Snow Day - Mason Mount

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You're woken up in the middle of the night when a colder than usual breeze comes through the bedroom window. You shiver under the covers before slowly sliding out of Mason's warm embrace to shut the open window. In your half asleep state you don't immediately notice the white flakes falling outside, you close the window quietly and shuffle back to the bed. A gasp leaves your lips when your mind catches up to what your eyes saw, you spin around quickly, nearly losing your balance as you go back to the window. You don't realize how loud the gasp was, not noticing that Mason is now sitting up in bed while watching you. With a grin on your face and in your own world you watch the snow falling gently towards the ground.

Arms sliding around your waist makes you jump, "Mase" you hum, he nuzzles his face into your neck while tightening his hold around you. "Come back to bed" he murmurs while pressing a trail of kisses along your neck, "but it's snowing" you reply while keeping your gaze on the quickly accumulating snow outside. "While I love admiring you in this state of wonder, we both need to sleep" you sigh knowing that he's right, "fine" he gently takes your hands to lead you back to the bed, where he pulls you against his chest before tugging the covers over you two. "I promise we can enjoy it tomorrow" you place a hand over his, "I'll hold you to that" he kisses your shoulder and you shuffle around a bit to find a comfy position. Eventually falling asleep with dreams full of snow and laughter.


The next morning it's hard to wake up because of the chill in the air, your fingers clutching at the blankets piled on top of you to keep warm. A weight comes across your waist making you smile with your eyes still closed, "baby it's still snowing" your eyes snap open at Mason's words. "What are we waiting for then?" he chuckles as you slide out of his embrace to get changed into warmer clothes.

Once you're bundled up you pull a still slow moving Mason down the stairs, your eyes bright as you think about what'll greet you outside. "Baby slow down" he whines, you giggle while turning to him, "how about you speed up?" you reply cheekily, he pouts so you kiss his cheek before sliding on your snow boots. When you shrug on your coat you rush out the door, not waiting for the footballer that is still getting dressed. Your smile grows once outside then you throw your arms out and close your eyes while tilting your head back, letting the snowflakes land on your face and coat your eyelashes.

All of a sudden you're thrown over a shoulder, a squeal leaving your lips as you try to find something to hold on to, "Mase!" you shout while gripping onto the fabric of his puffer jacket. He just laughs while running around the front garden, his arms keeping you in place while doing so, "have a little fun Y/N" he exclaims over his shoulder, you huff, "hard to do that when I'm upside down" he comes to a stop at the statement. When he lets you down on your feet you wobble from being dizzy, his gloved hands quickly coming to your waist. "Woah I gotcha" you shove him and pout, "give a girl some warning next time" he smiles sheepishly, "sorry baby, I just wanted to get you laughing" you sigh and smile, "it's okay Mase" he pulls you closer to kiss your forehead so you hum happily. "Let's go before it melts" you murmur while he pulls away, he nods and you wiggle out of his embrace to run to some deeper snow.

A couple of minutes later you sit up carefully from your snow angel, peering around yourself to see your masterpiece. You grin before looking over at Mason, who is also making a snow angel, the look of concentration on his face makes your heart fill with love for him. You don't realize how long you've been staring until he sits up as well, "what's that look for?" you shrug, "I love you so much" he smiles then reaches over to drag you to his side, effectively ruining the angels in the snow, "aw no our angels" he kisses your rosy cheek, distracting you from your disappointment. "We'll have plenty of winters to make more baby" you sigh while leaning into him, "yeah you're right" he hums and winds both arms around you, "maybe even some with our own little family someday" your breath hitches at Mason's quiet words, turning to face him. "You'd want that with me?" he presses a slow kiss to your lips in response, your mitten covered hand pulling him closer as he fully drags you onto his lap. "I want it all with you, a house, a marriage, a kid" he explains when pulling away, you feel tears rolling down your frozen cheeks, a giggle leaving your lips when Mason tries to wipe them away, "I want that too, I couldn't imagine a future with anyone else" he cradles your face then kisses your head, "good, now let's make a snowman" you nod and let him pull you up to your feet. Enjoying the rest of the morning in the snow before relaxing under some blankets with the love of your life, feeling like everything is right in your world.

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