Oh Baby - Charles Leclerc

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Tears flow down your cheeks, you have a duffle in your hand and Charles is looking at you with disbelief written on his face. "Is there anything I can do to change your mind mon amour?" he manages to ask but the endearing name only makes leaving harder. You shake your head in response then tighten the hold on your bag of belongings. "This isn't going to work" the Monégasque steps forward to console you but your reaction is to step away from him. It damn near shatters you when his expression falls at your unusual and cold response to his near touch. Before he can say anything more you leave the flat in a hurry. Your mind floods with guilt but deep down this is something that needs to happen for both of your sakes and for the secret you're keeping.


It takes a couple of years but the guilt you felt when you broke it off with Charles is basically non-existent. The toddler that took over your life is to thank for that. His constant happiness and smiles are a blessing while also reminding you of the man you loved and might still love after years apart. Your heart is put to the test when your younger sister begs you to attend an event that has ties to Formula 1.

The moment you get to the event your son Anthoine tries to wiggle out of your arms. His eyes light up and the small dimple appears in his cheek when he smiles at the excitement surrounding you two. "Y/N! Tonio! You're here!" you spin around at the sound of your sister's voice. She jogs over with a smile on her face, "don't pretend like you didn't beg me to be here" she rolls her eyes then focuses on her nephew. "Let's go have some fun before your mummy changes her mind" she says to him, he nods enthusiastically then holds out his arms towards her. You shake your head but let her take the little boy into her arms. "Be good for your aunt Antoine" he nods and you can't help but melt at his smile, "go socialize Y/N, you deserve it" your sister adds before turning around to go find some games with the toddler.

A while later you're laughing about your children with some parents when your sister tugs you away. The panicked expression on her face makes your heart jump with worry. "What's wrong? Is it Tonio?" you ask and grab her hand tightly, she shakes her head and it lessens your worry, but only slightly. "Charles is here" your breath catches at the mention of the Monégasque, "I had no idea teams would send drivers to this, why would they it's geared toward kids" your sister rambles. You move your gaze to the kids playing a few feet away to search for your toddler, "it's fine, there's no way he'll notice..right?" she shrugs so you take a deep breath to stay calm about the situation.

"As long as the attention is minimal we'll be fi-" "MUMMY!" you're cut off by your son, who is practically a spitting image of his father except for the dark eyes he got from you. The feel of everyone's eyes on you has a nervous flutter growing in your belly, but the small arms that come around your legs distracts you from the attention you want to avoid. "Can we go to more of these?" he asks as he peers up at you, with a quick movement you lift Tonio into your arms, "only if your aunt allows it" you reply and smile at the toddler. He whips his head toward your sister and puts on his best and most adorable smile. She laughs then pokes his nose, "you're always welcome at F1 events" he claps his hands happily and you brush his brunette locks away from his face.

"Y/N?" the familiar voice that says your name makes you tense up and instinctively hold Anthoine tighter. You look at your sister hoping that you've hallucinated the voice but her wide eyes tell you otherwise. "Who is he?" your son asks quietly because he can see Charles over your shoulder. You turn to the man you didn't think you'd see again, "he's an old friend" you reply and look up at the Ferrari driver. The toddler hides his face in your neck when he notices that the Monégasque's attention is solely on him. "You look great" you shrug at Charles' comment, "you're not looking too bad either" he copies your gesture which makes you smile. "Are you here recruiting the next generation of drivers?" he laughs then shakes his head, "I wanted to be here, I enjoy seeing the kids play, which you already know" you shift your son slightly bringing the focus back to his shy behaviour.

"Now who's this? I don't think we've met?" He asks while touching the toddler's arm softly. The questions make him lift his head slightly, your belly flips because you know this is the moment everything will change. "This is my son Anthoine, Tonio for short" you explain and watch Charles process the relation then the name that means so much to both of you. "Tonio" he mumbles with a faraway look in his eyes and a small smile on his face, "it was the name we wanted to use for our son" you say and hope that he understands what you're implying.

The Monégasque looks down at the boy in your arms for a few seconds before a look of realization appears on his face. He snaps his head up to look into your eyes, "Y/N is he..." you nod quickly then look down at Anthoine who is watching Charles curiously. "This is why you left" he mumbles so you lift your gaze, "I was scared and I didn't want to be a burden" you explain. He shakes his head then furrows his brows, "you could never be a burden Y/N, especially not to me" you sigh quietly before talking, "the media are vultures Char imagine what they would've said about me", "I would have protected you and Anthoine to the ends of the earth if you'd let me, and I still would right now" he exclaims passionately.

"Mummy 'm sleepy" you look down at the toddler when he speaks softly, "it's about time with all of that running" you joke which makes him smile and reveal the dimple in his cheek. "Let me be there for you two Y/N" Charles pleads then steps closer. "Only if you're patient, he doesn't know you so time is what will change that" you explain to the Monégasque. He nods immediately, "okay we'll take this slow" you feel a weight lift off your shoulders at his happiness and acceptance of why you left him all of those years ago. "Thank you Char now I have to get this one to bed, text me when you're available and we can meet up" he smiles in response then surprises you when he drops a kiss to yours and Anthoine's head, "a bientôt (see you soon)" he murmurs so you smile then turn away. A feeling of joy and hope fills you while walking back toward the car so that you can get your son to bed after a truly eye opening day.

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