Save Me (2) - Charles Leclerc

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An alarm you don't remember setting wakes you up the next morning. You whine then snuggle further into the warmth that surrounds your body. Suddenly it's like a switch goes off in your brain, making you remember where you are and who you're with. Fingers run through your hair, effortlessly untangling the knots that you're certain are present. The sheets move slightly before the alarm turns off, you smile then finally open your eyes to see that you've wrapped yourself around Charles' body. "Bonne matin" he says quietly, you hum feeling completely relaxed as his fingers shift to your back to rub soothing patterns into your skin, nearly lulling you back to sleep. "Good morning" you reply earning a sleepy smile from the Ferrari front man. "I have to head out soon, qualifying waits for no one" he murmurs, you nod in understanding starting to slide away from him, but he makes you giggle when he tugs you back to his chest. His lips find yours for a sweet kiss making your heart flutter and body heat up.

When he pulls away you whine, he chuckles so you blush, sliding out of bed quickly, moving around the room to gather your dress and underwear. You can't help but remember last night, your cheeks becoming even more red at the replay in your head. Once you have your dress on the weight of the whole situation becomes apparent. "Relax Y/N, I can see you thinking too much about this" Charles says from where he's sliding on his Ferrari issued pants. You sigh not hearing his footsteps as he approaches. When he places his hands on your shoulders you feel that always present connection with him. He starts to massage your tense muscles making you melt into his touch, "living in the moment right" he says then presses a few kisses to your shoulder before stepping away. Before you can miss his touch too much your phone starts ringing.

Once you've found your phone sitting on the bedside table and see your best friend's name on the screen you accept the call. "Please tell me that you're okay" she says with worry in her voice. You smile before replying, "I'm fine" there's silence for a second, "how'd it go with Charles?" you blush then move your gaze to the mentioned man. He smiles at you then strides over to press a light kiss to your temple, "see you later Y/N" he murmurs then walks out of the apartment. "Meet me at the hotel room" is your reply that doesn't give away anything, she agrees to wait around for you then ends the call. You take one last look around the room before sliding into your heels from the previous night to leave Charles' apartment. You underestimate how popular the Ferrari driver is as you try to be unassuming while leaving his place, but will soon learn how bad of a job you did.


"Charles is good for you" your best friend says as the two of you walk through the entrance gates of the Grand Prix. You bite your lip to hide the smile that's begging to appear, "you're just saying that because I slept with him" you reply. She shakes her head but doesn't get the chance to say anything because suddenly there are cameras in your face. The ambush makes you seize up in panic, your eyes flicking from lens to lens. All sounds fade away, including your friend's voice saying your name. You watch her push through the crowd while holding your hand to pull you past them, her steps are fast as she goes towards the Paddock Club.

Once the two of you are in the lounge she gets you to sit down. She takes your hands before crouching to be eye level with you. "Are you okay?" she asks, your ears opening up again as you take a deep breath. "I don't know? what just happened? who were they?" you reply in a jumble of words. She squeezes your hands to take you out of your panicked state, "it's going to be okay, let me look into this" you take another breath then nod watching her stand and take out her phone. Her swear after a couple of seconds has you worried. "First off you and Charles look amazing, second of all some people have no life" your eyes widen, "what are you talking about?" she comes over then hands over her phone. You look down at the screen to see yourself, hand locked with Charles' as he leads you out of the hotel where you've been staying. You cover your mouth with a shaky hand, "oh my god" you whisper then look up at your concerned friend.

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