Monaco Daydream (1) - Mason Mount

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A/N Monaco Mase was really something 🥰

When you first started working at Man City in their sponsorship department you didn't think you would become such close friends with the players. Those long nights at the training grounds have made the team a sort of family for you. You quickly became the closest with Phil Foden and his little family, his girlfriend helping you make friends in the city that you didn't know while he took you along to team outings with the rest of lads. That might've been why you accepted his invite to tag along to the Formula 1 Grand Prix being held in Monaco of all places.


The first day of festivities makes you realize how unprepared you are for the event. Your cute vintage tee and ripped jeans are very out of place amongst the crowds of VIPs wearing designer clothes from head to toe. "I'm gonna kill you Phil" you mutter to the footballer walking beside you, "well that's a little harsh Y/N" he replies but you roll your eyes, "why didn't you tell me to bring nicer things to wear, I feel like an idiot wearing this" he looks over and assess' your outfit before shrugging, "I think you look great, plus it doesn't matter what other people think as long as you're having a good time" you sigh but don't argue further knowing that he doesn't understand what you're feeling.

Once the two of you have gotten to the RedBull garage, Phil starts to chat up the drivers, leaving you to stand beside him quietly. Your focus shifts away from the conversation to look at the sleek car being built behind the drivers. When someone nudges your shoulder you blink a few times to come back to the people in front of you. "What's up?" you ask not having heard the question, "they're asking if you're having a good time" Phil says, "yeah, this is epic" you respond while smiling, "a woman of many words she is" you roll your eyes and shove the footballer making him laugh. Attracting the attention of onlookers, especially the man nearby wearing the designer chequered flag shirt.

"If it isn't Phil Foden" a voice interrupts, you turn around and Phil does the same, "what's your name mate? I don't think we've met" the Chelsea footballer you know as Mason Mount rolls his eyes but smiles none the less. You giggle at their banter, making your presence known to the guy you only know because of his stats. "Hello, pleasure to make your acquaintance" he says while holding out a hand, "don't even think about it Mount" your close mate interjects while swatting away the hand. Mason holds up his hands in surrender, "sorry bout that, didn't know she was off limits" you shake your head in disbelief and watch the Chelsea midfielder back away before turning around to chat to some of the RedBull engineers.

"Why'd you do that!" You exclaim and hit Phil's arm, he lifts an eyebrow at your reaction, "i'm clearly trying to protect you" he replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "protecting me from what? making a new mate" he crosses his arms, "from getting infected with Chelsea germs" you let out a laugh at his explanation, "that's not a thing" he shrugs in response so you huff and spin around to introduce yourself to Mason. When you tap the Chelsea footballer's shoulder he turns his head, he smiles once he sees that it's you, "well hi stranger" you smile and he turns completely to give you his full attention. "Sorry about him" you say, "no biggie" he replies and shrugs, "I'm Y/N, it's nice to officially meet the famous Mason Mount" he smiles sheepishly. "So what's with you and Foden?" you roll your eyes, "he's trying to be a big brother, but we're just really good mates, grew close when I began working at Man City" he scrunches up his face, "oooo wrong choice of club" you shake your head while smiling, "that's purely subjective Mr Mount" his eyes twinkle with humour, "please it's just Mason, don't want someone as pretty as you calling me something so serious" you blush slightly at the compliment but don't get to reply because Phil calls your name. You turn your head to see him waving you over, with a sigh you bid Mason goodbye, "don't worry we'll see each other later" you lift an eyebrow in confusion at his statement, "Foden will explain" you shrug and give him a wave before going over to Phil.

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