It's Fate - Pierre Gasly

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It was as if all the stars aligned on the night you met Pierre. It began when you accepted your friend's invite to a New Year's Eve party. The dress you were saving for the perfect occasion called out to you when you were getting ready for the evening. For once it felt like you were ending the year off in control of your life, leaving you happy and smiling as your friend lead you into the party. She knew more people than you did, strangers greeted her before she would introduce you. The names and faces left your mind almost instantly and your mood got even better as your friend got some drinks.

When your friend got pulled into a conversation later into the night you snuck away quietly. It was then that you bumped into Pierre, his arm came around your waist to prevent any accidents. The minute you looked into his eyes you knew he was more than just a chance encounter. You two ended up spending the rest of the evening together. The lingering touches that lead up to midnight turned into a heated kiss when the new year was rung in as the room erupted in cheers. No promises were made so when you and your friend left the party there was no telling when or if you would see Pierre again. The uncertainty circled your mind for days after, but eventually faded away and left you unprepared for your next encounter with the Frenchman.


Of course you're  in Paris when you see Pierre again. You have one of your middle of the night cravings for coffee out of all things. With your phone, keys and wallet in hand you leave the small rented flat that you're sharing with your friend. After a couple of seconds of searching the internet for a nearby café that is still open you find one that isn't too far. The walk is mostly silent except for muffled music in the distance.

Once you find the café you run inside, startling the employee leaning on the counter. "Désolé (sorry)" you mumble, she shrugs so you approach the counter, quickly ordering coffee in your best French. As you go to pay a tan arm shoots forward, beating you to the card machine. You huff then turn your head ready to tell the stranger exactly how you feel, but the words get caught in your throat at the sight of Pierre. He adds his order onto yours then finally looks at your shocked expression. "Take a picture chérie" he teases quietly then slides his hand into yours, easily tugging you away from the counter and to a table.

"What are you doing here Pierre?" You ask once you've gathered your thoughts, "couldn't sleep, you?" he replies, "midnight craving for coffee" he chuckles which makes you smile. "I think this is the universe telling us that we're meant to find each other again" you shrug then lean forward to place a hand on his, "you might be onto something" he brings your hand up to kiss the back of it softly. The unexpected gesture makes your sleep deprived mind turn to mush, and you are certain that your eyes don't hide how much you adore him. Pierre then moves his lips to your wrist to kiss the delicate skin, bringing his eyes up afterwards to see your lovesick expression. The total lack of hesitation as you shift completely forward to press your lips against his surprises not only you but the Frenchman sitting across from you. When you pull away he easily chased your lips, pressing feather light kisses against them a few more times. The same kind of fluttering in your belly like at the New Year's party happens this time.

"You know what Pierre?" He hums while pulling away but keeps his fingers laced with yours, "I think we owe it to the universe and whatever spirit is looking over our love lives to give this a shot" he leans over the table to press a longer lasting kiss to your lips. "Was hoping you'd say that" you smile and he does the same, "I'd better get your phone number this time if we're gonna be official" he chuckles but puts his phone down between the two of you. "You can text me whenever, and call me if there's an emergency" you tilt your head, "what kind of emergency?" he bites his lip making your eyes flick to the gesture, " accident, you need a ride somewhere or even if you just need a hug" you shake your head at how amazing he is, "thank god we met, because what I feel when I'm around you is nothing I've ever felt before" he kisses your hand again, "you're stuck with me now" you laugh and the two of you finally leave the café. He walks you back to your rental flat and this time there's a promise of seeing each other soon, with a kiss sealing what is sure to be a whirlwind of a relationship that may have been dated since the beginning.

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