Blind Date - Pierre Gasly

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You sit on the couch with a clenched jaw, looking up at your so called friends. "We just want you to be happy and move on from the bad stuff" one of them explains, "I don't want to date anyone right now" you reply while crossing your arms. "We swear Y/N, you'll like him" another friend pleads, "he'd be really good for you" the first friend mumbles. They look at you with small smiles on their faces, you sigh while letting your shoulders drop, caving in to their expressions. "I'll go but only if you promise me that this is the last one the two of them grin and nod enthusiastically, "deal babe, we promise" you let out a breath silently hoping that this date isn't a complete bust.


A couple of nights later you stand in front of the restaurant where you're supposed to meet your date. Your friends only gave you his name, Pierre but didn't elaborate on who he was, telling you that you would learn that in person. The dress you're wearing feels all wrong as your hands start to become clammy from nerves, your eyes flicking around in anticipation. "Y/N?" a voice asks making you turn around, you smile shyly while waving awkwardly at the man, "that's me" you reply making him chuckle. The sound almost instantly putting you at ease, your shoulders relaxing as he holds out his arm towards you, "shall we?" you nod and curl a hand around his bicep, letting him lead you into the restaurant.

Once the two of you have been shown to your table in a secluded part of the restaurant you go to sit down. "Wait!" you pull your hand away from the chair and look over at your date in confusion. He walks over to pull out the chair for you, the charming smile on his face making you blush while sitting down, "thanks" you mumble quietly then watch him sit across from you. "Did your friends set this up too?" he smiles, "I'm starting to think it was a group effort" you laugh then lean forward while placing your arms on the table, "we have sneaky friends don't we?" he rests his arms on the table as well, "we do, but I think they have good reasons to be" you smile but before you can say anything else a waiter appears asking for drink selections. "Wine Y/N?" He asks, your hands grow sweaty again, but you hope your smile is convincing enough as you nod in response, Pierre turns to the waiter and orders a bottle of something you can't pronounce. He smiles before walking away from the table, "tell me something Y/N" you furrow your brows, "what about?" Pierre shrugs, "what gets you excited?" you bite your lip in thought. After a couple of seconds you release your lip, "a warm sunny day full of possibilities" he seems surprised by your answer, "how about you Pierre?" he chuckles, "that's a lot to follow up" you giggle and lean towards him even more, an invisible string pulling you forward, "give it a shot" he smiles.

As he opens his mouth to talk our waiter interrupts with a bottle of wine in hand, you watch the man across from you taste it before nodding, giving the waiter the go ahead to pour the drink in each of our glasses. You feel bad watching your glass fill up knowing that you'll most likely sip it once before leaving it to sit next to your plate for the whole evening. You're taken out of your thoughts when a hand touches yours, "Y/N?" Pierre asks with concern in his voice, "sorry was just thinking" you reply and smile at the handsome man who's become worried. He looks unsure but you squeeze his hand in reassurance making him smile, "are you ready to order?" you nod and tell the waiter what you've chosen as your entrée. Once he's gone Pierre lifts his wine glass, "here's to us" he says with a small twinkle in his blue eyes, you take your glass and touch it to his, "to us" you repeat feeling your stomach flutter at the way he's looking at you. He takes a sip from his glass and you mirror him, the bitter wine making you scrunch up your nose just like every other one you've tried.

Pierre immediately notices the small gesture of disgust, "what's wrong?" you blush feeling embarrassed, "it doesn't matter" he lifts an eyebrow, "if it makes you make that face I'd say it matters". You sigh "I don't like wine, never have" he chuckles making you blush even more, "why did you agree to have wine?" you look at him then shrug, "didn't want to be difficult" he shakes his head and then takes your hand. "Be honest Y/N, is this the place you would've chosen for this date?" you go to lie but Pierre's expression stops you in your tracks, "no, this isn't even my dress I borrowed it" he smiles, "me neither" he says quietly making you giggle. In a quick motion he flags down our waiter, talking to him briefly before pulling out his wallet, the employee leaving and coming back with a credit card machine in record time. You can't help but let out a quiet laugh at the whole situation, making Pierre look up at you with a smile, finishing the transaction in seconds then taking your hand. The two of you leave the restaurant in a rush, catching the attention of other couples in the dark space, small whispers being heard behind you.


Once outside you let out a squeal, the rain that must've started while you were inside drenching you in seconds. Pierre laughs, his hand clutching onto your smaller one as the two of you run towards the car park. He stops you in front of a sleek black sports car, quickly unlocking it before helping you inside, you're giggling as he gets into the driver's seat, drenched like you are. "Much better" he hums while brushing his hair away from his face, "I agree" you reply while turning to him. After a few seconds of silence you smile, "I've changed my mind" he looks over at you, "about what?" you slide a hand into his, "getting caught in the rain on a first date excites me" he brings your hand up to kiss the back of it softly before speaking "me too Y/N". You squeeze his hand then smile wider, "while this is amazing right here, I'm starving" you say, hating that you're ruining such a precious moment between you two, he nods so you turn to face forward, buckling your seatbelt as he does the same, "I know the perfect place" he adds.

Pierre ends up taking you to a hole in the wall pizzeria, lending you a hoodie of his to keep you warm after the rain. The rest of the evening you and him chat up a storm over a pizza, heads bent towards each other with hands laced together on the table. Eventually you two are the last one's in the small space, forcing one of the employees to ask you to leave. After plenty of apologies then paying for the meal you and Pierre leave hand-in-hand. He tucks you into his side once outside, a smile coming to your face as the two of you head back to his car. The way your heart sinks a couple of kilometres later is unfamiliar to you, Pierre rubs a thumb against your hand, like he can sense your shift of mood. When he stops the car in front of your building you frown, "don't look so sad, there will be many more dates" your frown shifts into a smile as you look at the Frenchman, "yeah?" he nods then brings a hand up to tuck some hair behind your ear, "I'm glad that you were my date tonight" you add and he leans over to kiss your cheek, making your heart flutter, "moi aussi (me too)" he murmurs. You exchange numbers with Pierre before taking your purse and shoes, stepping out of his car slowly. Halfway through walking to the building entrance you drop your stuff and turn around, jogging over to the car, Pierre opens the window ready to ask what you were doing, but you press your lips against his, effectively stopping the question. He holds your chin gently as your lips move in sync for a couple of seconds. "Thank you for tonight" you mumble against his lips, he pulls away slightly, "can't wait for the next one Y/N" he replies and kisses your lips a few more times before letting go of your chin. "Good night Pierre" he winks making you giggle before you turn around to continue into your apartment building, picking up the things you dropped on the way in, biting your lip to prevent the ridiculous smile that is aching to be seen because of the kind man that turned out being exactly what you've been looking for all this time. For once you can't wait to hear the I told you so speech from your friends, this blind date having worked out perfectly for you and Pierre.

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