Blurred Lines (2) - Mason Mount

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As luck would have it the moment you decide to actually go talk to Mason is the same time that he's leaves for the World Cup. It leaves you wondering if it's a sign that you shouldn't try to talk out the issues you have with him. When you tell your best mate all of this she's in disbelief. "YOU HAVEN'T TALKED TO HIM YET!?!" She shouts, "I was busy and it never seemed like the right time, until of course he left for Qatar" you explain then shrug. "Y/N what am I gonna do with you" she mumbles while shaking her head, "love me even though my timing is awful and I'm a coward that doesn't want her heart broken by the same guy twice" you reply sheepishly. "Honestly serves you right babe, now you need to wait for him to get back and I'm sure that'll be torture" you look at your mate in shock, not expecting her smack talk, "you didn't have to wait this long but you did so you have no one but yourself to blame for this" she adds then shrugs, "wow okay tell me what you really think" she laughs and so do you even though there's a twinge of sadness because you have to wait several weeks to clear the air between you and Mason.

In that time you find yourself sucked in to the tournament, watching every England match with your best mate. Her knowing looks going unnoticed whenever your eyes go to Mason as you're watching. After the last match of the group stage your mate turns to you on the sofa, "you should call him" you look at her in confusion, "who?" she lifts an eyebrow, "the man you keep staring at when we watch these matches" you blush, not having realized how obvious it was, "a phone call won't do the job, we both know that" she shrugs, "it would be a start, plus I see the way you look at him, is that stone cold heart finally thawing?" you drop your head into your hands, "maybe, I don't know" you mumble. When you feel her fingers brush through your hair a sigh leaves your lips, "Mason is a good man, don't let his stupid decisions as a teenager be the way you see him forever" she says quietly, "I'm trying but I keep remembering younger me sitting by the door in a beautiful dress with tear streaked makeup" you reply then lift your head, she looks down at her watch for a second then takes out her phone.

"What are you doing?" you ask but she ignores the question, tapping something before handing you the device, "he's probably back at his hotel, talk to him, sort this out" she says then walks out of the room, leaving you gaping while holding the phone. "Hey! I hope you were watching, if you weren't I'd be disappointed" the sound of his voice seems to break you out of your shocked state, "Mason?" there's silence for a couple of seconds then he speaks, "Y/N is that you?" with shaky hands and furrowed brows you mentally prepare for the conversation you're about to have, "can we talk?" you ask, "of course" he replies so the two of you spend some time finally putting everything out there pertaining to the past.


A couple of weeks later the change of heart is apparent as you mingle at the annual Christmas party your best mate puts on, your focus shifting to the door several times knowing that Mason is supposed to show up. The hatred you once felt for the footballer quickly disappeared when the realization was made that the feelings you have are shared by him. Your many text exchanges while he was away slowly had you falling for him once more, but this time the fear you've been harbouring was nowhere to be felt. You're pulled back into the conversation at hand, laughing at the work story a mate is explaining, that's when you fail to notice Mason entering the party.

When you're pulled away from the group by a sudden jerking motion you huff. "Don't even Y/N, I just want you to know that Mason is here" your best mate says so you jerk your head upwards to find him with your gaze. "He went to the kitchen to get a drink" she murmurs making you slip away from her quickly, your steps fast while you make a b-line for the footballer. Once you enter the space crowded with drinks a smile comes to your face, "Mason" he spins around at your voice and a grin appears on his face, "Y/N" you rush over to pull him into a hug. When his arms wind around your waist you smile into his shoulder, "Happy Christmas" you murmur, "happy Christmas to you too" he replies, and is in no rush to let you go.

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