Loved You First (2) - Charles Leclerc

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A/N So I think I deleted the original part 2 to this by mistake when I cleaned out the non-F1 fics...soooo I hope this kinda does the og justice...

..."Babe watch-" you bump into something and hands come to your hips making you gasp quietly in surprise, "careful" a deep voice says behind you. Your eyes go to your friends a silent question in them, they nod in response making you slowly turn around to face a smiling Charles...

"I'm so sorry" you say while looking up at him, "no need to apologize" he replies with a shrug, "I guess we need rear view mirrors in life as well" you add making him laugh. The sound tugs at your heart making a smile appear on your face, "you're not wrong about that" he exclaims and you bite your lip to hold back how happy you are. "I'm Charles" he adds while holding out a hand, "i'm Y/N" you reply and gently shake his hand, which seems to fit perfectly with yours, "would you like to watch from in here?" your eyes go wide at the question and you start to shake your head, "she would very much like to watch from there, ignore what she says she's a huge Ferrari fan" your friend exclaims making you jump not realizing how close she is. Charles leans his head closer to yours, "I think you should listen to her, she's kinda scary" he murmurs quietly the colour of his eyes catching you off guard since you haven't been this close to him ever, "yeah okay I can go along with that" you say, your voice quiet as he smiles. 

"Come on let me get you set up" he adds while releasing your hand, you peer over you shoulder at your friends who are grinning and giving you a thumbs up, "we'll get you a souvenir, don't even think about sneaking away" they say while walking over to each give you a hug. You roll your eyes but you know that they're teasing you as always, "meet at Ferrari after the race" you say, they nod and you watch them head towards the grandstands. "Y/N ready?" you spin to Charles and nod, "yeah I think so" he smiles and you follow him into the Ferrari garage where he leads you to a viewing area where there are already some people, "wait here until i'm done and then I can help you get back to your friends" you nod and he smiles before leaving you there to wait for the race to start. 


You're on the edge of your seat as the race ends, Lewis Hamilton crossing the line first causing an uproar in the grandstand that you can't quite see from where you are. You watch Charles cross the line in 8th and you hear his car before you see it, standing up at you watch him climb out and walk around the garage thanking his team for a good job. The gesture makes you fonder of the Monégasque a smile coming to your face as he gets closer to where you are his hair messy and helmet in hand. He smiles over at you before holding up a finger to tell you to wait, you nod and he runs out of the garage towards what you assume is his private quarters to change. A few minutes later he reappears wearing some joggers and a t-shirt, you quickly get down to the garage and venture over your hands clamped together nervously. "Allons-y Y/N" he says, you nod and follow him through various hallways and doors before the two of you get to where you started the day in front of the Ferrari paddock. You see your friends waiting in the distance talking but you turn towards Charles, "thank you for today, I never could've imagined a day like this" he smiles, "you're very welcome, i'm glad that I could make it something special" you smile up at him, "well I should go they're waiting" he nods and you spin around walking to your friends. 

"Y/N" a hand stops you from continuing, so you turn slightly to see Charles looking down at you, "I would really like to take you out to dinner tonight" your eyes widen in surprise. "You want to go to dinner with ME?" he chuckles and moves his hand to yours, "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't" you look at your friends who nod enthusiastically and do a shooing motion towards you. "They're not very subtle" you look up at Charles embarrassed, "not at all" you say and get sucked in by his ever changing eye colour, "so dinner?" you shake you head to clear it, "I would like that" he smiles. You let him lead you out of the venue, feeling like you're in a dream that can't actually be true. 

You're sitting across from Charles in a restaurant near the track feeling majorly underdressed, "i'm not dressed for this place" you tell the Monégasque self consciously, "you look beautiful" he replies making your breath catch in your throat. "Charles" you say with furrowed eyebrows, "it's true, red looks great on you Y/N" you blush and look down at your menu. Once your cheeks have cooled down the two of you fall into a comfortable conversation, learning about each other for the next few hours. Before you know it the two of you are leaving the restaurant, your hands linked together as you walk down the sidewalk back to Charles' car. As you come to a stop at his sleek Ferrari, he surprises you by pulling you in for a kiss, you curl your fingers into his shirt and he cradles your face keeping you in place. You blame the glasses of wine that you had at dinner when you let him take you back to his hotel room and let him pull you into bed with him.


The light shining through the window wakes you up the next morning, you blink a few times to remember where you are. When everything comes back to your mind you turn slightly to see Charles still asleep so you quietly slip out of bed and throw on a the first t-shirt you come across. You pad across the room to the little espresso machine set up and you grab one of the ceramic mugs setting it under the machine. You try to stay as quiet as possible as you wait for the drink to dispense into your mug. Once your drink is ready you take the mug and move a chair to face the window overlooking the scenery, you curl yourself into it with drink in hand. "Y/N" you turn your head and see Charles still in bed, his hand up with his phone pointed at you, "non" you say while moving the mug in front of your face. "Come on chérie" you peer over the rim of the mug at the Monégasque who is smiling at you, the way he looks at you makes you wish that you could wake up to him every morning. 

You don't realize that you were in a world of your own until you feel a hand on your cheek. The gesture makes you jump slightly, your eyes meeting Charles' which are filled with worry. "T'est correcte?" he asks while brushing his thumb along your cheekbone, you blink a few times to gather your emotions, "I think so" you murmur. He smiles and you choke on the unexpected tears that blur your vision, you put your mug down and jump out of the chair making the Ferrari driver move back quickly. "I'm sorry I can't" you say while wiping away the lone tear on your cheek, "what?" he exclaims as you gather your clothes, sliding into the pants and shirt easily, "I can't be here and act like it's even remotely possible for me to have this kind of dream life with you" he walks over to you bringing a hand up, but you step back towards the hotel room door deflecting the gesture that is sure to make you cry. When he doesn't say anything you turn around and place a hand on the door knob ready to leave, "I want you in my life" he mutters, but you purse your lips and shake your head hand tightening on the handle. You take a deep breath stepping out of the room where you just might have left a piece of you along with Charles Leclerc, the Ferrari front man who changed your life in the span of a few hours in a small town in Italy...

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