeping me company tonight" you say, he brings your hand up to kiss it, "thank you for listening to me" he replies while lifting his head. "If it were any other time I'd be yours in a heartbeat" you explain quietly then move a hand up to brush a thumb against his cheek. "I think you should definitely forget your ex but don't forget me wherever you are after this" you nod then go on your toes to kiss his cheek, "I'll do just that" you whisper while pulling away from the kind man who made your night one to remember.

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