Teenage Dream - Daniel Ricciardo

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As you're reading a file for work your laptop is snapped shut, just barely missing your fingers, which you pull away in time. You look up to see your roommates frowning at you, "what?" you ask not sure what you've done to deserve the frowning faces. "You promised that you would come out with us tonight, no work stuff" one of them says, "would you believe me if i said I forgot" another one of your roommates let's out a sarcastic laugh, "yeah right Y/N, were not taking a no as an answer, get your butt into the outfit we picked before we force it on" you widen your eyes and immediately get up, leaving your computer on the coffee table, knowing that they aren't joking around.

The minute you get dressed into the mini skirt and metallic halter top you don't feel like yourself. "Guys this isn't me at all" you exclaim while stepping into the living room, the two girls grin before standing, "that's the point babe, you need to step out of your comfort zone once in a while, you never know what could happen" you hold back your complaints at their happy expressions, "yeah okay, let's go before I chicken out" they grin and the three of you leave the apartment. While in the Uber that will take you to the club you fidget with your fingers, a nervous habit of yours, "Y/N, this'll be good, you've been working so much that this can be your way of blowing off some steam" you smile at your friends knowing that they're right, "I guess, thanks for not letting me bail" they nod and bring you into a brief group hug just as the driver stops in front of the club.


A couple of drinks later you forget why you ever complained about going out. The smile on your face showing how relaxed you've become as you dance to the music without a care in the world. Clapping breaks out, which makes you look over from where you and your friends are dancing, "what's that about" you yell over the music at them, they both shrug so you keep your gaze on what you can see of the commotion. Suddenly a hand finds yours making you turn your head, "let's go see Y/N" your one friend exclaims and starts to tug you through the crowded dance floor. You don't know why you feel nervous as the three of you get closer to the excitement, but the minute you are able to see what's happening your train of thought gets erased. "Shit that's..." you mutter not finishing the sentence as you try to bring your friends to a stop. "What are you doing babe?" you bite your lip while your friends look at you confused, "that's Daniel Ricciardo" you explain, only to receive blank looks, you huff and wrap your arms around your body, "I had a thing for him forever ago, he's a race car driver that I found out about because of my brother" you add to fill them in on the significance of the man a couple of feet away who is having a fantastic time surrounded by way too many people for your liking.

The two girls look at each other, sneaky grins appearing on their faces making you feel uneasy, "what are those looks about?" you ask and let out a nervous laugh, they shrug before turning to you, "oh nothing" one replies and links her arm with yours. "Mhmm we're just gonna get you what you want" your other friends adds spiking your confusion even more, but before you can ask any other questions, together they push you through the small crowd surrounding the race car driver. You gasp in surprise stumbling over who knows what before your hands find something solid to hold on to. "Hi to you too" you snap your head up at the Australian accent you recognize as Daniel's, quickly noticing that your hands are on his chest so you feel your face redden before you step back, your hands dropping from their position. "I'm so sorry, my friends thought it would be funny if-" you cut yourself off realizing what you were about to admit to the Aussie you only ever dreamed of meeting. He lifts his eyebrow at the abrupt silence as you try to change the topic, "never mind it doesn't matter, sorry for whatever that was" you explain and spin around, shimmying through all of the people to escape your embarrassment.

You spot your friends a couple feet away so you march over, "well that was embarrassing, thanks for that, didn't enjoy it" they shrug before you notice their eyes moving past you, grins overtaking their features. "Wha-" you choke on your words when you feel a hand come to your back, goosebumps decorating your skin at the touch. You turn your head to see Daniel smiling at you, your eyes widen in surprise and you look back at your friends silently asking if this is real, they both nod enthusiastically making the Aussie chuckle. You spin around at the sound trying to compose yourself, "sorry again for earlier, I don't make it a habit to feel up men I don't know" you explain, "no only when it comes to her teenage crush" one of your friends says making your cheeks redden again, "oh my god" you mumble hating your friends for including that information. "It's alright no harm done" he replies the smile still present on his face, "not to you, i'm pretty mortified though" you mumble, he holds out his hand, "i'm Daniel" he says making your tense shoulders relax slightly, "i'm Y/N" he grins when you slip your hand into his to shake, "let me buy you a drink, and all will be forgotten" he adds making you bite your lip as you nod.

When he leads you through the crowd you forget about what your friends did, feeling like you're hallucinating that Daniel Ricciardo is holding your hand and wants to buy you a drink. You're taken out of your head when the Aussie squeezes your hand, "what's your poison gorgeous?" he asks while leaning in to talk into your ear, you shiver at the sudden close proximity, "surprise me" you reply he nods, placing his hand on your back again while he catches the attention of the bartender. You can't help but watch him as he speaks to the girl behind the bar, his smile radiating happiness while she takes the drink order. "If you're gonna stars you might as well take a picture" you blush when Daniel turns back to you a teasing glint in his dark eyes, "sorry" you murmur. The Aussie suddenly brings you flush to his body, lowering his head slightly, "stop saying sorry, you have nothing to apologize for Y/N" he exclaims, your hand goes to his chest while you bite your lip shyly. You don't get the chance to reply due to the drinks being ready, Daniel hands you yours and takes his before easily tugging you back through the crowd, insisting that you find somewhere quieter to talk. You go along with him only briefly spotting your friends along the way, their thumbs up making you roll your eyes with a small smile coming to your face.


The two of you find somewhere to sit, Daniel pulling you to his side while he throws an arm across your shoulders. "So I was your crush?" he asks, his lips nearly touching your ear, you automatically tense up at his question, turning your head to look into his eyes, "maybe, maybe not" you reply vaguely making him chuckle and bring you even closer, this makes you place a hand on his chest, a common spot that you keep finding tonight. This time Daniel places his hand over yours, his thumb moving along your fingers gently, "if I knew about you I would've had a crush on you too, if it makes you feel better" your heart flutters at his statement as you keep your gaze on his, "it doesn't because I know it's not true, I was invisible majority of the time, you would've never noticed me" he lifts an eyebrow, "how do you know that Y/N?" you let out a laugh, "because the beautiful women you have access too on a daily basis" he puts his free hand on your knee, effortlessly turning you towards him even more, "being in the spotlight is overrated Y/N, i'd much rather be invisible" you snort, "yeah okay like that's-" Daniel cuts you off with a kiss making you freeze up. 

The Aussie's hand goes to the side of your face making you realize that you are indeed lip locked so the hand on his chest pushes him away slightly. Daniel immediately pulls away, taking his hands off of you with concern written on his face, "that was too forward, i'm sorry" he murmurs, you smile at his apology. "Now who's saying sorry" you reply making the race car driver smile again, his dimples making you swoon on the spot, so you curl a hand into his shirt to tug him towards you, "kiss me all you want Daniel, but maybe not in the middle of a sentence this time" he laughs and you press your lips to his effectively cutting off the sound. He immediately pulls you to him matching you kiss for kiss as your fingers sink into his dark curls, everything around you fading away into nothingness, too occupied by each other to care that you're in a public place. Daniel's hand sneaking under the silky material of your halter top makes you pull away with a gasp, you blink a few times to clear your head of the lust filled haze that had overtaken you. He brings a hand up to brush your hair behind your ear, "what's wrong?" he asks gaining your attention, "I can't i'm sorry, this is too much" you murmur knowing that this isn't you, so sliding away from Daniel and going back into the crowd to find your friends is the only thing you can think of doing. 

Once you find the two girls they must notice your distressed state because they immediately ask you millions of questions. You didn't realize how much you've been effected until you feel a tear roll down your cheek as they talk. They stop when they notice, "do we have to go kick his ass Y/N?" one friend asks, you shake your head and wipe away the lone tear, "it's me that's the problem, I can't be that girl that goes for what she wants, especially not with Daniel, i'm so pathetic" you explain, they bring you into a hug and do as requested when you tell them you want to leave the club. Your mind on the kind Australian that you left behind the whole ride home.

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