Waiting For You - Mason Mount

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A/N I love THIS Miami Mase ^^

Your friends thought you were crazy to commit to Mason so quickly, but you saw the best in people and were convinced that he wasn't as controversial as everyone made him out to be. When you started seeing the Chelsea midfielder, he was all about making you laugh and being goofy, showering you with affection whenever he could get away with it. He made you happy, your friends could see it after that first month, wondering if he's not the party animal they believed he was because of the hundreds of photos that have been cycled on every social media site. You started to realize that Mason tended to wave off any serious topics that you brought up, at first it didn't bother you but after so many repeats of the action it started to get on your nerves. It was in those moments that you felt naïve and like you might've been wrong about the footballer.


"I don't know what to do about it" you say to your friends, who have come over to your flat for a movie night. "Y/N you need to talk to him" one of them says, you huff and tilt your head back against the couch to stare at the ceiling, "that's literally the problem! He won't take anything seriously, how d'you reckon I get through to him" they fall silent in response so you close your eyes. "Write a letter?" you lift your head at the suggestion, lifting an eyebrow in interest, "wait you might be onto something" she smiles as you sit up even further, "nothing like an old school letter to try to get through to an oblivious footballer" your other friend mumbles making you snort.

"Anything is worth a try at this point" you explain with a sad smile, "okay but is he actually worth it" one of them replies, you drag a hand down your face and let out a sigh, "I want him to be, there's something about Mason that just makes my life feel easier to deal with" they each take one of your hands, "except when he doesn't know how to be serious" you nod and let them squish you into a hug. "You'll figure it out, and if he doesn't get the hint we'll step in" you smile thankfully at your two friends who each kiss your cheek, "thanks you guys, love you" they nod and your focus goes back to the film that has kept playing while you've been talking.


A couple of weeks later you've written a letter like your friend suggested. It's Mason's day off from training so you figure it's the perfect day to finally bring up what's been bothering you. As you stand outside of his front door you can't help but bite your lip nervously while clutching the envelope holding the letter close to your chest. Eventually you feel pathetic so you take a deep breath before pressing the doorbell, only needing to wait a couple of seconds for Mason to appear. "Hey what're you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" is the first thing he asks, you shrug in response "heading there after, just gotta give you this" you say and shove the envelope against his chest. He lifts an eyebrow in confusion while taking it in his hand, "did yah write me a poem Y/N? Why don't you just recite it for me, way more romantic innit?" he jokes while smiling, you furrow your brows as he does the exact thing you've gotten tired of after a month and a half of being with him.

"Just read it Mase and then we can talk alright?" the smile drops from his face at your tone, but it reappears seconds later, "come on baby why so serious, just talk to me now, I'd rather hear it than read it" you sigh before pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance. "I can't I have to go to lecture" he pulls you closer by your hips, the letter still between his fingers which lay at your sides, "I'm sure whatever it is is great, I swear you don't need to be embarrassed or anything" you lower your hand and look up into his eyes, "okay fine, it's about something that's been bothering me for awhile now" he tilts his head, "alright I'll let you borrow my jumpers if it bothers you that much" you huff and step away from him, his eyebrows raising at the reaction. "This is exactly what I wrote about Mason, you not taking me seriously when I have a concern" he blinks a few times and the smile leaves his face completely, "what are you talking about Y/N, I take you seriously" you shake your head and keep out of his reach, "but you don't, every single time I want to talk to you about something other than football and clubbing you wave me off, I thought we could get to that stage of our relationship but I don't know if we can" he furrows his brows and you taste something salty in your mouth, making you realize that you've started to cry.

When he doesn't say anything you shake your head, "I can't keep waiting for you to grow up Mase, I want this with you but it's so hard when you don't talk to me about important things and would rather go find the newest club to hang out at when I can't find the time to be with you" you blubber out, he frowns and tries to take your hand but you step back again, "Y/N, I'm sorry" you sniffle and briefly wipe your wet cheeks with the sides of your hands, "I need some time and I think you do too" he shakes his head in disagreement but you keep backing away off his doorstep. "Come find me when you know what you want" is the last thing you say before turning around to get back into your car, driving away from Mason's house, hoping that it won't be the last time you see him.

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