Movie Night - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by the lovely elenaPortrev163

You find yourself running around the paddock after the first practice session of the weekend. The excitement of the first week of your new job at McLaren getting somewhat overshadowed by a race weekend. While you feel like you've learned so much you know that there's plenty more to it. One thing that your colleagues keep telling you is to get to know the drivers, considering that you're a part of their travelling team for every race you've managed to only see them briefly in passing, a simple wave being the only acknowledgement.

When you finally leave the track after second practice with your colleague the sun is starting to set. You can't help but admire the changing colours of the sky as the team car takes the two of you back to the hotel where you're staying for the weekend. "A bunch of us are going to dinner, you should come" she suggests as you follow her into the hotel, "I didn't bring anything fancy to wear" you reply trying to get out of the socialization, wanting to be alone for the night before the real racing begins. "We're family y/n, literally no one cares what you wear, it could be your favourite sweats and that's fine" you shake your head, a smile coming to your face, "tempting but I think I'll take a rain check, gonna relax in my room before we need to think about tomorrow" she pouts which makes you chuckle, "ask me again on Sunday night and I might just take you up on the offer" she smirks but doesn't say anything except a goodnight as we turn to our respective rooms.

Later you're engrossed by a film you brought up on Netflix when a knock sounds on your door. You hit the pause button and with furrowed brows get off the queen sized bed. With quiet steps you go to the door, peering through the peep hole, surprised to see a cozy looking Daniel Ricciardo standing in the hallway outside your room. You swiftly open the door not even thinking about how you must look as the Aussie's eyes find yours. "You're Y/N right?" He asks, "that's me, what can I do for yah Daniel" you reply with a smile and lean against the doorframe, "I heard that you weren't at the team dinner so I figured since we're the only ones left here we might as well keep each other company" you silently curse the person who told him you're less than exciting plans for the evening but keep a smile on your face. "I'm not doing anything exciting if that's what you're looking for" he shakes his head and smiles, "just want to have a relaxing night in" your stomach flutters at the childlike grin on the driver's face, the reaction catching you by surprise. "Well I'm just watching a film if you want to join" he nods happily so you step back into your room, Daniel following you in, you not realizing that this will become a regular routine for the two of you during future race weekends.


Over time in the dimly lit hotel rooms around the world you start to realize how much you care about Daniel. Your cheeks growing warm whenever you see the Aussie at the track, piquing the interest of your colleagues who notice the change in your demeanour almost instantly. After a particularly tough qualifying with Dan finishing in 15th you leave your post at McLaren hospitality and venture to the garage where a lot of frowns greet you. As you get closer to where the car usually sits you grab some headphones from the wall and bite your lip as you wait for Dan's arrival from the track. When the sleek race car pulls up and then gets backed into the garage you hold your breath slightly, unsure of what the Aussie's mood will be like when he gets out of the car. You watch quietly as he climbs out of the cockpit, taking off his helmet to hand it to Micheal, his trainer, before he moves his hand down his face, the disappointment clear in his expression.

He must feel your gaze on him because he turns quickly finding your eyes, he suddenly rushes over and pulls you in for a tight hug as he nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck. The initial reaction is to tense up at the unexpected embrace before moving your hands to his back, gently moving them in a soothing manner as he lets out a shaky breath. "Dan we gotta go" Michael says making your gaze lift to his to see a sad smile on his face, the Aussie holding you lets go reluctantly. You smile reassuringly at the driver and press a quick kiss to his cheek, "it can only go up from here" he smiles slightly and squeezes your hand before following Michael out of the garage.

"Are you sure that this is gonna be alright for Instagram?" you ask your colleague who is sitting next to you in the McLaren lounge area. "The fans'll love it Y/N, the flash adds something special to the photos, especially since they're candid moments of the weekend" she replies. You sigh and shut your laptop, a yawn leaving your lips as the busy day catches up to you. "Let's go, there's no one left here" you nod and the two of you pack everything up before leaving the circuit to go back to the hotel. Your thoughts occupied by Daniel, wondering if he'll still be awake and if you should go check in on him.

Later as you step off the elevator and wave goodbye to your colleague you take a turn towards Daniel's hotel room. With shaky hands you manage to knock on the door, dropping your fist as you bite your lip. When the door swings open you look up to see a very tired looking Aussie, "are you-" he cuts you off with a kiss, his hands moving to your hips to fully bring you into the room. "Dan" you breath into the kiss that you've only ever dreamed about, he pulls away slightly his hand coming to your cheek, "we shouldn't be doing this" you add, "I'm going to have to disagree darling" he says before pressing another kiss to your lips. You push his chest to pull away, he sighs and looks into your worried eyes, "we work together" he huffs in response so you step out of his arms.

"First the crap qualifying and now the girl that I've fallen in love with telling me we can't be together" you suck in a breath at his statement, your heart fluttering at the admission that passed through his lips. "That's not funny Dan" you mumble thinking that he's messing with you, "it's not meant to be Y/N, I want to come home to you, even if that's a hotel room" he exclaims and closes the distance you've created between the two of you. You take a shaky breath as he caresses your cheek, "I love you, even if your movie suggestions are questionable" you tell the Aussie, finally unloading what you've been feeling, the fear you've built up disappearing as soon as he admitted his love for you too. He laughs and you smile, "lets not break tradition darling, it's your pick tonight since my choices are questionable" you pull him down for a slow and meaningful kiss, both of his hands tangling in your hair. A couple of seconds later you break the kiss, "I'm so glad that you can't to find me that night all of those months ago" you whisper to him, "me too Y/N, me too" he replies and proceeds to drag me to his bed so that we can set up our movie night of the weekend, hoping that it will spread good vibes for the rave the next day. A smile staying on your face as you get comfy with the man you've grown to love over the past season of craziness and changes on and off the track.

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