One Night Stand...In - Daniel Ricciardo

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Getting dumped the day before your big sisters wedding is somehow poetic. You decide to keep it quiet, not wanting to ruin her special weekend. You can only hope that the bachelorette party later in the evening would make you forget all about your now ex-boyfriend. You reserve your tears for in the shower, determined to keep the focus on the bride-to-be throughout the day. When preparations for the bachelorette party commence thankfully your sister's friends and bridesmaids don't notice anything different about your mood and just focus on getting ready. You slide into your favourite dress, which your ex never seemed to like, so you smile at the small win against him before putting on minimal makeup to complete the look.

The group of you, slightly buzzed after one club already, walk into another with arms linked together. You smile at the more relaxed vibes this other club radiates, your eyes scanning the crowds of people, not really sure what you're looking for. When your eyes stop on a pair of dark ones, you feel your face beating up, as if your crush just gave you some attention. "Looks like Y/N is flustered by a bit" one of the bridesmaids says making you shake your head, "she's taken remember" your sister replies and pulls the group towards the bar. You feel a tug at your heart at the reminder of your now non existent relationship, but you quickly push it away when you're handed a shot glass.

Once you've found yourself in the crowd of people dancing you away to the thumping music, a smile on your face as you dance with the group of women who brought you here. As you dance you can't help but scan the crowd for the man with the captivating eyes, your mind still decently sharp even after a few drinks. When you come up unsuccessful and feel disappointed you chastise yourself for feeling that way after having your heart crushed a few hours earlier. You tell your sister that you need a minute, so you sneak through all of the people to make your way to the bathroom to compose yourself. A hand latches onto your arm before you can get there, you suck in a breath not wanting to deal with a drunk stranger, but when you look up you see those dark eyes you've been searching for throughout the night. "I couldn't help but notice you out there" he says with a smile, you can't help but smile as well, "do you say that to every girl?" you ask cheekily, he chuckles, "wow I've been found out already" you shrug while looking away from his intense gaze, "when the same lines get used on you several times you start to figure it out" he sighs, "well shit there goes the whole rest of my plan to impress you" you giggle and look up again. "I'm Daniel" you smile, "I'm Y/N" he nods and the way he looks at you has you acting on impulse, you step closer to the stranger and pull him in for a heated kiss. Which leads to hands roaming, a hasty exit from the club, and a text sent to your sister making up an excuse as to why you left.


Your phone ringing the next morning wakes you up. A comfortable weight across your body makes it seem like a hassle to pick up the call. As your thoughts become clearer you shoot up in panic, waking the dark haired man laying next to you. You reach for the device and see several missed calls from your sister. "Shit!" You exclaim not believing that you overslept, "what's wrong?" you turn to Daniel and that's when it hits you that the date you promised to have for the wedding is no longer in the picture. "Double shit" you say and get out of the unfamiliar bed to put on your dress from last night as quickly as possible. You feel his eyes on you the whole time that you're gathering your things, when you have everything you turn to Daniel.

He looks at you with sleep still present in his eyes, that's when you get an idea to solve one of the problems that you have. "What?" he asks as you look at him with a sheepish expression, "this is probably crazy of me to ask, since your basically a one night stand, but my sister is getting married in about an hour and my boyfriend dumped me yesterday, long story short my family is expecting to meet my first serious boyfriend, but alas I don't have what they're expecting, could you, if you're not busy of course, fill in for the day?" his eyes are wide after you explain your situation, the silence making you nervous, "god I'm crazy and sleep deprived, pretend I never said anything, I'm just gonna go and leave you alone" you say to attempt to make it less awkward.

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