Rain Delay - Pierre Gasly

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You know the minute you break into a sprint across the paddock to try to find shelter from the downpour it's gonna end in disaster. The thought doesn't stop you from doing exactly that, your team polo plastering to your skin almost instantly. With a loud curse you shake your sneaker clad foot, which was just in a puddle that you didn't avoid in time, the water soaks right through your sock making you huff in annoyance. Nonetheless you break back into a run, now crossing your arms to retain any kind of heat in the rain. As you cross over the laneway to get to team hospitality you don't notice the slick spot as you approach, only letting out a yelp when you hit it and start to lose your balance. Hands catch your arms making you gasp but not hit the ground as expected. "That was a close one" you look up to see Pierre Gasly smiling at you while bringing you up to your feet again, "good reflexes" he chuckles and must realize your predicament. "Shit you're drenched, here" he says while shrugging off his Alpha Tauri coat, "no you don't-" he doesn't let you finish as he drapes the coat onto your shoulders before pulling the hood up to cover your head. "Voila!" He exclaims in French, making you smile slightly, "thanks but your warmth matters more than mine" you tell him while starting to take off the team rainwear. He quickly stops your action by gently grabbing your hands, sending an unexpected jolt through your body, "I'll be fine" he replies then smiles at you reassuringly. You sigh knowing that he won't let you give the coat back, "well thanks again for this and for saving my life" he nods so you turn around and finally get into team hospitality, your thoughts stuck on the handsome Frenchman.


By the time qualifying rolls around the rain still hasn't slowed, but luckily you've dried off from your earlier sprint. This time when you leave hospitality you're dressed in your own team raincoat, wanting to go to the garage to check on the status of the track. The stationary car tells you that it's still too wet to get any laps in so you frown and make your way over to the pit crew, who have taken out some playing cards to pass the time. "It's not looking too promising" you mumble and pull up a chair to watch, "you've got that right Y/N" one of them says so you rest your arms on your knees in dejection, your eyes zoning out after a few minutes of their repetitive actions. "Why'd you reckon Gasly is coming this way?" you perk up at the question from one of the team members, "probably got bored like the rest of us" is the response you hear as your gaze finds Pierre's from across the garage. He grins your way so you sit up trying to act casual, "I'm gonna go find someone else to bother" you tell the lads, "god finally Y/N, I thought you'd never leave" one of them jokes making you roll your eyes while smiling, your hand ruffling his hair before standing up to make your way towards the Frenchman without being too obvious.

"I think Alpha Tauri looks much better on you Chérie" he murmurs once you let him lead you away from the team garage. You blush at the pet name he uses, your head lowering so that your now dry hair covers your red cheeks, "oh shudup Gasly" you reply and he laughs, "I'm only saying the truth" you snort quietly but he still hears the sound. "You probably think that I say things like that to every girl, but I don't" you look up at his statement, "we've both been in this sport for awhile, do you blame me?" he sighs then shakes his head, "non chérie" you sigh as well before leaning against the nearest wall. The silence a comfortable one much to your surprise, "I'm Y/N by the way" he smiles at your introduction, "it's nice to meet you Y/N" you smile too while looking into his captivating eyes, the way he says your name leaving an impression.

"We should stop hiding Pierre, they were already suspicious as to why you're in this garage and not yours" he frowns adorably making you giggle, which you never do, "but we're just getting to know each other chérie" he whines. You shake your head, "that's for away from the track, not in the middle of a rain delay before qualifying" his smile reappears making you wonder what you've said to get the reaction, "well then Y/N, could I convince you to get some dinner with me after this weekend is done?" you're surprised by his question so it takes you a second to respond. "Pierre you're not serious" you say, he takes your hands in his for the second time today making your heart flutter nervously, "of course I'm serious, I knew I had to learn everything about the beautiful woman I saved in the middle of a rainstorm" you peer into his eyes, seeing the utmost sincerity in them as he waits for your reply. "Okay, I'll get some dinner with you, it has to be Sunday after the race though" he grins before bringing your hands up to kiss your knuckles softly, "parfait chérie" he exclaims making you blush, "don't make me regret saying yes Pierre" you add and he shakes his head quickly, "I won't" you smile and he kisses your cheek quickly before leaving the garage to go back to his, your cheeks now red from the affectionate gesture by the Frenchman that you might like a little too much.


Qualifying gets completed by the end of the day. The race goes off without any major incidents on Sunday. So you find yourself sitting across from Pierre in a dimly lit restaurant near the hotel. His fingers slide between yours on the table, making your heart flutter again, "how was the race for you chérie?" he asks, "it was alright I guess, but I wasn't the one out there in the car" you reply then shrug, he smiles which makes you do the same, "as long as you enjoyed watching that's good enough for me" you giggle and he squeezes your hand. "This really great French driver had a good race, so I'm not disappointed at the results" he lifts an eyebrow at your statement, "he was doing so well because of the one cheering for him behind enemy lines" you blush at his implied meaning, not getting a reply in because the waiter brings over the food you two ordered. "Tell me everything Y/N, i'm ready to learn" Pierre says a couple of seconds later while leaning forward to show that you've got his full attention, "as you wish Mr Gasly" you reply and lean forward as well before starting to tell the frenchman about your interests, family and hometown.

Later your heart sinks when Pierre walks you up to your hotel room. "Do you regret it?" he asks making you smile up at him, "not at all" you reply so he moves his hand up to cradle your face. "Best rain delay ever" you nod in agreement and impulsively tug him down for a kiss, his one hand going to the small of your back to keep you close. After a few seconds you pull away and open your eyes, "see you next rain delay?" he chuckles which makes you giggle, "I'll compromise and see you next race weekend" you nod and slide out of his arms to go into your room, nearly shutting the door but stopping to grab Pierre's hand to pull him in behind you. The night one of relaxation and enjoying each other's company.

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