Want You Back - Mason Mount

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After a tough couple of years you're finally happy. You have your own place where don't need help from roommates to pay rent. You love your job and all of your colleagues. Most importantly you're single and enjoying every moment of it.

It's the one weekend that you have no plans to leave your flat that fate decides to play a joke. You wake up on Saturday, eat and venture to your couch to set up for a day of knitting and watching movies.

You get so absorbed in your craft that time passes in the blink of an eye. A knock on your flat door startles you out of your focused mindset. You furrow your brows because you aren't expecting anyone. When another knock sounds you put down your knitting needles then get off the couch.

You're shocked to see that it's nearing supper time as you walk toward the front door. The shock continues because when you open the door your most recent ex is standing in the hall. "Mase?" you ask as your stomach flips. "Y/N I know that I shouldn't be here but I miss you and I regret letting you leave" he explains.

It takes you a second to process the moment and when you do you frown at the man. "What the fuck Mason?!" you exclaim and his eyebrows raise at your outburst. "You can't come here like this and say that you miss me! You broke up with me!" you add in frustration. He goes to take your hand but you move yours behind your back, "I know Y/N, I'm an idiot, I never should've ended it" he pleads but you stand your ground. "You did though and nothing will change that" his shoulders drop at the way you dismiss his attempts at getting you back.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you, I will do anything to earn your trust again" the quiet promise trickles into your heart which is way more forgiving than your head. You shake your head because the last thing you want is to give him a second chance but the happy memories from being with him sneak through and weaken your resolve.

"I don't know Mason, you became a whole other person before you broke my heart clean in half" he sighs then runs his fingers through his already disheveled hair. "I lost myself Y/N, there was so much outside noise that all I wanted to do was block it out but in the process I blocked out the person that I care for the most" you purse your lips at the use of the present tense at the end of his statement.

"How do I know that you won't do the same thing again in a couple of months? I can't go through that vicious cycle again, I'm actually fucking happy right now and you could tear it all down in one go" he frowns and furrows his brows in response. "I've changed Y/N, I can't sleep or eat or play football, my life without you is terrible" he explains and that's when you notice the dark bags under his usually bright eyes which look dull and tired in the hall lighting. Your heart can't help but sink at how exhausted he looks. For a split second you let your heart dictate your next move so you reach out to take his hand. "You need rest come inside" you mumble then lead him into the flat.


There are no words spoken when you bring Mason to your bedroom. You help him shed some layers before pulling back the covers of your bed. "Wait I can take the couch Y/N" he says but you shake your head. "Nonsense, you need this more than me" you reply then push him toward the bed. This time he doesn't fight you and slides under the covers.

You tell yourself that this doesn't change how you feel about the situation but deep down you wonder if the love you hold for Mason will always be your weakness.

The footballer curls up but doesn't close his eyes. "Stay" he says quietly and looks up at you. "I shouldn't Mason" you reply so he frowns again. "Please Y/N, I'll behave I swear" he pleads. His sad eyes punch you in the heart so you cave. "Okay I'll stay, I just need to change" he nods at your reply so you grab some pjs before you go change in your bathroom.

Once you're dressed and ready to sleep you tiptoe over to the bed where Mason appears to be sleeping. When you slide under the covers he rotates to face you. "Thank you for this, I really appreciate it" he mumbles so you smile sadly and squeeze his arm. "Rest Mase we'll talk tomorrow" he sighs so you move your hand up to run your fingers through his hair like you used to do when he was having a tough time. He shifts closer then winds his arms around your body. You suck in a breath at the contact then relax when he places his head on your chest. You continue to move your fingers through his hair until you hear his soft snores. You try not to overthink the position and focus on going to sleep because you will need the rest to face what will come when you two do talk.


In the morning in your barely awake state you don't remember the previous evening. When you wake up a bit more it all comes back. Mason at your door, his wrecked state and you comforting him as he sleeps. You look around the room in search of the footballer but come up short. A clatter in the next room makes you slide out of bed in a rush.

When you step into your living space it's like you've been taken back in time. Mason is moving around your kitchen like he's always lived in your flat. The domestic moment makes your heart clench but you force yourself to walk further in the room. You freeze up when the footballer turns around and spots you. His eyes are wide as if he's been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. "Shit did I wake you? I'm sorry" he says so you continue to the kitchen, "I was already awake, I was more concerned that you broke something" you explain so his shoulders drop from their tense position.

"I was just putting something together to eat for us" he says as if it's the most normal thing to do when you two aren't together. "You cook now? How'd that happen?" He rolls his eyes so you laugh. The sound surprises you and makes Mason grin widely. "I haven't had much to do outside of training so I started to watch cooking videos on YouTube" you hum in understanding but can't help but feel like he's implying something when he tells you the reason.

The loaded statement sits in the air as you take a seat at the kitchen counter. "Don't be shy serve it up so that I can judge your skills" you say in an attempt to keep the atmosphere light. Mason shakes his head then turns to grab the full plates of food. You smile when he places one in front of you. He pulls a stool next to yours and sits down with his own plate.

You start to dig in and you're pleasantly surprised at how tasty the meal is. "You sure that you didn't order this from somewhere?" Mason laughs which causes you to do the same, "all my work Y/N, and you don't even believe it, I'm hurt" you shrug and look at him with a sheepish smile.

He suddenly lifts his hand and brushes his thumb right next to your bottom lip. You suck in a breath at the intimate contact. Then your mind clears of the domestic bliss so you jerk back and slide off your stool. "Wait!" you exclaim and hold your hands out in a defensive stance. "What's wrong?" Mason replies in a panic and goes to step toward you but you hold up a hand. "What are we doing? This isn't our life anymore" you say then frown. "I want to show you that I'm serious about us" you shake your head and look at the footballer.

"Making me breakfast is sweet but this isn't reality and it doesn't fix what's broken" he huffs then tugs at his hair in what is apparent frustration. "Y/N please tell me what I need to do! I can't let this slip away again I'm desperate here" you step up to him and place a gentle hand on his chest over his heart. "Deep down you already know, if I tell you then it won't mean anything" he looks at you then sighs, "okay" you nod then step away from him feeling that you've said all that's necessary for him to have a chance. You only hope that he figures it out because no matter how much you tell yourself that you're happy he'll always be your one and only.

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