Gonna Be Okay - Mason Mount

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Mason has always been very upbeat in all of the time you've known him, especially when it came to football. The genuine smiles and laughter were harder to come by the past season with Chelsea, with so many championship loses following the club around until the last game of the season. You did everything you could to bring back his upbeat demeanour, even if only for a few days. Whenever Mason would come home with a defeated expression on his face you would silently curse all of the trolls on the internet, wishing that people would understand the human side of the sport they love so much.

After many late night calls with Mason while he was away with the National Team you can finally look forward to seeing him again. The day of his arrival you can't seem to focus on anything other than anticipating his warm hug, something that you've been missing dearly. Knowing that he's had a tough go lately you decide to surprise him with a home cooked meal of his favourite foods, which helps you get through the day that was beginning to feel incredibly long. As you're stirring your homemade pasta sauce on the stove you hear the front door opening and closing making you look up with a smile. You put the spoon down next to the pot ready to go find the footballer but he appears in the kitchen before you can move away from the sauce. "Mase" you say and he smiles tiredly in response so you leave your spot by the stove to pull him into a tight hug, he immediately slumps into you his own arms coming around your body.

"I missed you" he murmurs, "missed you too" you reply and pull away slightly to look up at him, your hand coming to his cheek to gently brush your fingers along his stubbly skin, "I'm so proud, you played so well" he puts his hand over yours and sighs, "we lost four nil, I wouldn't call that playing well". You smile sadly at the defeated man in front of you, "you guys are still getting the hang of it, by World Cup time this'll be forgotten" he smiles slightly and you lift yourself to kiss his cheek. He smiles wider at the gesture so you pull away from his arms to walk back over to where you're finishing your pasta sauce. "Take a seat Mase, it's almost ready" he shuffles over to a bar stool and proceeds to watch you cooking for the next couple of minutes. "I love you Y/N" he says out of the blue, you look up and smile, "I love you more Mase" you reply and he gives you a small genuine smile, making your heart flutter like it usually does at the expression.

Once the two of you have eaten and cleaned up the kitchen Mason goes up to bed claiming that he's tired from travelling, but you know that he's still thinking about the England loss. You get to the bedroom a couple of minutes after him, quickly changing into one of his old Chelsea shirts before stepping out of your joggers. The lump under the covers makes you smile sadly, so you shut off all of the lights before scooting into bed next to Mason, kissing his shoulder softly before getting comfy on your side of the bed. Seconds later you feel Mason's arm come around you as he pulls you closer to his chest, without any words spoken you know it's exactly what he needs.

At sometime during the night Mason leaves the bed, you don't notice until a cold breeze comes through the open window. In the process of shifting the covers you realize that you're alone in bed. This makes you frown as you slide off the bed to go find your boyfriend. You find Mason standing at the window in the living room, still only in some shorts while looking outside, with quiet steps you go over to the midfielder who is lost in thought. "Babe come back to bed" you murmur, he looks over his shoulder in response, the frown visible on his usually smiling face. Your heart sinks at the expression, so you step up to him leaving gentle kisses against his bare back, your hands sliding around him to rest on his belly, "I can't shut off my brain Y/N" you don't say anything you just lean against him, hoping that your breathing will bring him some calmness. When he twines your fingers through his you smile against his warm skin, "I love you so much Mase, no matter what happens on the pitch, it's gonna be okay" he kisses your knuckles softly and turns around, "thank you for everything baby" you smile and he presses his lips to yours for a couple of seconds. "Let's go to bed my love" he nods and you take his hand to lead him back to the bedroom where the two of you get back under the covers and snuggle into each other to catch up on some much needed sleep.

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