Missing You - Daniel Ricciardo

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You're sitting in your apartment after a long day at work; looking for something to watch on Netflix to get your mind off of the chaos at your job. A message appears on the screen, are you still watching Drive To Survive? the words make you suck in a breath to try and avoid a waterfall of tears. "Y/N have you chose anything?" you quickly select no in response to the message, "nothing yet" you say to your boyfriend of almost a year. He walks into the room a bowl of popcorn in his hand, "get a move on babe, we don't have all night" he jokes and sits down next to you throwing an arm across your shoulders. You lean into him, quickly choosing an Avengers movie before putting down the TV remote, "perfect" he says and kisses your head, you nod but your mind isn't completely present as you think about a certain dark eyed ex-boyfriend of yours. A few seconds of being zoned out later you internally curse pushing away the thoughts remembering the man next to you, who cares about you so much. You peer up at your boyfriend a smile coming to your face as you move upwards to press a kiss to his cheek. The gesture makes him look down at you with a smile, "what was that?" you shrug curling into him again, "just because" he chuckles kissing your temple before turning back to the movie.

The next evening you and a couple of friends decide to get together for a girls night. The current activity taking place are face masks, you have one solidifying on your face and you're trying to keep your face still as you listen to your friends chatting. "How are things with the boyfriend?" you turn to the voice, "good I guess" the two girls in front of you frown, "babe you've been with him for almost a year, it should be a bit better than good" you sigh looking down at your lap, "what's bugging you?" you bite your lip gently, "oh god with that expression, what have you done?" you shake your head, "nothing, I've done absolutely nothing" they watch you, "but..." they say urging you for more, "but I don't think I can do it anymore" they scoot closer to you on the couch, "is this about Dan?" you let out a sob tears appearing in the corners of your eyes, "god I miss him so much, when I'm sleeping next to my current boyfriend I'm wishing it was him keeping me warm at night" arms come around you in a hug, "which makes me a cruel person, because I've been treated so well these past 8 months thinking that I could learn to love someone other than Daniel" your friends tighten their hold on you. "Love is such a weird thing Y/N, it holds us captive when all we want to do is let it go" you sigh, "I think you need to talk to both of them, or you're going to destroy yourself thinking about all of this" you pull away taking a deep breath, "you're right I need to do this for myself" they nod and you jump off the couch to grab a face cloth to wipe the now muddy mask off of your face. When you reappear with a clean face and determined expression your friends look at you concerned, "what are you doing?" you shrug, "something that might just be insane" they stand up and walk over, "Y/N we didn't mean right now" you smile sadly, "I know but you guys have made it sound so simple when I've been struggling with this for such a long time" they each take one of your hands, "I'm going to go talk to them, first to the guy that I've been using as a rebound because he deserves an explanation and then to the guy that I never stopped loving a year after we went our separate ways" the concern in their eyes doesn't go away, "you sure about this?" you nod at your two closest friends, "I have to stop pretending that I don't miss him with my whole being, I have to make this right for everyone's sake" they smile unsurely but don't try to stop you as you gather the things necessary for the next few hours.

You step out of your most recent boyfriend's apartment half an hour later letting out a breath. The situation less than ideal as you remember the disappointment on his face when you told him how you're feeling. He took it better than expected when you wish him luck in the future knowing that he will make some girl really happy. You smile and walk out of the building checking the time on your phone as you get into your car driving towards the airport. Parking in the long term lot feels like it takes forever as you grab your small backpack running into the building not wanting to miss your flight. Once on the plane you lean back sighing a smile coming to your face as takeoff begins.


Landing in Nice early the next morning you realize that you didn't plan how to get to Monte Carlo. When you're in the airport you let out a curse finding somewhere to sit while you figure out what to do. After going through a mental list of who you know in the area you sit up minutes later smiling as you go through the contact list on your phone. You tap the phone icon next to the person you hope doesn't hate you after not talking for such a long time. The line rings a few times before a sleepy hello is heard, you smile and start talking to your old friend explaining what you've done and that you need some help. After some grumbling and the sound of a door closing you hang up while biting your lip nervously.

Sitting on a bench outside the airport seemed like a good decision when you made it but you soon feel the morning breeze making you wrap your arms around yourself. At the sight of a grey Ferrari you stand up quickly the strap of your backpack in hand as you approach the sleek sports car. The passenger window rolls down revealing a still pj clad Charles Leclerc, "you owe me Y/N" he tells you, "I know and I'm soooo thankful for this, I didn't know who else to call" he smiles and pats the leather seat next to him, "get in here you have some explaining to do" you nod and quickly get into the car your bag landing between your feet. The Monegasque drives away from the airport and you start telling him everything that has happened since you talked to him last hoping you get everything out in the half hour drive to Monte Carlo.

Charles rolls to a stop outside of the apartment complex where you used to spend a lot of your time. "Thank you for this" you tell the Monte Carlo native with a smile, he brings you into a one armed hug, "I want you to be happy so I think I can forgive you for waking me up for this" you laugh as you pull away, "I'll text you any updates" he smiles and you get out of the car feeling nervous again as you look up at the building. "Go get him Y/N!" Charles yells out the window as he drives away leaving you with no option but to proceed up the familiar steps.

It isn't until you're in front of the Australian's door that you realize you're still wearing the sweatpants and hoodie that you only reserve for girls night. Your hair is probably a tangled mess but you know there's no point in hiding it as you bite your lip unsure if this was a good idea after all. After a few internal pep talks you finally knock on the door, hoping that Daniel's awake. The door swings open quicker than you expected, "I swear Mike let me-" Dan's sleepy expression changes to a surprised one, "Y/N?" he asks. "I know this is super random or whatever but a grand gesture seemed like the way to go last night when I planned this last minute trip" I reply quickly, feeling like a huge burden for the Formula 1 driver, "woah slow down, come in before someone calls the cops"  he exclaims while stepping aside to let you through.

The familiar apartment is like a time warp, making you remember all of the good and not so good times. "So why are you here?" You spin to Dan who is looking at you confused, "fuck I'm way less prepared than I thought" you say quietly, beginning to pace along the hardwood floor. "You gotta relax for me darling, I'm getting worried here" his statement makes you stop and look into his dark brown eyes, "I still love you" you say and then lower your gaze not sure how he'll react, "never stopped, I tried to move on but I think I started missing you the minute we broke it off last year" you add while fidgeting with your fingers. Dan slides his hands into yours fingers lacing with yours gently, you look up at the now smiling Australian, "I was going to go find you because me without you is pointless on and off the track " you giggle at the bad pun which sets off his laughter. "I'm sorry that I let you down so many times before, I'm going to try harder if you'll have me again" you explain knowing that you had a big hand in what led up to the break up, "let's be a better team this time around because I don't think I can handle another break from you" you nod and he brings a hand up to cradle your face, "I missed you too, the empty hole in my life could only ever be filled by you" Dan's words makes you tear up slightly, "me and you against the world" you murmur before he kisses you, winding his arm around your waist to pull you to him, "forever and always Y/N" he says into your lips filling your heart with a joy you only ever feel with him.

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