Last Resort - Pierre Gasly

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When you got ready earlier in the day for a date with your boyfriend, you had a good feeling, maybe somewhat hopeful that he would propose. Reality came crashing in during said date when he gave some lousy excuse before completely breaking your heart as he ended the long-term relationship you thought was going so well. After the shock passed, the tears started to flow, ruining the makeup you spent way too long perfecting. You effectively ended the date on the spot, leaving the restaurant while digging your phone from your purse ready to contact your best friend about the disastrous evening. Right when you were about to call you remembered that she was in the middle of her own important night. A list of people you could go to ran through your head, halting when it got to her older brother's name. Pierre being one of the people you could trust, him having been there for almost all of your life, so you scroll through your phone to find the contact information you never thought you would use.


A quick Uber ride later you're standing in front of the Frenchman's building. You sigh sadly before stepping up to the door to press the buzzer for his flat. "Âlo?" you can't help but smile at the sound of his voice, "Pierre, I'm sorry it didn't call but I don't know where else to go" he doesn't respond so you assume he won't let you up, but the sound of the door unlocking makes you relax. You quickly run up to his floor, too impatient to wait for the lift, as your quiet steps lead you to his flat you start to remember the whole restaurant incident. As you knock on the door to his flat a frown appears on your tear stained face, once the door opens you look up. Pierre immediately takes you into his arms, the gesture urging the tears you thought you were out of to trickle down your cheeks again, a sob leaving your lips while you bury your face into his shoulder. In one swift movement he lifts and carries you into the privacy of his place.

Once you've calmed down and are left sniffling while wrapped in a blanket on his couch you finally notice the worry on Pierre's face. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" he asks quietly, you shrug, "do you have something I can wear instead of this" you mumble while gesturing to the dress you thought was perfect at the beginning of the night. "Bien sûr Y/N, come with me" you nod and he holds out a hand to help you off the couch, gently tugging you with him down a hallway. The two of you step into a bedroom, he tells you to sit on the bed before disappearing through a doorway; you take the moment to look around what must be his room, smiling for the first time in hours because of the family photos scattered around the space. "There's that smile" you look over at the Frenchman who walks over to hand you a pile of clothes, "merci Pierre" he presses a kiss to your head in response making you feel warm all over. The reaction you only ever felt when you were a teenager and it came to your best friend's brother showing you any kind of attention. You sigh before shuffling into his en-suite bathroom to change, taking your time to put on the shirt and boxers Pierre leant you, instantly feeling better in the well worn clothes.

You must be in the en-suite longer than you think because a soft knock sounds against the door. "Y/N are you alright in there?" you smile at the worry in the Frenchman's voice. "I'm fine Pierre" you explain before opening the pocket door, he looks at you to be sure of the statement, his brow furrowing when he lightly touches the spot under your eye, pulling the thumb back for it to be covered in makeup. The sight makes you gasp before you bring your hands to your face, where you forgot to wipe the mess away. "Let's clean this up" he murmurs and walks you back into the bathroom, Pierre pats the counter to urge you to sit on the surface, "you don't have to do this" you reply quietly, "shh chérie, just relax and let me take care of you" the care in his voice makes you nod and stay quiet while hoisting yourself onto the counter. Much to your surprise he pulls out a makeup remover wipe from one of the vanity drawers, a chuckle leaving his lips when he sees your surprised expression, "I have them here for my dear sister" he explains while stepping closer to where you're sitting. When he gently holds your chin in place you sigh, "stay still" he murmurs, you nod and he lifts an eyebrow at your immediate movement, "sorry" you reply sheepishly and he smiles before wiping away the ruined makeup that has dried on your skin. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as he cleans your face with the softest touch, the butterflies in your belly going crazy at the close proximity and contact.

"Voila chérie" he says a couple of seconds later while disposing of the makeup wipe, you watch him wash his hands in the sink next to you, a small relaxed smile on your face. "I thought he was going to propose tonight, he broke it off instead" you murmur and Pierre tenses up while snapping his head up, an angry expression on his face. "Chérie" you shake your head at the tone in his voice, "I don't know what I was thinking, clearly I've been living in a dream world this whole time" he steps up to you again, his hands on either side of your face making you look into his ever changing eyes, "you are not in the wrong, this is not your fault, he's the idiot that let you leave" you bring a hand up to his wrist, your thumb moving along his skin as tears gather in your eyes. "Thank you for being here for me" he presses a kiss to your forehead in response, "toujours" (always) you sniffle and he brushes his fingers through your hair. "Time for bed Y/N" you nod in agreement and let the Frenchman help you off the counter before he leads you back into his room, where he throws back the covers of his bed. You open your mouth to to speak but Pierre easily slides you onto the mattress, "I know you're going to offer to take the couch but I won't let you" he explains while pulling the covers over you, "stay with me Pierre?" you ask while looking up at him. He smiles, "okay" he replies and you watch him round the bed to get to the other side, where he also slides under the covers. You rotate to face him, reaching your hand to his to interlace your fingers, "he's not worth your tears" he murmurs then kisses your knuckles, "I know" you reply and shuffle closer to him, letting out a sigh. Pierre tugs you into his chest so that your head is right under his chin, "dors chérie" you smile and hug his torso, in a spot that teenage you could've only dreamed of, "bonne nuit Pierre" he kisses your head and runs his fingers along your back, lulling you into a surprisingly good sleep, where thoughts of the breakup seem to disappear.

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