Football (Soccer) - Pierre Gasly

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A/N this ^^^ picture from Portugal is the inspo for the fic 😘

You duck under Pierre's arm as he tries to prevent you from passing him while you kick the soccer ball down the small field near your apartment in Italy. You let out a giggle when you hear his shout of protest, but you keep running trying to stay ahead of the Formula 1 driver that you call your best friend. The two of you met when he first moved to Italy, literally running into each other on the sidewalk. After a ton of apologies you soon learned that you had many things in common, from supporting the same football team to travelling around the world for your careers. You soon became attached at the hip, hanging out whenever you were both in Italy, texting when on opposite sides of the globe, developing a strong bond that everyone thought was more than what it appeared.

As you get within shooting distance of the makeshift net the two of you marked, Pierre's arm winds around you pulling you to a stop as the ball keeps rolling. "Hey! no fair!" you exclaim as you try to wiggle out of his grasp, "I never said I would play fair Y/N" he replies his lips barely brushing your ear, you get flustered, your brain a pile of mush so you don't realize that he let you go until he passes you with the ball at his feet. You tilt your head towards the sky silently cursing the way that he makes you feel. You look back down and watch Pierre dribble the ball between his feet as he gets closer to your net, you groan but break into a run even if you know that its hopeless. When he kicks the ball through the marked net he throws his arms into the air while grinning, you roll your eyes and slow down to a walk, "you cheated, it doesn't count" you say stubbornly, "it's not cheating if there are no rules Y/N" he exclaims, you huff and cross your arms across your chest a frown coming to your face. "Stop being right" you mumble as you sit on the bench where you left your things earlier, he laughs, the sound ringing through your body like chimes, making you almost forget your anger towards the driver.

"Okay enough frowning, come prove me wrong" he says making you lift an eyebrow curiously, he pulls you to your feet and drops the ball in front of you, "what are you waiting for?" he taunts bringing out the competitiveness in you in seconds. You bite your lip and weave around Pierre, who doesn't hold back as you make your way down the field, your swift feet keeping the ball away from the frenchman. What you don't expect is for your feet to get tangled with the ball, your eyes widen when you start to tumble forward, Pierre's arm catches you around the waist pulling you upright and into his chest. You blink as you try to catch your breath your hand laying flat on his chest, "are you okay?" he asks making you peer up into his blue eyes, surprised that his face is so close to yours, "yeah" you breath out your heart rate picking up again at the proximity. As you stand there in his arms you wonder when you started to see him in a different light, it might've been when you first fell asleep in arms the night before his race at Monza, or maybe the time he took you to see his family and seeing him with his nieces and nephews.

A hand touches your chin breaking you out of your thoughts, "Y/N?" Pierre asks, you smile and blush realizing that he caught you daydreaming. "Sorry, just thinking" you explain while moving your gaze to the spot where your hand is on his chest, "should I be worried" you shake your head still not looking at him, "it's nothing" he sighs, "you must take me for a fool because if you don't think I know when something is on your mind you're crazy". You bite your bottom lip and when Pierre tightens his arm around your waist you gasp slightly, looking up to see the concern on his face, "I swear its nothing" he purses his lips but doesn't say anything further to your relief. You take the opportunity to get out of his grasp, breaking into a run to get that goal you've been wanting all afternoon, he scoffs but you hear his footsteps as you get the ball. But before you can kick it his foot comes between yours tapping it away, you stomp your foot childishly and go to turn but the added leg catches you at the ankle, you gasp knowing that there's no way to avoid the fall, but Pierre surprises you by moving his arms around you before rotating so that you land on him instead of the ground.

Both of your hands are on his chest, with his at your waist, "oh my gosh, are you okay?" you ask concerned as you bring a hand up to his cheek not realizing what you've done, "yeah i'm good" he replies and moves a hand over yours, his thumb stroking your knuckles gently. That's when you realize the full extent of your position and the way your hand cradles his face in a way that should be reserved for his girlfriend. You tense up slightly, attempting to take your hand away from his face, but Pierre laces his fingers through yours to keep it in place, "please tell me what you were thinking about Y/N" he murmurs while looking up at you. The look in his eyes makes the tension leave your body, "you, all I ever think about is you" the hand he still has on your waist tightens as you try to decipher what he's thinking by looking at his reaction. "When did this start?" he asks cautiously, the unexpected question making you furrow your eyebrows, "when we fell asleep together before Monza, then when you brought me to meet your family during the holidays" you reply and look into his eyes terrified that you're going to scare him away.

Pierre smiles, tilting his head back against the grass before letting out a chuckle, you lift an eyebrow in confusion, he lifts his head again and brings a hand up to the back of your neck moving your lips down to his. You tense up at the sudden gesture, but you quickly relax moving your lips against his slowly, hands still poised on his chest. When he pulls away you open your eyes a smile coming to your face, "when I saw you with my family I knew that you were it for me" he says while moving his hand to your cheek brushing his thumb along your skin. You laugh before pulling away from his grip, moving off of him to sit up, "everyone was right about us" you say as Pierre follows your lead, "I guess so" he replies with a shrug, you lean over and press another kiss to his lips. A few seconds later you pull away and jump up to your feet, grabbing the soccer ball that rolled a few feet away, keeping it in your hands as you run between the goal markers. "GOAL GOAL GOOOOOOALLLLL" you yell running around while holding the ball above your head, you hear Pierre laughing but ignore it as you come to a stop in front of him. "We can leave, we're even now" you say with a smile, he places his hands on either side of your face before kissing you deeply, the ball drops from your hands, your fingers curling into Pierre's shirt. You pull away and blink, "I'm so happy that we can do that now" he laughs and presses a soft kiss to your forehead, "me too chérie" you smile and he throws an arm across your shoulders. The two of you gather your things and leave the field, sharing kisses while walking back to your apartment. Pierre leaves you at your apartment with one last kiss and you spend the rest of the evening smiling and replaying the amazing day in your head, happy that you told the F1 driver how you feel, looking forward to seeing where your relationship would go from here.

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