Birthday Jumper - Mason Mount

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"I'm gonna be upstairs, call me if you need me okay?" you smile up at Mason, "alright" he kisses you then heads up to his gaming room. Once you've heard the door shut you scramble to the over night bag you packed. Taking out the partially finished jumper that you're making for the footballer currently occupied by his gaming. You turn on your favourite Spotify playlist before snuggling into the couch to continue knitting. As you work away with the yarn, day turns to night, so after letting out a massive yawn you put down the craft.

A yelp leaves your lips when you see Mason laying on the other side of the couch. He looks over at the sound you make. "Alright Y/N?" you nod trying not to show your panic as you turn off your music and slide off the couch to put the knitting project back into your bag. "When'd you come down?" he shrugs while sitting up before you sit down again, curling into his side, "half an hour ago" you blink a few times in surprise. "How'd I not notice?" he laughs, "you were pretty absorbed in that knitting" you blush in embarrassment. "Sorry, you should've interrupted" he shakes his head then kisses your temple, "you're so damn pretty when focused on your crafting" you smile while tilting your head up to see the eyes you fell in love with already on you. "How did I get so lucky?" he lowers his head to kiss you in response, his arm going around you before lifting you onto his lap.

"You ever gonna tell me what you're making?" He mumbles when pulling back slightly, you shake your head, "it's not important, I'm focused on having you here right now" you reply then lean into him even more while locking your lips with his once more. The hope is for him to forget about your knitting so that he doesn't spoil the birthday surprise, like so many he has during previous years.

A couple of weeks later you've finished the jumper meant for your boyfriend. As you're talking to your mum over FaceTime she asks to see the completed project. "TA-DA!" You exclaim while lifting the knitted jumped into the frame of the call. "Oh Y/N he's gonna love it" she says while leaning in closer to see the small personal touches you added. "I'm just hoping it'll still be a surprise, there have been some close calls of him seeing it" your mum laughs as do you before gently folding the handmade garment. "You better give us a call once he's wearing it" you smile at her not so serious order, "I'm sure he'll be showing it off to every single person he sees" she smiles at the statement then says goodbye. You shut your laptop then let out a yawn, gently rubbing your eyes before turning off your bedside lamp. Sliding under your covers quickly as the day of work finally catches up with you.

The day of Mason's birthday comes around and you wake up feeling excited. A smile comes to your face when turning to look at the sleeping birthday boy. He's dead to the world so you press a soft kiss to his head before sliding out of bed. Once you've thrown on one of his shirts you silently venture to the kitchen to make breakfast.

The eggs are cooking in a pan when you hear footsteps, smiling when arms wind around your waist and a chin lands on your shoulder. "Morning" the voice of your sleepy boyfriend greets, "Happy Birthday Mase" you reply just as quietly. He hums then kisses your shoulder, you turn off the burner as not to burn the eggs then move to face Mason. He smiles so you press a gentle kiss to his lips, "sit down handsome, made breaky for you" you mumble against his lips. He squeezes your waist then steps away, you watch him sit then turn back to the stove to put together a plate of his favourite breakfast foods for the both of you. Once you sit down he immediately twines his fingers with yours, using his free hand to eat. You try to move your hand from his but he only tightens his hold, the gesture makes you smile before you also dig into the food. The quiet morning together meaning so much to not only you but to Mason too, especially because his busy schedule prevents it from happening more often.

"Mase we're gonna be late to your own party" you say from where you're waiting outside his en-suite bathroom. He steps into the bedroom a couple of seconds later his hair perfectly styled to match his outfit. You smile up at him before walking over, "you look like a snack" he laughs at your compliment, "you're one to talk, i'm deciding if I want to skip the party to just stay home to have a celebration of our own" you shove his chest while blushing at the innuendo. "If we skip you won't get my birthday present" his face lights up at the mention of a gift but before he can ask questions you pull him through the house to leave before Ben starts texting because we aren't at his place yet.

As soon a you and Mason walk into Ben's place a loud cheer sounds form the crowd of friends. You stay by Mason's side as people start coming up to greet the birthday boy. You start to grow bored when a conversation starts about a topic you don't know much about. "I'm gonna get us drinks" you say into your boyfriend's ear, he nods so you slide away from him to go to the kitchen. The counter full of all sorts of alcohol greets you, so in a quick movement you make Mason's preferred drink before doing the same for yourself. "There she is, the better half" you turn to the voice to see Declan entering the room, "you found me" he grins then pulls you into a hug. Luckily you weren't holding the two drinks because you are certain they would've been all over the floor at the force of his embrace. Once he pulls away you smile, "how've you been Dec?" he shrugs, "can't complain" you nod then take the drinks to bring to Mason, "How're you Y/N?" you shrug to mimic him, "busy but i'm surviving" he sighs, "that's all we can do innit?" you laugh then leave him in the kitchen to re-join Mason.

Its a little later when you're sitting next to Mason on Ben's couch as he opens his presents from various friends that you get nervous about your gift. You don't realize how much thought you put into the nerves until a hand comes to your leg. "Y/N you okay?" you look at a concerned Mason then smile, "yeah, why?" he furrows his brows, "Ben tried to hand you the present you got me, but you were zoned out" your smile drops and you start to panic slightly. "I'm nervous" he takes your hands, "about what?" you look into his eyes "that you won't like what I got you". He lets go of one of your hands then turns slightly, grabbing something that's behind him, you bite your lip when he brings your gift box between you two. "You have nothing to worry about, it's me you're talking about here" you release your lip then nod, he lets go of your hands so that he can open the box you spent way too long wrapping.

When he gets to the jumper you analyze his reaction. It goes from confusion to surprise to happiness. "Where'd you get this?" he asks while looking your way "I made it" you reply shyly "hold on, you're telling me that you made this jumper!?!" you nod then he pulls you in for a kiss. The room erupts in whistles making you smile, which breaks the kiss. "I fucking love it baby" he murmurs quietly while stroking your cheek, "yeah?" you whisper, "more than anything else I've opened today, but don't tell anyone" you giggle so he kisses your cheek.

"Try it on Mase!" someone shouts making him pull away from you. "Give the people what they want" you add making him laugh before standing up while lifting the new jumper over his head. You fill with pride when Mason wears the gift, a grin on his face as he goes from person to person to show off your creation. Once he's done going around the room he retakes his seat on the couch, pulling you into his side before kissing your head. "Thank you for the amazing jumper, if you get orders from our friends I'm sorry in advance" you giggle then snuggle into him even further , "I'm glad the surprise wasn't spoiled" he snorts then looks down at you, "me too" he says.

The two of you are back at Mason's place a couple of hours later. You're still slightly tipsy from the drinks so Mason in his sober state makes sure that you don't injure yourself in any way. He helps you out of your dress once you've made it to the main bedroom. Once he has slipped a shirt over you he changes out of his outfit, you enjoy the show from where you're sitting on the bed. When he turns back to you, wearing only his boxer briefs you bite your lip.  "Has anyone told you that you're really fit" you say, the filter that normally keeps your thoughts at bay not present because of one too many drinks. He smiles then proceeds to lay you down against his side, "only my very fit girlfriend" he murmurs into your neck before leaving a couple of kisses against your skin. "She seems very smart, you should keep her around" you joke, "that's my plan, where else would I get the best gifts" he replies making you giggle. "Thank you for the best birthday Y/N" he says a couple of seconds later while lifting his head to see your face, you bring a hand up to trace his jaw, "anything for the love of my life" you reply. He presses his lips to yours for a sweet kiss then pulls back so that he can bring you against his chest, you smile while wrapping your arms around him. "Goodnight sleep tight baby" you hum in response then let your exhaustion take over, happy that you could make Mason's birthday so memorable.

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