Tattoo pt.1 - Mason Mount

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"Go talk to him Y/N, it's not every night that you come across a Prem League Footballer" your friend urges while you two eye up Mason Mount from across the club. "No way, he probably doesn't want to be bothered" you exclaim and turn away from the Chelsea midfielder, wondering why you let her drag you out when you'd much rather be at home in your sweats watching something on Netflix. "Aw you're no fun" you roll your eyes and tug at the hem of your dress trying not to seem uncomfortable, "no I'm just being realistic" she huffs and slaps your hand away from where you're fidgeting with the dress that feels too short, "stop that you look amazing". You proceed to huff and look at your friend, "if we're gonna stay here any longer you need to buy me a drink" she nods and pulls you through the crowd of dancing bodies to get to the bar.

Your drink of choice is shoved into your palm a couple of seconds later. After a few sips you start to feel your muscles loosen up and your friend tugs you back into the crowd. In your new found excitement you don't notice a certain pair of brown eyes following your movements as you link hands with your friend to dance to the music playing. You let out a giggle at her whispered joke before turning around to attempt to get some space, that's when you see the Chelsea midfielder that you two have been talking about staring at you. He smiles which makes your cheeks turn red, you get broken out of your trance when your friend brings a hand to your arm, "hey you okay Y/N?" you nod, keeping your eyes on Mason for a few more seconds before turning to her, "just needed a break" she smiles and then her eyes start to widen at something over your shoulder. "Shit why is he coming this way?" she whispers making you turn your head, biting your lip when you see the footballer walking through the crowd towards the two of you, "probably to tell us to stop staring" you reply making her pinch your arm with an annoyed look on her face, you pout while rubbing the spot where she got you.


"Evenin' ladies" you adjust your face into a smile at the greeting, looking up into Mason's dark eyes, your breath catching at how handsome he is in person. "I think you broke her Mount" your friend says after a long silence, you blush and look away from him feeling embarrassed at how speechless he's made you. "Ah so you know who I am" he murmurs with a tilt of his head, "don't be modest, you're on everyone's radar" she adds with a smile, he chuckles and the sound makes you smile slightly, while you go back to fidgeting with the hem of your dress.

"Can I buy you ladies a drink?" he asks making you look up, "of course" your friend replies but Mason is only looking at you, "i'd like that very much" you say and he smiles before leading you two back to the bar, his hand poised on your lower back the whole time. You watch Mason lean over the bar to order, his focus shifting to you once he's finished talking to the bartender. He lowers his head slightly to talk, "alright?" you nod when he lifts his head to see your face, "you don't talk much" he adds making you shrug before leaning into him to reply over the music, "this isn't really my scene" he furrows his brows but the bartender slides your drinks forward before he can ask any questions.

When you look past Mason to check on your friend you smile, seeing that she's talking to a guy, laughing at something he's saying. "You know you still haven't told me your name" you smile at the midfielder's voice and he places his hand on your hip sending tingles up your spine. In one quick turn you're facing him, "Y/N, my name is Y/N" he smiles before bringing you flush to him, "pretty name for a pretty girl" he murmurs into your ear, a dark blush covering your cheeks. "Does that work on every girl?" he laughs and you giggle while placing a hand on his arm, "not at all actually" you scrunch up your nose, "thank goodness because it was horrible" he shakes his head but smiles.

A couple of drinks later you find yourself on Mason's back as he runs down the sidewalk. In your slightly drunken haze your gaze finds the still lit up Tattoo Parlour. You gasp making the midfielder come to a halt, "let's go!" you exclaim while pointing towards the shop that caught your attention. He snorts, "no way gorgeous, you'll regret it" he replies but you wiggle off of his back and with a determined look walk right into the parlour. You don't notice him following you inside until he catches your hand with his making you look over your shoulder. "Don't say it Mason, I want this" you say before he can convince you to leave, he sighs but squeezes your hand gently, "I wouldn't forgive myself if I left so I'm gonna stay" you smile, hoping that he doesn't notice the slight look of fear in your eyes as you walk up to the counter to choose what you want inked.

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