Too Little, Too Late - Daniel Ricciardo

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A/N this one is cute and short 😅

You try to ignore the brown eyes that are focused on the back of your head as you listen to your childhood friend talk about her latest work project. The wedding reception you're attending reminding you of the days when you were younger, seeing all of your old friends in one place bringing a smile to your face. "Y/N you okay?" The question comes from your boyfriend, who's arm is secured around your waist. You peer up while smiling, "I'm great, just reminiscing" he kisses your head softly making you blush shyly.

"You guys are goals" you look at the friend that you've known since diapers and shrug, "we're just us" she sighs, "I want a man like yours" you bring a hand to hers, "you will, just give it time" she nods and you watch her walk away with a slump to her shoulders. "I didn't want her to feel sad" you murmur while looking up at the man holding you, "she'll be fine Y/N" he says and smiles at you reassuringly, "I know, I just remember being in her shoes not too long ago". He turns to you so that he can bring his hands to either side of your face, your gaze on his, "it's good that you're there for her then" you smile and bring a hand over his, "thank you" he kisses your lips softly in response, "anytime gorgeous" he murmurs into your lips, everything around you disappearing during the private moment with the man you love.

Later when you're standing at the open bar waiting for your drink to be made you feel someone nearby. When you turn your head you're surprised to see Daniel, his dark eyes already on you. "Y/N" he says with a small smile, "look who it is, at an event that doesn't involve cars" you exclaim making the Aussie chuckle and step closer. "It's been awhile" you tilt your head before nodding at your ex-boyfriend, "yeah it sure has been" he looks down at his nearly empty glass, and you watch his fingers move along the condensation that has built up.

"What's on your mind?" he looks up in surprise at your question, "don't look at me like that, I could never forget the face you make when you're thinking" he smiles for a second before it drops away. "I miss you" the quiet statement makes your breath catch slightly before you clear your throat, "Dan..." he sighs while his brows furrow, "I know what you're going to say" you shake your head and turn towards the bartender who placed your drink in front of you. "We fell too fast, too soon and it tore us apart" you say not looking at Daniel, "let's try again Y/N, this time will be diff-" "HE ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM" you exclaim cutting off the race car driver, the silence that follows is thick as your finger traces the rim of your glass, "I said yes Dan" you add and look over. The McLaren driver looks deflated at your exclamation, "he's it for me, you'll find her one day too" he frowns and looks down at his drink again, you bring your hand over his, your thumb moving along his knuckles, "don't lose hope, if it's meant to be it'll happen" he smiles and you lean over to kiss his cheek, "I think this is your year Dan, kick Max's butt" you whisper making him chuckle as you walk away to rejoin your fiancé. Wishing and hoping that Dan will find someone that can ground him and stay by his side during all of the ups and downs, unlike your past relationship with the Aussie that felt like it was over before it even began because of the lack of commitment on both sides.

When you step up to your fiancé he smiles and you press a gentle kiss to his cheek before curling your body into his. "Was that Daniel you were talking to?" You nod into him your hand finding his, "yeah, I told him about the engagement" he squeezes your hand, "how'd he take it" you shrug, "alright, but I think he understands that what we had is over for good" he nods and kisses your head before the two of you get pulled into another conversation with friends, your grin coming easily knowing that everything will work out for the best.

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