His Hoodie - Daniel Ricciardo

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You knew that Daniel wouldn't be home for another few hours so you change out of your work clothes and slip on one of his oversized hoodies, not bothering with any pants. You grab your laptop and get comfy on the bed, surrounding yourself with pillows as you set up your computer to watch some cheesy romance movies. Before you start the movie you grab a tub of ice cream from the freezer and a spoon laying back against the millions of pillows you've gathered.

You get so invested in the movie that you don't hear the front door of the apartment opening later that night. As you scoop more ice cream into your mouth the bedroom door opens making your eyes widen your hand freezing where it is. Dan pops his head into the room, a smile comes to his face at the sight of you, then his gaze goes to where you're holding the spoon in your mouth making him raise an eyebrow. You slowly take the spoon out of your mouth and swallow the now melted ice cream, gently sticking the utensil in the small tub of creamy goodness. "Hey" you say with a sheepish smile, he walks over to the bed still smiling, "whatcha doing Y/N?" he asks. You shrug, "movie watching" he places his hands on the bed leaning towards you to drop a kiss to your lips, "mmm my favourite" you giggle as he pulls away, "makes sense since you bought this ice cream" he grins, "as far as I'm concerned you bought it and you're the only one that eats it" you roll your eyes at your boyfriend making him laugh.

"Let me get changed and I'll join you" Dan explains as he backs away, you smile and proceed to move the ice cream container to the nightstand not wanting it to get on the sheets. Seconds later the Australian gets onto the bed, but before he comes to your side he stops, his eyes on what you're wearing, "is that my hoodie?". You blush slightly while curling your fingers into the soft fabric, "would you be mad if I said yes?" he shakes his head while moving to your side, "god no, keep wearing my hoodies" you smile as he brings you closer by your waist. "Get me some of that ice cream" he murmurs into your ear, you giggle and reach over to grab the small tub, taking a scoop out of it before going to hand the spoon over to Daniel. The movement makes the ice cream slip off and directly onto the clean sheets, "aw man" you whine while pouting down at the mess, you stick the spoon back into the tub with a sigh placing it back onto the nightstand. Dan shuts the laptop and moves it to the other nightstand before throwing the pillows off the bed, "what are you doing?" he looks over with a smile, "I know that you'll want to get these clean, just making it easier" you smile thankfully at him before sliding off the bed to take the sheets off. 

Later, while the sheets are in the washing machine the two of you continue watching the movie you began, but just on the bare mattress. You're snuggled into Dan's side, your head on his chest while you watch the screen, hands tucked into the sleeves of the hoodie. The sound of the washing machine timer going off makes you look away from the laptop, you get out of the Aussie's arms needing to put the hopefully clean sheets into the dryer. You don't realize that Dan has followed you into the hallways until you hear him choke as you reach into the washing machine having forgotten that you're only wearing underwear under the sweater. You peer over your shoulder at the sound seeing him looking at you with wide eyes, "what?" he walks over his eyes darker than seconds earlier, "when were you going to tell me that you aren't wearing anything under that?" you smile at him sheepishly, "I forgot to be completely honest with you" he blinks a few times his lips parting slightly. You quickly throw the sheets into the dryer and press the start button before taking his hand to pull him back to the bedroom. 

As you approach the bed again Dan brings you to a stop turning you to him, "I am even more okay with your outfit choice now" you laugh, but that comes to a halt when his hands slide under the hoodie moving up to your sides making the thick fabric bunch up. You feel goosebumps where his hands move along your skin, a smile on his face as his dark eyes look into yours, "I love you so much" you bring a hand up to his scruffy cheek smiling as well, "love you Dan" he presses his lips to yours and easily carries you to the bed, movies not on your minds as he sheds you of his sweater. 

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