Fireside Cuddles - Mason Mount

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As soon as you get home from work you drop everything. Quickly changing into your comfiest sweats, which are actually Mason's, before gathering all of the blankets and pillows in the house. When you drop the cozy items on the floor in front of the fireplace you grin then go to the kitchen to make hot chocolate for not only you but your bound to be exhausted boyfriend. Keeping the beverage warm on the stove since you aren't sure when he would be coming home.

Later while you're waiting under the warm blankets nearly asleep, you hear the front door opening. The sound makes you sit up while blinking, not realizing how tired you've become. You stand up while wrapping a blanket around yourself, slowly shuffling towards the front entryway. Mason spots you before you can get there, he gives you a tired smile then pulls you into a tight hug, "you didn't need to stay up" he mumbles. You shiver when he tucks his cold face into the crook of your neck, "stop you're cold" you whine making him lift his head to chuckle. "The reason why I did it" he replies making you huff so he kisses your head, "but seriously Y/N, why'd you stay up?" you don't reply just take his hand to pull him towards the living room. He doesn't resist as you tug him to the mound of blankets and pillows, "what's all this?" you shrug, "wanted to welcome you home" he drops a soft kiss to your lips in response. With gentle hands you push him away, "sit and relax" he doesn't fight you and sits down, catching your hand ready to bring you next to him. "Wait I'll be right back Mase" he pouts but you rush into the kitchen to fill two mugs with warm hot chocolate.

Once back in the living room you smile at how bundled up Mason is while his gaze stays on the dying flames in the fireplace. You lower yourself to the floor, managing to keep the mugs from tipping in the process. "Here" you murmur and place one of the mugs in his hand, he grins then uses his free arm to pull you in close, "you're the best" he says quietly before kissing the side of your head. "Gotta keep the love of my life healthy" he hums and takes a long sip from the mug while you shift your body to be able to lay against his chest. Mason sighs before you feel him relax, "missed you baby" you smile then move a hand to his, slowly running a finger up and down his palm, "missed you even more Mase" he doesn't say anything else, just continues to hold you close while the fire slowly burns out and for a couple of minutes the only sound in the room is the crackling of the log.

"I reckon that we should do this every time that I come home this late" you put your mug down on the floor before turning in Mason's arms. "Fireside cuddles over everything to be honest" he smiles before pressing a kiss to your lips, lingering a couple of extra seconds while his fingers move in a soothing motion against your skin under the sweater that you're wearing. After a couple of seconds you pull away from him, smiling as you tilt your head back to see his tired expression, "love you Mase" he pinches your hip making you giggle, "love you the most Y/N" you let out a yawn and shift back into his arms , "lets just stay here tonight" you mumble. Fingers brush through your hair then a kiss is placed against your head, "sounds perfect to me" is the last thing you hear before falling asleep in the arms of the man you love and will always love no matter what life throws your way. 

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