Want You Back 2 - Mason Mount

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After the eventful night and morning with Mason you go back to your usual routine. At least you try to because the small voice in your head reminds you that he's bound to come up with the exact sentimental apology you asked of him. This results in you being extra jumpy no matter where you are; work, home, even in the middle of the grocery store.


It's an evening after work as you walk to the kitchen the you see the white envelope by your front door. As you reach down for it your phone vibrates in your pocket. Once you're holding the envelope you take out your phone to see a new text waiting from Mason.

Please go along with this Y/N

The well timed text piques your curiosity so you slide your phone back into your pocket before you open the envelope.

Let's take a trip down memory lane and a scavenger hunt to make it interesting

You laugh at Mason's very fitting gesture but you do as he requested in the text and go along with it. His first clue tells you to change into something comfy then spouts off a riddle of sorts.


Once you're in your car and dressed in your comfiest sweats you pull out your phone to map out your route to the first location: the place where you first met. On the way there you can't help but smile because you remember the day like it was yesterday and not years prior.

The parking brake is barely up when there's a knock on your window. Luke, yours and Mason's mutual friend, grins as you put down your window. "Trust the process Y/N" he says then hands you a paper bag and the next white envelope. "That's the plan" you reply and place the bag in the passenger seat. He nods then steps away from the car. You open the next clue and laugh once you finish reading the riddle that is meant to guide you to the location of your first date, that ended up being a complete disaster.

At the next location you have time to get inside the small pizzeria before you see anyone you know. "I'm doing this because he loves you so much babe" you best friend says then gives you a warm pizza box. You go to leave but she gasps, "my bad, here" you laugh as she hands you another white envelope. "K byeeeee" she sings as she runs out the door which leaves you alone with the pizza in your hand.

Once back in your car you put the square box with the paper bag from your first stop. The next envelope contains two things this time. You can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside when you see the photo included, it's your first picture as a couple and there's no doubt how happy you made one another at the beginning. The written clue is your next focus as you put down the photo to read the riddle. You realize that the next location is where the photo was taken so you set your GPS and head in the right direction.

As you arrive you immediately notice Mason's car. The sight makes your belly flip with nerves but also excitement. You park next to the familiar car and take the goodies you were given earlier before stepping outside. Without any real thought you go down the usual path that will take you to your favourite spot.


It isn't much to look at but the slight elevation and cocoon of trees makes the hidden clearing feel like a whole other world. Tonight it looks like something right out of a romance novel. The blanket spread out on the grass, the lanterns hung in the trees and Mason, dressed in his comfiest sweats, with a bunch of roses in his arms standing and watching you react to the surprise.

You feel your eyes start to sting and your heart swells at the scene in front of you. Mason must realize how close you are to crying so he swoops in the take the things from your hands. You watch him place everything down on the blanket before he comes back over to where you're attempting to keep your emotions in check.

"Don't cry darling" he murmurs then takes your hand with the gentlest touch. The pet name makes it worse so you don't say anything in fear of losing your composure as he leads you to the picnic blanket. After you take a shaky breath he tugs you to sit down. "Mase what is all of this?" You finally ask and look at the footballer, "this is me trying to win you back, to prove that I'm serious about this...about us" he replies. He gives you a nervous smile so you place a hand on his, "but this is just dinner, what does that prove?".

He rotates his hand then pulls yours up to kiss it. "You trusted the process Y/N, you followed the riddles, you're here, in our spot, you trusted me" you realize that he's right. The trust that you thought he broke might have just been buried deep to avoid being vulnerable and getting hurt again.

"It can't be this easy" you say then shake your head in disbelief. "Why not?" he replies so you pull your hand away from Mason's then furrow your brows. "It's been way too long since we broke up, too much has happened, I don't want to keep loving you only for it to end in heartbreak" you say then let out a sob. In an instant he pulls you to his chest and cradles the back of your head. The familiar gesture makes you sob louder and cry harder because you're so tired of holding in your emotions. Mason quickly shifts you into his lap and continues to run his fingers through your hair just the way you like.

After a couple of minutes you calm down and your tears stop. Mason shifts his hands down to your hips as you lift your head. "I love you darling and I want you in my future, I know that I messed up before but I would do anything for a second chance" he pleads with those soft brown eyes pointed in your direction.

"You talked about trust earlier, that goes both ways Mase" you begin so he nods. "I've always trusted you Y/N" he interjects but you shake your head in disagreement. "That's not true because you pushed me away when you needed me most" he frowns so you bring your hand up to his cheek, which gains his attention once more. "I love you and I want this but we need to be better, no more holding in emotions long enough for it to implode and ruin the relationship" he looks at your serious expression then lifts his own hand up to your cheek. "Y/N I promise that I will pull you closer from now on, no more pushing away" you brush your thumb along his freckled skin and smile slightly. "Be patient with me" you whisper, he nods so you move your arms around his neck in a hug and tuck your face into his shoulder. "I love you darling, never forget that" he says into your ear so you smile and you two sit there on the blanket wrapped in each others arms and eventually eat the now cold food and share laughs and occasional kisses. The promise of a future floats in the air of the secluded spot only you two cherish.

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