Pillow Talk - Pierre Gasly

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When you first met Pierre it felt like love at first sight. You were young, trying to figure out where you fit into the world, and graduation provided no answers. He was still learning how to succeed in the sport he loved. The stars aligned and brought you two together on an evening where nothing seemed to be going your way. Talking to him the night you met felt like a breath of fresh air, giving you hope that things could've been getting better. In a matter of weeks you and Pierre were inseparable, all of your time was spent either at his place or the track. Eventually you found your first adult job, which started to pull you away from the Frenchman. After just over a year of being together the two of you mutually agreed that it would be better if you ended the relationship. Your careers started to take priority so being less committed as friends seemed to be the right way to move forward without completely losing each other.


You remain friends with Pierre for a couple of years, never crossing the line between platonic and something more. At least not until you joined him for a race weekend in Italy, the post race party had drinks and loud music. Alpha Tauri's whole team letting go of their stress for the time being. You accepted drinks like it was your day job, the once solid line blurring as the night went on. Eventually you and Pierre became inseparable just like you were as a couple many years earlier. Leaving the party together in the early hours of the morning didn't seem like a problem as you let Pierre steal a few kisses. Going back to his place was the move that erased the platonic line and was an unspoken promise that it wouldn't be the last time.

From then on you two put in the effort to see each other, whether it was you going over to Pierre's or him coming over to your's. It almost felt like a relationship but neither of your wanted to jinx it by saying anything, so your unwritten agreement continued without any signs of stopping. Maybe ignoring the obvious was how you ended up in the situation to start, but admitting that your feelings never went away was too much to handle. Sleeping in Pierre's bed was enough during that time and appeased your conscience. The agreement quickly started to show its flaws when you didn't bother to leave his arms for the night and he started to greet you with kisses in places other than his home. You knew you needed yo talk to him about the changes happening but could never find the right time.


You shift around under your silk sheets after another intimate night with Pierre. He's asleep next to you looking peaceful, something that you wish you could be, but the thoughts in your head are preventing it. With a huff you rotate onto your back, your gaze on the ceiling with your arms on either side of you. The combination of the movement and noise of discontent must wake the Frenchman because you nearly jump when his hand finds yours in the dark. "What's bothering you Y/N?" he asks quietly making you look over at his now open eyes, "it's no-" he lifts an eyebrow at what is about to be a lie, so you sigh. He easily pulls you against his chest, "you can tell me anything, you know that right?" you nod into him so he kisses your head softly, the gesture makes you whimper as your arms go around him.

"Why are we avoiding the obvious?" the hand that he was moving along your spine freezes before continuing the soothing motion, "fear that it'll end horribly" you shift your body so that you can see Pierre's face, a hand on his chest while the other is propping up your head. "Do you think we could make it work if we get back together for real?" he smiles then brushes a hand against your cheek making your heart flutter, "I think we've grown up since then so we would be able to deal with issues in a better way" you smile slightly while lowering your gaze to where your hand is on his chest. When Pierre's thumb traces your bottom lip you look up, "I never stopped loving you" his eyes widen at your confession but before you can take back the statement he pulls you in for a kiss. "Let's do it y/n, let's be more than friends, let's go on dates, let's sneak kisses when no one is watching" he murmurs when pulling away seconds later. "You're sure?" you whisper, "I've never been more sure of anything" he replies then presses his lips to your once more, this time bringing you on top of him. He shows you how sure he is before the two of you fall asleep wrapped in each other, sleep coming to you in no time since there's nothing nagging you at the back of your mind.

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