Here For You - Pierre Gasly

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The sobs wrack through your body as you sit against the wall, where you believed no one would find you in the Alpha Tauri hospitality building. You hold your hand over your mouth to muffle the sounds you're making, your cheeks drenched with tears and your knees close to your chest. You don't hear the footsteps due to your mind being all over the place with the horrible scenario you've got yourself into. "Y/N" your head snaps up at the voice, Pierre is frowning down at you, you attempt to dry your face with the sleeves of your team jacket. "Are you okay?" he asks while crouching down to your level, you clear your throat and give him a nod not wanting to burden him with your problems. "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" you feel your sight blurring again at the caring tone of his voice, "I know" he places a hand on your knee his thumb rubbing it soothingly.

You suddenly lurch towards the Frenchman catching him by surprise when you pull him into a hug, he relaxes and rubs your back which makes you tear up again and bury your face into his neck. Pierre moves to press his lips to your temple as you clutch onto the fabric of his sweater, "it's going to be okay Y/N" he murmurs and holds you until your tears start to subside. At that point you feel so thankful that Pierre is your friend, knowing that you would never let anyone else at Alpha Tauri comfort you in the same way he is. A phone ringing makes the frenchman loosen an arm from around you, he talks into the device so you look up slightly, his hand is still rubbing your back but he's looking away from you. When his eyes meet yours again he moves his hand from your back to gently dry your tears with the pad of his thumb, he hangs up the call minutes later and puts his phone away. "I have to go, but if you need to talk at any point call me" you nod and he kisses your head before standing up and jogging back towards the exit of hospitality.


You make it through the rest of the day at the track but a few times during your drive back to the hotel you nearly lose your composure. As soon as you thank the driver and step out of the vehicle everything hits you at once, you practically run to your room while trying to hide your tear streaked face from other hotel guests. In your room you drop your things by the door and take a running start before flopping onto the double bed tears rolling down your face for the second time that day. As you lay on the bed you can't help but think about how you're going to deal with your unexpected problem. All of the doubts and concerns only make you sob louder burying your face into one of the pillows.

A loud knock on your door makes you jump slightly and gasp. You somehow fall silent as you wonder who it could be. "Y/N it's just me" the familiar voice says through the door, your bottom lip trembles at the sound of Pierre. You quickly slide off the bed and shuffle over to the door. When you swing it open the concern on the Frenchman's face makes you break down again. His eyes widen and he pulls you into his arms before walking into the room while holding you tightly. You clutch onto the fabric of his shirt to ground yourself slightly, "shhh I've got you chérie" he murmurs before resting his chin on your head his fingers going through your hair. "Let's go lay down, you'll feel better" you nod into Pierre's chest and he swiftly lifts you into his arms before carrying you over to the bed. He goes to pull away but you keep your hand in his shirt, "stay" he smiles down at you, "I'm just taking off my shoes Y/N" you let go of his shirt and watch him kick off his shoes before he comes back over.

He kisses your head and slides onto the bed next to you, he rests on his elbow his fingers brushing your hair out of your face, "want to tell me what happened?" your gaze moves to his chest where you bring a finger up to move along the soft fabric. "It will most likely make you feel better" he adds, your face scrunches up as you feel more tears coming, "I don't think it will" you say quietly. He doesn't say anything, which you're thankful for, but you know that he's probably worried about you as he moves a hand to yours gently squeezing it before kissing your knuckles. "I'm pregnant" you suddenly blurt out making him tense up significantly, "what?" he asks, "I guess something went wrong, and I found out a few days ago, but he didn't want to deal with a kid so he ended it" you explain not able to look into Pierre's blue eyes. "What do you need me to do?" he asks making you look up in surprise, "you want to help me? But you're not the father?" you reply, he smiles, "I'll be damned if that kid doesn't have some kind of father figure in it's life" you feel your eyes start to water and you pull him into a tight hug as different kinds of tears roll down your cheeks, "I can't begin to explain how happy I am that you're my friend Pierre" you murmur into his shoulder, "I'll always be here for you, and now for that child too" you smile as he kisses your head, his arms keeping you close. Your thoughts shifting to a more positive mindset as you relax into your best friend's arms feeling like you can breath again after such a hectic day of negatives.

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