Forget Me Not 2 - Charles Leclerc

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A year passes. No thoughts given to your past relationship, instead you wondered about Charles. Your friends didn't understand why you were so hung up on a guy you met once in the middle of the night in Monaco. They tried to convince you to get out there when you finally stopped feeling sad about the breakup. All the while you hoped that Charles would show up even though he had no way of contacting you since no information was exchanged that night.

Amidst your distracted thoughts one of your friends is finally marrying her childhood sweetheart. You're one of the bridesmaids but she doesn't tell you where the wedding will be happening. She only tells you and the rest of the bridal party to meet at the airport the day of departure so you pack your things and anticipate the wedding destination.

You're standing in the airport looking down at the boarding pass for the flight to France. "Nice?" you ask while looking over at the bride-to-be, she smiles the comes closer, "then to Monte Carlo" she replies making you lift your eyebrows in surprise. "It's gonna be in this cute church then we're celebrating on a yacht, it'll be fabulous Y/N" she adds while squeezing your arm. You can't tell if she's trying to play a joke on you or is completely serious so you blink a few times to gather your thoughts. "Monaco?" she nods happily then takes your hand to drag you towards the gate. "Maybe you'll see Charles again" she whispers but you shrug, "this is about you not me" she squeezes your hand, "I want all of us to be happy Y/N, he's clearly the one for you" she explains. When you go to reply she pulls you toward the airport worker accepting boarding passes effectively cutting you off.

The first couple of days in the principality are filled with pre-wedding preparations. You run on autopilot the whole time because the thought of seeing Charles overshadows everything else happening. The bridal party consisting of your closest friends notice your distracted state but don't mention what they've found out and done as a surprise.


In what feels like a blink of an eye it's the reception on the yacht. Your shoulders drop in relief because all the bridesmaid duties are complete. After dancing for a bit with the newlyweds you step away from the excitement to to take a moment to look out at the still water that reflects the night sky. While in a world of your own you don't see your friend walking over to you with a man by her side, she points you out and he smiles before thanking her. A gust of wind finds your skin, goosebumps appearing because of the slight chill. You bring your arms into yourself then something warm drops onto your shoulders. You jump slightly then turn your head, your breath catches at the sight of Charles. "Don't catch a cold chérie" he murmurs, instead of replying you wrap your arms around him and tuck your face into the spot between his neck and shoulder. He kisses your head then brings his arms around you and the embrace makes your heart flutter.

When you decided you spent way too long in Charles' arms you pull away. He doesn't let you get very far as his hands go to your hips. "I take it you didn't forget?" you shake your head while smiling, "I could never" he smiles too then takes your hands in his, "let's go dance" you nod so he pulls you towards the crowd still celebrating the wedding. Once you've slipped your arms into Charles' blazer which was still on you from earlier he sweeps you into his chest to sway along to the music playing. "How did you know where to find me?" you ask, "your friends found me on Instagram" he replies but you furrow your brows, "they didn't know what you looked like though" he shrugs, "lucky guess then" you laugh so he smiles. In the silence that grows between you two your head moves to rest against his shoulder while he brings his hand to your lower back to bring you even closer.

The private bubble you and Charles are in is popped when the bride grabs your arm to pull you into more dancing. You keep a hold on Charles to drag him along for the fun. The two of you laugh and have a good time with the wedding party and Charles fits in as if he's been a part of your friend group this whole time. When the song ends you manage to sneak away with the man you've been thinking about for a year.

Once you find a quiet place on the yacht you sit down on the nearest couch. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night" you say so Charles sits down by your side, "that works out because I haven't stopped thinking about you either" he replies then takes your hand. "How about we put a hold on thinking and start being with each other?" you ask while peering up at him shyly, "parfait Y/N" he replies and brings your hand up to kiss it. "I have to remember to thank my stalker-ish friends for this" you murmur so he smiles then moves closer so that his lips ghost over yours, "I'll remind you later" he whispers then closes the distance with a kiss. The fluttering in your stomach increases tenfold at the embrace, so your hand moves to his chest while he practically pulls you onto his lap. All you're thinking is that you could never forget this kind of chemistry. You and Charles have something special that could get you through all the highs and lows and parts in between and continue to escape events together for the foreseeable future.

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