Until Now - Daniel Ricciardo

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"What's so amazing about this guy?" You ask your friends as they drag you down the sidewalk in the city where the three of you decided to spend a well deserved vacation. "He's not just 'some guy' Y/N, he's the whole package and more, truly every girl's dream guy" one of your friends replies with a smile, you don't say anything, letting them continue their path towards who knows where. As you turn a corner your phone vibrates with a text so you take out the device without looking, holding it up to see Daniel's name followed by a couple of words that make you smile.

You haven't told your friends about him yet, even though you've been texting for a couple of weeks at this point. The most surprising thing about it is that the two of you were introduced by a former work friend of yours who accepted her dream job elsewhere. "Babe" you look away from your phone as you get nudged, "hmm?" your friends are watching you curiously, "who texted you?" One of them asks making you put your phone away, "no one important let's go find this guy that is apparently the whole package" you reply hoping to distract them, they grin at your statement and drag you into a building while giggling.

Immediately the music seems too loud and the lights too bright so you keep your head lowered while holding a friend's hand to stay together. You feel your phone vibrating as the three of you walk up to the counter to order some drinks, you peer at your friends quickly before taking out your phone to check the notification. Daniel's name flashes on the screen with another text, you bite your lip and discreetly unlock the device. I want to SEE you Y/N, texting is great and all but knowing that I'm missing seeing you is torture, you feel your hands getting clammy at his message, somehow having avoided showing him what you look like this whole time.

You look up at your friends to see them all looking at something to the left of where you are all standing, this makes you step closer and peer over. "What are we looking at?" you ask loudly over the music, "shhh" is the response you get while being pulled even closer, "he's here, in the backwards hat" one friend murmurs while nodding her head in the right direction. You see a guy wearing a backwards cap sitting at a table, his head lowered as he looks at something in his hand while a couple of other guys surround him laughing. "He looks like every other guy I've seen at these kinds of places" you exclaim with a shrug before sliding away from them, your phone goes off again making you lift it, put me out of my misery Y/N, the plea in this text makes you sigh. With a quick glance over your shoulder you sneak away even further to attempt to get better lighting.

After finding decent exposure you smooth down the black t-shirt you're wearing before fluffing your hair a bit. You switch on your front facing camera and lift the device, showing off your smile slightly as you press the shutter button on your phone screen. A picture for a picture? Is what you caption the selfie that you send to Daniel, quickly sliding the device back into your pocket before running back over to your friends who are still watching the guy who is hunched over his phone. "You guys need to stop being creepy, he's just a normal person" you say catching their attention, "he's not normal Y/N, he's a race car driver who makes millions with the snap of his fingers" a friend explains dramatically. With a roll of your eyes you push through your group of friends and walk towards the driver hoping to prove a point to them.

"Hey excuse me" you say making him lift his head, he looks at you for a second before looking back down with wide eyes, "Y/N?" He asks while looking up again much to your surprise, "how do you..." he grins and shoves his phone into your hand. You look down to see the picture you just took with the caption you wrote. You look up at the man your friends have been freaking out about, "Daniel?" you ask in a murmur, he nods enthusiastically as you try to process the information. He catches you off guard when bringing a hand up to cradle your face gently, his touch makes your heart flutter as you take a good look at him for the first time. "Wow you're gorgeous" he says while pulling you closer, you blush still clutching onto his phone, "I'm alright" you mutter hoping that he doesn't hear the response over the music.

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