Lost in Translation (2) - Pierre Gasly

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"I should go get ready but enjoy the race" you nod at your best friend before you turn to leave with your boyfriend. Your breath catching when you spot Pierre and see that he's watching you...

"You okay babe?" You look up at your boyfriend with a smile, "I'm perfect" you reply not letting the nagging feelings get to you. He smiles and presses a kiss to your lips, you hum a hand resting on his chest. After a few second you pull away while opening your eyes, "while that was great I think we should go find some seats to watch this thing" you murmur making the blonde chuckle and take your hand again. As the two of you walk you can't help but notice that Pierre's gaze is still on you, the intensity making a shiver run down your spine but you shake it off and look away wanting to enjoy this race without any drama.

After the race you take your boyfriend back down to the paddocks to say bye to Charles. Before you can get to Alfa Romeo you stop when you hear your name being called. You spin to the voice to see Pierre and a dark haired girl, who must be his girlfriend. "Y/N i've heard so much about you" the girl exclaims with a smile before pulling you into a hug, you're shocked at first but return the gesture before pulling away, "Pierre has told us about you too, it's great to finally meet you" you say even though he hasn't told you about her at all, "hopefully all good things" you nod, "oh definitely" she grins while looking up at the Toro Rosso driver. "This is my boyfriend, Charles has met him but you guys haven't" you add while curling a hand around the blonde's arm, he makes some conversation with Pierre and his girlfriend before you part ways to continue to Alfa's paddock. 

You can't help feeling like you're at a crossroads with Pierre after the race weekend, having somehow gotten caught in a game that might never have a winner, the two of you dancing around what hasn't been said. Everyone notices the toll it's taking except you and Pierre, Charles and his newest girlfriend Charlotte try to bring it all to light but it's easier said than done when your lives are in two different countries. When you break up with your boyfriend just before you have a break from school, a weight seems to be lifted from your shoulders and you can breathe again realizing that something was missing in the relationship that you let go on for so long. Charlotte is the one that stays by your side through the aftermath and Charles checks in from wherever he is in the world. The care shown makes you feel lucky to have the support, but not having Pierre check in hits you harder than the actual break up. 

When you tell Charles he decides to fly you out to the next race with Charlotte. The change of scenery feels necessary when you get off the private jet, your mind clearing for the first time in awhile. Charlotte keeps her hand locked with yours the whole way to where you'll be staying for the weekend. She keeps you distracted with movies, art and the latest stories she has about Charles. You didn't know how much you needed the girl time until that weekend, you feel the tension leaving your body as you laugh along with her during a chick flick the night before the race. Not worrying about anything outside of that moment.


The next morning you hear about Anthoine's accident, your mind immediately goes to Pierre, your heart breaking knowing that they were best friends. When you get to the track later you feel the somber air, your emotions all over the place wondering if you'll be able to keep it together during the race. Charlotte keeps hold of your hand the whole time, which grounds you enough to hold the tears back for the race. When everyone crosses the finish line you immediately stand up going to the paddocks, your mind set on seeing the French Toro Rosso driver to make sure that he's doing okay. 

When you find Pierre at the paddock, and see the expression on his face while he talks to a journalist you bring a hand up over your mouth to muffle the sob that leaves your lips. Your eyes tear up as you try to focus on the Frenchman to see when it's okay to approach. As he finishes the interview his blue eyes find yours, the look he gives you makes you throw caution to the wind as you break into a run towards him. When you're in reaching distance you throw yourself at him, your arms going around his neck as tears roll down your cheeks. "I heard about Anthoine, i'm so sorry Pierre" you whisper, he brings his arms around you tightly burying his face into your hair as he lets out a sob. Your heart breaks even more at the sound, making you pull him impossibly closer, he clutches onto the fabric of your shirt as you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. 

After a few minutes of standing there he pulls away making you loosen your hold, you bring a hand up to dry his tears while he gives you a sad smile, "merci Y/N" he murmurs quietly, "je vas toujours être ici pour toi Pierre" you reply. He moves his hand up to cradle your face, "qu'est-ce que nous faisons Y/N avec nos relations dénuée de sens?" you place a hand over his, "je ne sais pas, peut-être essayer de nier nos sentiments". He rest his forehead against yours, "je t'aime" your breath catches at his statement and you look into his eyes, seeing pure adoration in them, "je savais que je t'aimais en Italie" his eyebrows raise in surprise. You nod answering his silent question, "tous ce temps avec les mauvaise personnes" you tell him, he nods in agreement, "lets catch up on lost time" he replies before dropping his lips to yours. Everything fades around you, all of the pent up feelings getting set free into the kiss you share with Pierre. Pulling away from the Toro Rosso driver seems to take forever as you keep your eyes closed to try and process it all while catching your breath. 

It might have taken all of this time to realize how much you needed one another, but being in that moment after the race was worth it all. No mind games left to play only reality hitting the two of you in the worst way possible with Anthoine's death being the precursor to everything finally falling into place. Maybe hitting the bottom needed to happen to find out that being with one another meant more than any other thing in your lives. 

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