Break My Heart - Charles Leclerc

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You walk into a semi crowded bar with a friend, pleasantly buzzed after some pre-drinks at your apartment. You're giggling as she tugs you towards the bartender. "No more for me" you say as she leans on the countertop to catch the woman's attention, "okie dokie babe" she replies with a understanding smile. As you wait for her to get her drink your eyes wander and land on the empty barstool a few feet away. "I'm going to sit" you tell your friend, she nods and you quickly walk over to snatch up the seat. When you place a hand on the stool another one does the same, ending up on yours. You jump at the contact and look up, "désolé" the man with the pretty eyes says before pulling his hand away, "it's okay" you breath out, his gaze doing something unusual to you as the two of you stand there in your own private bubble.

Someone bumps into you, which makes you stumble, resulting in the man stepping closer to steady you by placing his hands on your arms. You clear your throat to mask how embarrassed you feel, "you should sit" he tells you and moves you onto the stool in one easy movement. "I swear I'm not that drunk" you say which makes him laugh, "I believe you, but being as small as you are in this place would mean many unplanned stumbles, even if sober" you giggle and nod, "very true". As you fall into a silence you realize that his one hand is still on your arm, his finger stroking your skin soothingly, you look down at the contact point which draws his attention there as well. "Oh I'm sorry" he says and takes his hand away sheepishly, "no need to apologize..." you trail off while looking up at him not knowing his name, "ah, I'm Charles" you smile at the hand he's holding out towards you, "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you" he smiles too as you slip your hand into his to shake.

You don't realize how long you're shaking his hand until you hear your friend talking, "come on Y/N!" you look over your shoulder breaking the moment between you two. Her mouth goes into an 'O' when she notices what you're in the middle of, "just a sec" you reply and she nods while sending a wink your way. Charles laughs which makes you turn back to him, "sorry about her" he shrugs and let's go of your hand, making you miss the contact immediately. "I'll forgive you only if I can get your phone number" he says which makes you blush, you bite your lip while looking into his deceivingly kind eyes. He slides out his phone and tilts it towards you while lifting an eyebrow, you bite the bullet and take the device from him, quickly typing in your information before giving it back. "Don't make me regret it Charles" you say as your friend takes your hand to drag you away, he winks and you laugh before turning away completely.


It doesn't hit you how much you like Charles until he texts you a few days later. You receive the text when you're on the way into work. I know it's been a few days, but I had a really great night with you however short it was. His unexpected message makes you smile for the rest of the day as you complete ongoing tasks for work. I did too :), is all you reply with when you have a moment to take a break. By the time you get back to your apartment you're exhausted and all you want is to eat dinner and sleep, but your friend has other plans when she sees you walk into the living room.

She rushes to you and latches onto your arms tugging you abruptly to the couch, you squeak in surprise as pushes you to sit down. "Did he text you?" she asks, like she's been doing every day since we went out. You bite your lip to hide the ginormous smile that wants to come to your face. "Shit he must've, look at that expression" she adds which makes you shrug, she hits your arm making you yelp, "okay he did" you say. After a few seconds of her staring at me expectantly she huffs, "sooo what did he say?" you look down at your fingers shyly, "that he had a good night with me" she bounces excitedly making you look up, "how did you reply?" You shrug, "I said that I did too". Her hands come to yours, "anything else from him?" you blink realizing that you haven't checked, "no idea" she laughs, "well whatcha waiting for Y/N?" you scramble to grab your phone and swiftly unlock it before going to the messaging app. The little 1 attaches to the app make the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. Which you don't know is a sign of things to come with Charles.

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