Masked Man 1 - Mason Mount

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At first you didn't like the idea of going to an event where everyone's identity was hidden behind a mask. As the event neared you started to warm up to the idea with the help of the friend that invited you to the party. She played it up as if you would be going in with a clean slate where there are no expectations and no preconceived ideas about anyone. You loved that perspective so you couldn't wait to dress up and have what should be a great evening away from work or responsibilities.


"Okay, ready?" your friend asks and looks your way. You smile, put your lace mask over your eyes then take her hand to squeeze it. "Ready" you say so she pulls you up the steps leading into the hotel that is hosting the event. Your heels click along the hotel floor as you two make your way to the correct ballroom. Anticipation builds even more when you turn the corner to see several people waiting to get into the event. "This'll be so fun Y/N" your friend says quietly so you smile then tug her into your side, "I reckon that you're right about that" you reply so she squeezes your hand as the small line moves forward.

Once you step into the ballroom you're stunned by the decorations that transform the space into something magical. "You're seeing the same thing right?" you look over at your friend to see her expression of awe that must be similar to yours. "Yeah" she nods then rolls her shoulders back. "'Kay great let's get in there then" you smile then follow her further into the room full of spectacularly dressed men and women.


After dancing for just over an hour with drink breaks you and your friend decide to take a break. The slow song that's playing makes you wish that you had someone to dance with to the ballad. You let out a sigh and look down at the cocktail glass in your hand, so you miss the man approaching where you two are sitting.

"Would you care to dance?" you look up to see a man wearing a burgundy suit with a matching mask standing in front of you. It takes a second to process the question then his outstretched hand. "You want to dance with me?" he smiles which brings out his one dimple, "I wouldn't ask otherwise" you blush then clear your throat quietly. "Sorry about that, the drinks and this room make me feel like I'm in some kind of dream" he chuckles and your belly flutters at the joyful sound. "I'd say that's a part of the mystery" you smile at the stranger then look at your friend who is fully absorbed in your conversation. She proceeds to give you what she thinks is a subtle thumbs up so you laugh then turn back to the handsome man. "Is that dance still on the table?" He smiles in response so you stand from your seat to take his outstretched hand.

You join the couples dancing and the mystery man pulls you close. The elbow length silk gloves you chose to wear with your emerald green dress seem like the wrong choice because you want to feel his hand against yours. "Any secrets you want to spill?" you ask quietly, he chuckles and you decide that you really like the sound. "You assume that I have secrets" he replies then uses the hand at your back to tug you closer. "Make it up then, I won't know any better" he shakes his head then lifts your hand to his shoulder so that both of his can go to your hips. The shift of his embrace makes your belly flutter a second time as he looks up at the ceiling in thought.

"Sometimes I want to run away from reality and never come back but I know it would disappoint a lot of people" he finally says in a tone that tells you it's one hundred percent true. You slide your hand up to the nape of his neck then smile, "let this event and this moment be the escape that you need" he moves one of his hands to your cheek and strokes it gently. His touch leaves an unexpected trail of warmth on your skin. "This is exactly what I've needed, you are exactly what I've needed" the proclamation by the man makes you blush and lower your head to hide your red cheeks.

"You don't even know me" he brings you against his chest so you look up, "we can change that easily" you look into his gorgeous brown eyes then his nicely coiffed hair and finally his kissable lips before you close your eyes to rein in your thoughts of learning everything about the handsome man in the burgundy suit. "I think that we shouldn't ruin the mystery" you murmur once you open your eyes, he frowns so you shift your hand to his cheek because you miss his smile. "We're two people dancing in this dream event and we'll turn back into pumpkins at the end of the night" he laughs at your Cinderella reference then lowers his head toward yours. "Can I kiss you before that happens?" your breath hitches at the question and you look into his eyes which seem to pull you in with some sort of invisible force. "You better mystery man" he doesn't waste any time in pressing his lips to yours so your eyes flutter closed.

When he pulls away you immediately want another kiss to see if it would be just as amazing as the first one. You open your eyes, move your hand down to his chest and take a breath to resist the urge. "Damn, I was hoping that would be awful so that it would be easier to leave at the end of the night" you look up at him with raised eyebrows. "Right! How the hell do we walk away after that kiss?" he sighs loudly but after a couple of seconds of silence perks up as he takes your hands. "Hear me out, let's live as long as possible in this dream that they created, mega kisses included" you see the excitement in his dark eyes then look down to where he's holding your gloved hands. "It's one night, let's do it" he squeezes your hands gently so you look up at him, he swoops down to press another kiss to your lips instead of speaking. A silent promise to enjoy the night to the fullest.

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