Secret Love Affair - Pierre Gasly

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You pull the brim of your hat down as you stand in the crowd of Formula 1 fans surrounding the stage where drivers will be in a couple of minutes. The excitement radiating through the crowd makes you smile to yourself. It reminds you of your first Grand Prix with your parents. You're pulled out of your thoughts when the fans start cheering loudly. With a tilt of your head you watch Pierre and Esteban walk onto the stage and it makes your smile widen. You can't help but focus on Pierre the whole time, and you know that it won't give anything away since everyone is just as enthralled by your boyfriend as you.

"I wish that you would watch the fan forum from backstage, I worry less that way" you look up from your phone and smile at Pierre. "I've done this many times before, plus I don't get teased when I'm with the fans" he sits down next to you on the couch in his driver's room before throwing an arm across your shoulders. "What are you talking about chérie we don't tease you" a giggle leaves your lips at his tone, "everyone loves to tease me because of my fangirling" he pulls you closer to his side at your statement. "Je t'aime Y/N, even more when you get all excited about racing" you hum then look up at him, "je t'aime Pierre" he smiles then kisses your temple in response. "I still don't know how we've managed to keep us this quiet for so long" you shrug, "great teamwork from everyone, my lack of fame and social media posting, knowing all of the secret passage ways" he laughs which makes you smile then sit up to kiss his scruffy cheek. A knock on the open door makes the two of you look toward it. "Media pen time" is what Pierre's comms manager says, you nod in understanding then stand up, bringing the Frenchman to his feet as well. "I'll see you after, don't cause any trouble chérie" you roll your eyes at him, "I never do mon amour" he chuckles then follows who you like to call his media handler.


In the time that Pierre's busy with team obligations you decide to go to the general admission area. You tug your old alpha tauri jacket tighter to your body while walking amongst the fans. As you enjoy the atmosphere at the track you can't help but notice the Gasly fans, smiling at them before snapping photos since you know your boyfriend likes seeing the support. After a few more photos of Alpine and Gasly fans you decide to treat yourself to a snack, waiting in line with all of the other spectators, just like you used to do when you were younger.

While waiting you pull out your phone to go on Tumblr, the app where you can freely express your love for F1 and all of your other favourite things without raising any suspicion. You snort at some of the photos, memes and quotes of this race weekend, re-blogging your favourites and adding your own tags to the posts. "Next in line!" you look up when the person behind you taps your shoulder. You smile sheepishly then walk up to the stand to order, quickly paying before stepping aside to wait for your food. Once you've gotten your snacks you start the walk back to Alpine's hospitality building, the place where you usually watch the action unfold.

By some miracle, or a stroke of luck Pierre is the race leader midway through. The lounge where you're watching is silent with anticipation. You sit at the edge of the couch with hands over your mouth, hoping that the end of the race is smooth and has no incidents. Its during the last few laps that your knee starts bouncing, making your friend at Alpine place a hand down to stop the anxious movement. "You're shaking the whole couch Y/N" you smile sheepishly at her, "whoops" she shrugs then proceeds to take your hand, "he's nearly there, he can do this" you take a breath then nod, "you're right, its gonna be fine" she smiles then squeezes your hand. The two of you watch the end of the race, jumping off the couch when the chequered flag comes out. She doesn't give you the time to think as she pulls you into a run towards the garage, your thoughts on Pierre the whole way.

As you get pushed through the Alpine crew to be against the barrier surrounding Pierre's winning car you can't help but realize how different this is to his Monza win. The crowds cheering at a level that nearly drowns out the music, not a mask in sight and you don't feel anxious about being visible to the cameras. Your heart flutters when you watch your boyfriend climb out of his car, standing on the halo to acknowledge the fans before hoping onto the pavement. He spins to us then takes a running start, jumping into his team of mechanics who cheer happily. When he starts to walk along the barriers to thank every person at Alpine he walks by you without a pause. You giggle when he does a double take, you see the question in his eyes as he comes back. "Chérie?" you nod and he pulls you into a tight hug, "you did it mon amour" he pulls back and holds up a finger for you to wait. He proceeds to take off his helmet and fireproof balaclava, handing it to a nearby attendant before turning back to you. He starts to talk but you reach over the barrier to pull him in for a much deserved kiss. Whistles ring out around you two. Pierre pulls away first, resting his sweaty forehead against yours, "secrecy is overrated" you smile, "I couldn't agree more" he presses another kiss to your lips then walks towards the FIA official for his post race weigh in before stepping onto the podium.


After all of the celebrations you and Pierre get back to the hotel. You giggle as he tugs you into the lift to go back up to your shared room. His lips find yours when the doors close, effectively stopping your tipsy laughter. He pulls you flush to him so your hand finds the back of his neck. "Je t'aime chérie" he says into the kiss breaking it, "even though we aren't a secret anymore?" you tease, "are you kidding I can't wait to show you off wherever we go" you smile then move your hand to his cheek, "i look forward to it mon amour" he smiles as well then leads you off the lift toward your room. The two of you happily spend the evening with one another, ignoring the noise that is sure to be circling around social media about the unique way of telling everyone you're together.

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