Blurred Lines (1) - Mason Mount

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You glare at your best mate, "don't look at me like that Y/N" she says but you snort in response. "He doesn't need to come help, we can paint my flat just fine" you explain, she rolls her eyes, "it would take us a year to finish" you cross your arms, "why do you hate Mason so much, he's done nothing to deserve it" she adds before you can cut in. "He's been the bane of my existence since we were kids and is a pain in my ass" she shakes her head but thankfully doesn't push for more information. "Just so you know there's a very thin line between hate and love" you act as if you're indifferent but internally remember the feelings you had for Mason all of those years ago, "people change but memories last a fucking long time" she sighs, "we need the help and that's final" you huff but don't try to fight her.


The next day you're dressed in some painting clothes as you and your mate move the furniture of the main living space into the centre of the room. As the two of you are laying painting tarps on the floor there's a knock on the door, "don't even think about it Y/N, this is YOUR flat" you groan at your mate then drop the plastic sheet to go answer the door. Once you've answered the knocking, Mason grins even though you keep your face expressionless, "hello sunshine" he says which unfortunately makes you internally swoon. "Mase get your butt in here!" you hear your mate yell from behind you and it breaks you out of your thoughts, "duty calls Y/N" you roll your eyes but let him through.

A couple of hours later paint is still getting applied to the walls, but your mate stops and places her roller down. "Gonna go order some takeaway, behave while I'm gone" she says and stares at you specifically, "as long as he stays on his side of the room it'll be fine" you explain then go back to applying paint to the wall in front of you, missing the way she shakes her head in disbelief. It feels like as soon as she leaves the room a tension builds in the air, you hear something drop to the floor so you turn your head. Mason has his head tilted while he looks at you, "what's got you like that?" you ask then look back at the wall, "why don't you like me?" is his response. The question makes you tense up and squeeze your eyes shut, "I don't know how to solve this row because I don't know what I've done Y/N" he adds, you sigh then open your eyes, keeping your gaze on the newly painted section of wall.

"Mason we don't have to get into this" you mumble trying to avoid the subject, "I want to, because we aren't strangers but it sure as hell feels like it all the time" he replies with determination, you lower your head before speaking quietly "you didn't show up". When he doesn't say anything you drop your roller into the paint pan at your feet, "I got all pretty, my mum did my hair and I couldn't believe that the boy that I liked wanted to go to a dance with me, then I waited for him to come pick me up only to realize he wasn't going to show up" you take a shaky breath while reliving the awful memory, "the next day I heard from everyone but him that he left to join the Chelsea Academy permanently, it felt like I wasn't important enough to him, it was awful so I cried a lot before realizing that crying wouldn't solve anything and that he wasn't worth falling apart for" the end of your explanation is met with more silence. It's broken by the sound of the plastic floor sheet crinkling, "y/n I-" you spin around quickly to shake your head, "don't Mason" you say to cut off whatever he wants to tell you, his steps pausing at your insistent tone. When you lock eyes with him you see a lot of emotions cross over his face before settling on shame, "y/n-", "ALRIGHT! Takeaway is ordered let's put the pa-" your mate trails off when she realizes that she interrupted something. "I need some air" is what you say before leaving the room that seems to be suffocating you with long forgotten memories and feelings.

Once outside you take a much needed breath of fresh air while hugging yourself tightly. Afraid that if you let go you'll completely fall apart. Without a thought you start to pace along the sidewalk in front of your building, your head lowered as you stare at your feet, hating the way your emotions are hanging on by a thread because of Mason. "Why didn't you tell me that you still have feelings for him?" you jump at the voice, looking up to see your best mate watching you, "I didn't want you to try the hopeful thing you always do" she frowns so you stop pacing, "but don't you want hope Y/N? Mase has been into you since we were young and you've had a thing for him just as long" you drop your arms from their crossed position, "he broke my heart, I can't get pulled in again" she pulls you into a hug and that's when the dam that has been holding your tears breaks, sobs slipping past your lips, muffled slightly because you have your face in her shoulder. She only hugs you tighter while rubbing your back in soothing motions, you curl your hands into her jumper to pull away from the embrace.

"There's this massive void in my heart that only Mason fucking Mount can fill and it makes me so angry" you explain, "is that why you hate him so much?" she asks carefully, you shrug but only because you don't want to admit how vulnerable you are. "He cares about you" she adds making your vision go blurry with tears again. "I wish that he didn't" you mumble then she brings you back into a hug, "we both know that's not true" she says but you just shut your eyes in response. "Falling for him was so easy but I don't want to be the fool that trusts him twice only to get hurt again" she kisses your head then takes your hands, "I love the both of you, and I know what he did was awful but I think that you should hear him out" you frown at your mate, "don't look at me like that Y/N, it's been years, this grudge you have against Mason has gone on long enough, time to put on your big girl pants and talk to him" she adds then squeezes your hands. "Not today, it's too much right now" she presses her lips into a line and lifts an eyebrow, "promise me that you'll resolve this" you nod so she smiles slightly, "now let's go finish painting" she laughs so the two of you get back to your flat, finally managing to get the walls done, your thoughts far from the conversation you'll need to have with Mason whenever it feels right.

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