Number 1 Fan - Mason Mount

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When you told Mason you wouldn't be able to go to his match at the Bridge he played it off as nothing. Being with him for a little over a year you knew that he was disappointed that you wouldn't be there. What he didn't know was that you were planning to go the whole time, you just wanted to go without any special treatment as a player's girlfriend. Luckily your closest mate from Uni agreed to come with, insisting that she would take photos of you at all the best spots.

An hour before kickoff you're skipping towards the Bridge in your Mount jersey. "Okay keep skipping imma take a pic Y/N" you nod and continue towards the stadium. Once you reach the blown up photo of Mason that towers over you, a smile comes to your face while you place a hand on the wall. "God you're so in love" you turn to your mate then shrug sheepishly, "I am, he's my everything" she smiles and comes over to link her arm through yours. "Let's go watch your man play a footy match and win" you nod and let her pull you to the stadium entrance.

During stoppages you get your mate to send you the photos she took so that you can put together an instagram post. After a couple of minutes you smile when posting the small slideshow of photos, quickly putting your phone away to focus on the match again. You watch the boys in blue running across the pitch with the ball in their possession, your mate squeezes your arm due to nerves as you keep your gaze on Mason. When the ball sails past the keeper you squeal and hug your mate tightly, the fans surrounding you two cheer and shout before breaking into song. The grin on your face doesn't leave for the rest of the match, only growing when the final whistle is blown. "Go to him Y/N" your mate says while shoving you towards the pitch, you laugh while running down the stairs leading to where Mason and his teammates are saluting the fans. You watch them leave the pitch below where you're positioned so you hope an exaggerated wave of your arms will get someone's attention. Reece ends up spotting you, he smiles then waves, Mason comes up behind him with a raised eyebrow before lifting his head. The biggest smile appears on his face when he notices you, so you blow a kiss then watch him pretend to catch it, you laugh and he winks, disappearing seconds later with the rest of the team.


Later when you're waiting by the players car park, you scroll through your Instagram, smiling at the funny comments left on your most recent post. You squeal when arms circle your waist, lifting you for a couple seconds before setting you back on your feet. "I'm so happy that you're here" you smile while turning to Mason, "knew you would be" he drops a soft kiss to your lips in response, "you know you could've sat in my box" you shrug as he takes your hand, "it's more fun being right in the middle of the excitement" he shakes his head then leads you to his car. "How'd you get out of working?" you smile at him, "I never had to work, I was always planning on coming to the match" he pulls you to a stop right by the car, "wanted to surprise you" you add quietly. He moves his hands to your hips then lowers his head to kiss you, your hands curl around his arms as he pulls you flush to his chest.

"Look at the golden couple" a voice teases making you pull away from Mason, who rolls his eyes at his teammate. "That's not very nice Benjamin" you say then pout, Chilly laughs so you flip him off, making the laughter become louder. "Let's just go, he might not notice us slipping away" Mason murmurs with a hand still on your hip, you nod in agreement and the two of you slide into his car. Making a quick getaway out of the car park, not up for more teasing from your friends. During the drive to his place the adrenaline you were feeling drains from your body so you end up dozing off with your head against the passenger window.

You feel movement but let out a whine while batting away whatever is bothering you. A chuckle sounds making you smile, "we're home Y/N" Mason says quietly while brushing your hair back from your face. You open your eyes to see him smiling down at you with the passenger door open, "oh boy how long was I out?" he shrugs, "the whole ride here" you yawn so he leans over to unbuckle you, "let's get you inside" you nod and he takes your hand to help you out of the car. He holds an arm around your waist as the two of you walk towards the front door of his place, where he unlocks the door quickly. Once inside you kick off your trainers then let out a yawn, in a swift movement Mason lifts you into his arms making you gasp. "I can walk" you mumble while resting your head on his shoulder, "I'm pretty sure you'd fall asleep on the way upstairs so I'll make it faster" he replies then jogs up the stairs towards the bedroom. When he lays you on the bed you've grown to love you immediately grab a pillow to hug it close to your body while watching him move around the room to get changed. "Love you Mase" you mumble, he smiles and slides onto the bed behind you to bring his arms around your waist, "love you my number one fan" he replies making you giggle, "you saw my instagram didn't you?" he presses a few soft kisses to your shoulder, "I did and i'm glad you had a good time" you smile while bringing a hand over his, "always have a good time watching you do what you love" he squeezes you tighter and moves his nose to the crook of your neck, "night Y/N" you close your eyes while keeping your hand on his, "night Mase" he sighs so you feel your body relax as you finally fall asleep.

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