Always Going To Be You - Daniel Ricciardo

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"I can't keep waiting for you to open your eyes and commit to me Daniel" you shout at the man across from you, who dons the RedBull trademark on every piece of clothing that he's wearing. "Y/N I swear-" he begins but you shake your head as you feel a tear trickle down your cheek, "no, my heart can't" you cut in while looking into his sad eyes. "I'm so sorry" you smile sadly at the Aussie, "me too Dan" he sighs and the two of you stand in silence for a few seconds until you finally decide to leave, dropping a gentle kiss to his cheek before slipping out of the room and out of his life for what you thought would be forever.


Years pass, your priorities change after realizing that your life is more than being someone's significant other. You focus on your career, the relationship with Daniel a distant memory. The news doesn't reach you about his racing and the huge decision he's made, maybe because everything about the sport is blocked on your phone from the first few months of getting over the break up that you initiated. So you go on being uninformed, even though your friends try to give you hints left and right. It's when you least expect it that the Australian re-appears in your life, on a normal unimportant day of work.

You're walking towards your office when you overhear some colleagues talking. "Isn't it crazy, after spending most of his career at RedBull he just leaves for Renault" you freeze at the statement, but shake your head believing that you're hallucinating and that your mind is tricking you and that they must be talking about something completely out of context. "I can't imagine RedBull without Daniel Ricciardo, it's unheard of" you stop again a gasp leaving your lips, rushing to your office to pack up your things for the day. When you get to your apartment you take our your laptop to face check or maybe to just check on the Aussie, or whatever you tell yourself as you type his name into the Google search bar. Before you know it, the sun has sunk to the horizon and you've gotten sucked into the endless news cycle surrounding the past few years of Formula 1.


A loud knock on your apartment door makes you break out of your trance. You look away from your laptop and blink a few times to adjust to the darkness that has fallen. "Woah" you mumble while getting up, shuffling towards the front door, where another knock sounds. You swing open the door to see your close friend standing in front of you, "oh hey" she crosses her arms, "where have you been?" You lift an eyebrow in confusion, "I've been texting, did you forget about dinner?" you curse, "shit sorry, I got distracted" you explain and rush back into the apartment. "By what Y/N?" she asks and follows you to your bedroom, "nothing important" you murmur and go to your closet not noticing your friend walking to your open laptop that still has a news article about Daniel on the screen. "Your ex is more important than dinner?" she asks making your eyes widen, realizing your mistake, "no I swear, people were talking at work and I don't know what happened but I fell into google" you try to explain as you turn to her feeling like you've been caught red handed.

When she doesn't say anything you turn back to the closet to grab an outfit for the night. Quickly sliding into some skinny jeans and a black oversized tee, "no way babe change that shirt, you're dressing like him" you blink not having realized what you chose to wear. As you switch your shirt you quickly realize that the black shirt is one of Daniel's, it makes you stop your actions. "Come on Y/N, no time to dawdle" you take a breath and drop the shirt before putting on a silky tank top, taking your phone and keys as your friend pulls you out of the apartment.


The two of you walk into the restaurant where you have a reservation, that you somehow weren't late for. The hostess greets you and leads you to your table, which sits in a darker corner of the restaurant. When she leaves you and your friend alone with some menus you take a moment to admire the room with very high ceilings and very low lighting. "Why did you choose this place, I would've been fine at a diner" you explain, "we deserve to treat ourselves Y/N" she replies with a grin before looking down at her menu. After a couple of minutes of focusing on the meal options, movement from the corner of your eye makes you look up, the hostess is leading a group of men to a nearby table, so you look back down not thinking anything of it.

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