Heartbroken (2) - Pierre Gasly

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You didn't think you could run out of tears, but the first few days without Pierre proves you wrong. You get to a point where you don't know what day it is because you haven't checked your phone and the blinds have stayed closed. The smiles and laughter that used to be present in your life are no longer there as your emotions seem to be halted no matter what your friends do to try and cheer you up.

When weeks pass in the blink of an eye, you realize that the way you've been living is ridiculous and pathetic. You find it in yourself to pick up the pieces of your heart and do anything possible to move on with your life, because you don't need him to follow your dreams and be successful. With the determination you wished you had weeks earlier you talk to your friends and family before going back to the job you always loved, wanting to make up for time lost when you weren't completely present. Maybe going head first back into the daily tasks you used to always do is the way to truly move on and grow stronger after what you've been through. At least that's what you're telling yourself, if that's true or not is still unclear.


Time passes even further, you're succeeding at work and your boss gains confidence in you. This means your opportunities multiply, with tasks needing you to travel to locations around the globe. You learned how to pack efficiently and quickly not knowing when you would be sent out again. It's ironic because you remember a time when travelling and packing were the last things on your mind, feeling comfortable where you were. You new found love of challenges and travel made for better days and easier smiles once coming home to your roommate to bask in the way your life has got to a place that you're proud of.

The next day you get the email about the movie premiere in London. Your boss tasks you with going and getting something done for the company since it's one of the sponsors of the event. Your initial reaction is excitement as you pack your bag for the flight that's been booked by the company. The thought of dressing up to the nines for any kind of event makes you smile, bringing a spring to your step as you complete your packing, with a bonus of getting to borrow a dress from a well know dress designer's collection once you land in London.


The night of the premiere comes way quicker than you thought. So when you slide into the dress that you swear isn't meant for a nobody like you, the nerves start to grow stronger. You leave the hotel channeling your inner movie star as you slide into the car your employers arranged. The whole ride to the theatre you can't help but fidget with the rings wrapped around your fingers. Unsure of what to expect when you step out of the car in a few blocks time.

The flashing cameras that greet you on the red carpet catch you off guard. Bringing you to a halt for a few seconds before an usher waves you towards the entrance. You can imagine how wide your eyes must be as you try to act composed the whole walk up to the doors. Except you come to a stop when you lock eyes with the Frenchman you left behind all of those months ago. You forget to breathe as everything and everyone around you fades away, the beating of your heart the only thing you can hear in that moment. Someone who walks by nudging your arm makes you snap out of the Pierre induced haze. You blink a few times before lifting the skirt of your gown to make your way inside the theatre not wanting to trip on the beautiful material that hugs your body perfectly.

In the dark theatre you scurry to your seat avoiding everyone's eyes, scared that you'll lose your composure if you speak. You take a breath and close your eyes for a second hoping that it was all a hallucination and that he's not actually here. When your phone suddenly lets out a noise you jump and look up to see people around you frowning. You apologize quietly before going into the device to silence it, ignoring the notification that made the noise happen. Shortly after, the lights dim and you get pulled into the movie, making you forget about reality for a few hours.


When the lights turn back on you clap along with the crowd before quickly getting out of your seat. The aim is to leave and not run into what may or may not have been Pierre. Much to your dismay a hand lightly grabs yours stopping you in your tracks. "Y/N?" you bite your lip and shut your eyes at the French accent, "will you please look at me" he adds. After taking a breath you turn around slowly to face your ex, the first thing you notice is how tired he looks, your brows furrow in worry as if by instinct. You have to stop yourself from moving your hand up to caress his cheek, "t'est joli ce sour" (you look beautiful tonight) you bring your lips into a straight line while doing your best to avoid his gaze, "Pierre I can't do this right now" he huffs, "when can you do this otherwise?" you shrug in response.

"I trusted you, and thought you were it for me" you murmur while finally looking into his eyes, "tu étais mon toujours, tu est encore mon toujours maintenant" (you were my forever, you still are my forever) he exclaims and steps closer to lessen the gap. You suck in a breath trying not to let your tears escape, "I have a hard time believing you" he suddenly brings a hand up to the side of your face, the cool metal of his ring sending goosebumps across your body, "I will spend every second of the rest of my life earning your trust again if that means I can keep loving you" his statement surprises you to the point where your eyes are as wide as saucers, taking in his serious expression full of what you would call unconditional love. "Promise me..." he starts to smile as you collect your thoughts, "promise me that there will be no games" he nods and moves his other hand to your lower back to bring you flush to his chest, "je promis chérie" (I promise) he murmurs while lowering his head, "I can't put my heart back together a second time, especially because loving you is the best thing that has happened to me" he brushes his thumb along your cheek with a full smile on his face, "toujours" (always) you smile for what feels like the first time tonight and he lowers his lips to yours. The familiarity of his hold sucking you in while the two of you stand in the lobby of the theatre not giving any thought as to what is happening around you. Only focused on each other and worrying about the future that is sure to be happy.

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