Shy Pt. 2 - Pierre Gasly

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After a usual Hamilton pole position you get up from where you were sitting in Red Bull hospitality. You bite your lip as you leave the building, feeling lost without the new friend you made by your side. People must think you're crazy as you stand on the spot trying to remember how to get to the Red Bull garage. You spin in the direction that you think is right and you start to walk, but then you second guess yourself and turn in the other direction that seems more right. "Can I help you get somewhere?" you jump at the voice spinning towards it, you blush when you see Pierre Gasly smiling at you, his blue eyes locked on you make you look down shyly. "Um yeah" you reply and drag your toe along the pavement, "can't help you if you don't tell me where" he adds making you blush even more. You peer up for a second before looking down again, "I'm not sure how to get to the Red Bull garage" you say still not able to look him in the eye. 

"Ah i'm afraid I can't help you, it's against my contract" he says making you look up, "oh okay, i'll figure it out" you mumble and start to walk away while lowering your head. "Wait i'm joking" he replies and places a hand on your arm, the contact sends sparks through you, making you blink in shock before looking up at the frenchman. He tilts his head and smiles, "you don't talk much" you shrug and bite your lip gently no sure how to reply, "it's good, because around here people talk way too much" he adds making you giggle and look into his eyes. Out of nowhere someone bumps you as they're running by, pushing you into Pierre, your hands land on his chest to stay upright while his hands come to your waist. Your gaze moves to where your fingers are splayed against the stark white of his Alpha Tauri shirt, you blush at the feel of his body under your fingers, "are you okay?" you look up at his question and nod, he then squeezes your waist beneath his fingers making your face heat up even more. "I should brother is probably worried" you murmur and quickly get out of his grasp before turning around and jogging hopefully in the right direction. As you get to the team garage you can't help but still feel his fingers on you, which has you flustered while you search for your brother.


"Y/N, you okay?" I spin around at the familiar voice to see the person you've been looking for. "Yeah i'm fine" you reply with what is hopefully a convincing smile, your brother lifts an eyebrow and looks into your eyes, you shy away from his calculating gaze almost instantly. "Oh no what happened?" you shake your head, "nothing" he crosses his arms, "if you think that smile is convincing me you don't know me very well" your eyes flick up to his for a second before looking down at the ground, "Pierre is what happened" you murmur. "I wasn't planning on punching a driver today, but I'm ready" you place your hands on his curled up fists, "no don't, it was me that was the problem, he was so nice, and I freaked out" he loosens his fists making you relax slightly.

You look up at your older brother as millions of thoughts go through your head, he must see something in your expression because he smiles, "you like him" he murmurs, you shrug, "I mean I don't know him, I just know the things I've read" you tell him, "I think you should take a chance Y/N" you laugh while looking away, "he would never like someone like me" your brother kisses your head, "never say never sis" is all he says before walking away to finish up some things with the team. You hate the way that his words stick in your head as you go find somewhere to wait for your brother to finish up. You focus on your iPad doodling away when a hand suddenly comes to your shoulder, you gasp and look up at a smiling Max. "Why do people keep sneaking up on me?" you ask making him laugh, "not intentional Y/N, you're just always in your own world" he replies, you huff and roll your eyes.

"Whatcha doing?" you smile and hand him the iPad, surprised that you let him see when you often hide your work from everyone, "wow you're talented" you blush and take back the pad, "it's nothing spectacular, just some doodles" he scoffs, "well your doodles look like a masterpiece Y/N" you don't say anything just look back down at small screen. "Are you going to be here tomorrow?" He asks making you smile, "yeah, it's the most important day of the weekend" you reply, he nods and pats your shoulder, "see you then Y/N" you smile again and he leaves the garage with his things.

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