Drunk Confession - Mason Mount

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"Let's go out tonight" you say into the phone without so much as a greeting to your best friend. There's silence on her end then some shuffling. "Am I still speaking to Y/N, my very level headed best friend who hates clubs and partying?" she replies with disbelief in her voice. "I need to forget" you add, "you don't have to drink or be irresponsible to forget" she tells you, "they keep talking about him everywhere because of the fucking World Cup...I just need to get away and not think" you plead as your voice cracks. She sighs into the phone so you stop pacing. "Okay, but tomorrow morning when you feel like you got steamrolled remember that this was your idea" you smile then let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in, "deal!" she laughs then says she'll be at your place soon. When the call ends you throw your phone on the bed then go over to your closet to pick an outfit that screams going out to have fun.


Your hand gets stamped then your friend pulls you into the club. The loud music makes the floor shake as you two make your way to where the drinks are being served. The bartender smiles at you two then asks what you want, your friend responds before you can say anything and you're grateful. While you wait for the drinks you adjust the red corset top you have on then look around the dimly lit club.

"We can still leave" your friend says but you turn to her then smile, "since when do you turn down a night of clubbing" she shrugs then takes your hand, "I know that you're hurting Y/N" you don't let your smile slip at her reminder. "This night is good for me and you can help me heal by enjoying tonight" she goes to speak but the bartender places our drinks down with a smile. You smile wider let go of her hand then take the beverages, you hand one to your friend then take a drink out of your cup. She hesitates so you groan then take her free hand again. "Please don't worry about me, I want this and I trust you to make sure I don't do anything stupid" she rolls her eyes then a smile appears on her face. You shake her arm happily so she laughs then sips from her cup. "Remember this was your idea" you laugh then the two of you disappear into the crowded club to join the fun.

"Mase I know we said we needed a break but I miss you, and I love you so much and being away from you is so hard, I don't know how much longer I can be on this break" you hear a swear before your phone is swiped from your hand. You giggle drunkenly at your best friend who stuffs the device into her purse. "Y/n what the hell" you tilt your head in confusion because in your impaired state you don't realize what you just did. She sighs then takes your stamp covered hand, "never mind, I think that we should go home" you pout but she rolls her eyes and tugs you toward the exit. The whole way there you keep swaying to the loud music with a big smile on your face.


Your mouth feels like a desert when you wake up the next morning. After a few attempts to swallow you groan then sit up in bed. The sudden movement makes the room spin and your head pound. You bring your hands up to your head then shut your eyes to try and will away the pain. As you slide out of bed to go grab medicine a wave of nausea hits so you open your eyes and run to the nearest bathroom. Once you empty your stomach of all of the bad decisions from the previous night you sit back and groan. You take a couple of deep breaths then stand up to grab the medication that will make the headache go away.

You shuffle into the kitchen you recognize as your best friend's and see her pouring coffee into two mugs. "There she is" she says softly, you grunt then sit at the counter with a frown on your face. "Coffee with full caffeine" she adds then places the mug in front of you, "a true friend" you mumble so she laughs.

After some silence you look up from your coffee and see your best friend biting her lip as if to hold something in. "What's that look?" you ask, she takes her hands away from her mug to tangle her fingers together, a tell that she's nervous. "Nothing don't worry" she replies but you huff, "babe I've known you for so long, don't lie" she shakes out her hands then grabs her phone from where it's sitting face down on the counter. "I'll just show you" she mumbles then taps away on the device.

You have a bad feeling about this and when she puts the phone down in front of you the coffee you just drank fights to make a reappearance. "Oh shit" you say quietly while you try to process what is on the phone screen. Mason Mount's former sweetheart y/n y/l/n goes wild. The photos published show you at various clubs in many states of intoxication. The last one of you leaving the final club hanging off of your best friend makes you want to cry because you have a drunk smile on your face and no care in the world that your boobs are a split second away from popping out of your top.

"You also called Mason last night" the words make you look up so fast that you're surprised you don't get whiplash. "What!" your friend nods sadly so you drop your head on the counter then groan. "This can't get worse can it?" you ask into the cold surface because you don't want to see your friend's expression. As if it heard you ask your phone starts ringing. You lift your head, look at your friend then look towards the device that is also sitting on the nearby counter. "Forget I asked I'm not touching that thing" you exclaim so she sighs then grabs your phone to see who's calling.

"Fuck" she whispers so you take a breath then drag you fingers down your face, "it's him?" you ask even though you already know the answer. "Yeah" you purse your lips then hold out your hand, a silent sign to hand over the phone. "He probably thinks I'm pathetic so I might as well own up to the mess I've made" your friend furrows her eyebrows in concern but you wiggle your fingers, "no point prolonging this call" you add so she gives you the phone.

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