Unexpected 2 - Mason Mount

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The next morning all of the photos of Mason coming to your rescue are on social media. You don't follow any football accounts so you don't hear about them until your friends show you. "Oh god I look so pathetic" you mumble then proceed to hide your face. "He didn't think so" your one friend says, "how would you know?" You reply while looking up at her from your spot on the couch. "In this one Mason's expression says it all" she explains while passing over her phone that is open to one of the photos of you two from the previous evening. "I'm sure he looks at people that way all of the time" you tell her, "but the protective arm around you says otherwise" she adds.

You shake your head not believing her but before you can say anything your phone vibrates from where it is on the kitchen counter. She gets a mischievous look in her eyes so you sit up with worry, "whatever you're thinking don't do it" but her response is to lunge for your phone. By the time you get to her she's smirking. "The little heart next to Mason's contact name tells me all that I need to know about your feelings" you blush and regret the emoji you included late last night when you kept trying to figure out what to text but fell asleep before anything was sent. "He got me out of a tough situation and god forbid I'm attracted to him" she hands you your phone then squeezes your shoulder, "no need to be defensive Y/N, I'm just making an observation as your friend" you sigh then peer down at the screen of the device. "You never know maybe Mason has an emoji next to your name as well" she adds then leaves the room.


Y/N I hope you got home because I didn't get any text as promised

I did, typing this in my home as we speak, a classic case of falling asleep after quite the eventful evening

She lives!
I was ready to start a search party and rescue you again

Are you my knight in shining armour now?

If you keep needing to get rescued then I will gladly be your knight


You don't mean for the giggle to come out of your mouth at his text but the sound reverberates into the empty living room. The sounds of footsteps approaching makes you look up in time to see your friend's head pop out from around the corner. "Did I just hear you giggle?" she asks, "I think you need to get your hearing checked" you reply while avoiding eye contact.

Suddenly your phone is snatched out of your hand, you gasp and look up at your friend. The moment is very déjà vu as she reads through the few texts you exchanged with Mason. "He checked in with you and then flirted over text? He likes you Y/N it's plain and simple" you drop your gaze then bite your lip. "It's not though, his fans made it pretty obvious with posting photos all over the internet of my embarrassing moment" you explain. She hands the phone back to you then speaks, "what if this was all meant to happen? you agreeing to go to the match, then the crowd becoming overwhelming and finally Mason coming to your rescue" you smile slightly at her, "you sound like a romance novel" she shrugs, "I try my best" you laugh in response then look down at your texts with Mason. "He might surprise you Y/N so don't judge a book by its cover" she adds then steps out once again, leaving you to your thoughts about the footballer.


A couple of days later you have a day off of work and so does Mason. He convinced you to spend the day with him, causing an uproar amongst your two football mad friends. A half hour before he's supposed to come by you're having second thoughts. "I don't know about this" you tell your friends while pacing back and forth in the living room. "Y/N relax this is Mason we're talking about here, he's been nothing but lovely in the texts you've been showing us" one friend mentions. "We've only know each other for a couple of days though, this could all go to shit for all I know" you explain, voicing the thoughts that have been circling your mind. "I very much doubt that" your other friend replies while placing a hand on your shoulder to bring you to a stop, "how do you know?" she smiles, "I have a gut feeling about this guy, he seems to be good a good one" you groan so she pulls you into a hug. "Don't take our word though, go have a good time with Mason and see for yourself" she says quietly then lets go when the doorbell chimes.

The nerves and doubt that were felt leading up to the date disappear when you see the footballer on the front step. "Ready?" you nod so he smiles and holds a hand out to you. There's a split second of hesitation on your part but you ignore it and slide a hand into his, "lead the way" he laughs before doing just that. In the few minutes of going to his car you can't help but enjoy the way his hand feels locked with yours.

Once in the car you let yourself relax. Mason must notice the change in body language because he takes your hand once more to brush his thumb against your skin. "I was nervous too Y/N" he admits so you look at him in shock, "a Man U midfielder nervous to hang out with me? Unheard of" you exclaim. He shrugs sheepishly which makes you like him more, "okay but honesty hour? My friends are the huge football fans I'm not really into the sport so I had no idea who you were that evening" his eyes widen at your admission. "I don't know if this'll work out, not a footy fan is a dealbreaker" you immediately think he's serious so you frown and drop your head, "but I want this to work out, I like you" he swears then reaches forward to gently lift your head making your heart flutter. "I was joking Y/N, I really want this to work out too" you realize your mistake of jumping to conclusions so you blush, "oh my god" he shakes his head then smiles, "it's okay, we've gotten through the awkward bits so now we can go have a great time" he explains. His effort to make you feel better further proves how amazing he is and how much you want this to become something more than a knight in shining armour routine.


After a day full of activities that Mason planned you feel as if you've known him for far longer than a couple of days. The streetlights illuminate the sidewalk as you two walk off the supper you just had. You're smiling up at the footballer as he tells you another story about his family. The space between you two is minimal and while all you want is for him to bring you closer you don't have the courage to ask or just make the move. "I reckon that our families would get along really well" you say and Mason nods, "it sounds like they would" he replies then lets go of your hand to pull you into his side. The new position makes your heart flutter and cheeks redden, but before you can thank him for a great day the sky decides to open up. Mason quickly grabs your hand again to tug you under the nearest awning and brings you flush to his chest. The proximity doesn't make the previous reactions lessen it only makes them more noticeable as you look up into his dark eyes.

"While it was great talking about our families I'd really enjoy talking about us right now" he says quietly while lowering his head towards yours, "go on I'm listening" you murmur, unsure if you should look at his eyes or at his very kissable lips. Mason gently brushes his nose against yours and brings a hand up to your cheek, his fingers barely stroking your skin. "I think that we were meant to meet after that match, it was too chaotic not to be some kind of sign that we need each other" he says and you place a hand on his chest. "Meant to be huh?" he hums in response so you lift your head so that your lips barely brush against his, the contact sends your heart into a frenzy and whatever hesitation either of you had goes out the window. Mason shifts his hand to weave his fingers into your hair before pressing his lips to yours. You slide your hand up to his shoulder while he winds his arm around your waist.

When you finally pull away it's like you've lost all of your breath. You and Mason take a moment to catch your breaths and that's when you realize you've been having a proper make out in public for everyone to see. A blush rises to your cheeks at the thought so you slide your hand back down to the footballer's chest and avoid looking away from his shirt. "Why've you gone all shy on me Y/N?" he asks while placing a hand over yours, you peer up to see his dark eyes analyzing your change of mood. "I don't usually go around making out with men while on public sidewalks" you reply. "In that case we better get you home to continue without an audience" you go to mention your friends but Mason takes your hand and leads you out from under the awning and towards his car. You can't help but smile at his eagerness to find somewhere private to kiss, so once both you've gotten into his car you lean over the console to kiss his cheek. The gesture makes him turn to you in surprise, "thank you for an amazing day" he smiles then finds your hand to squeeze it, "thank you for agreeing to come along" you shrug in response, "squeezing you in to my very busy schedule was so difficult" he laughs which makes you do the same. "I hope we can fit each other in a lot more after this" he says when the laughter subsides, "me too" you reply then bring your hand up to pull him in for another kiss. Once you've finally taken your hands off of each other he drives you home and after a few more kisses you get out of the car and go into the house with thoughts of the footballer following you around like a lovesick teenager.

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