Prove Me Wrong 3 - Mason Mount

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Uni hammers you hard the next few weeks. It's very apparent when you show up at the library for your evening shift. The only relief in the chaos is the texts from Mason. He does his job of starting to prove you wrong, sending messages every morning when you wake up and then again before you go to sleep. The messages in between make you smile while breaking down your barriers that you once thought to be unbreakable. As you drop off your belongings behind the main desk at the library your phone vibrates. You immediately pull out the device, a smile breaking out on your face when seeing Mason's name accompanied by a text.

When do you finish at work?

Why do you want to know?

I'm picking you up and then we're going out for food

Bold of you to assume I want to go get food with you

I thought I was getting somewhere with you

Shit ur gonna make me say it aren't u

I don't know what you're talking about Y/N 😉

Mase you're doing a damn good job
I appreciate your patience with me ☺️
Not all footballers are out to get me and I do want to go get food with you when I'm done work at 9

Wow don't know how to follow that up except to say that I can't wait to see you later and that I appreciate you

"Y/N!" You snap your gaze upwards at the shout to see your colleague smirking. "What happened?" she snorts, "nothing except for you smiling at your phone like a lovesick teenager" you blush then shake your head. "Whatever" you mumble then put your phone away to focus on your long shift ahead.


You and your colleague eventually lock up, your bag slung over your shoulder as you make sure the library doors are secure. "Hey Y/ that Mason Mount?" you spin around at her quiet question. He's leaning against his car watching you two, he holds up a hand in greeting. She lifts her eyebrows at the gesture, looking at you then at him as she tries to connect the dots. "It might be..." you say while trailing off, she sucks in a breath, "but please don't make it a big deal, we're just going to grab some food" you add hoping to stop any squealing or assumptions. She releases the breath then finds your hand to squeeze it, "I'm happy for you" is all she says before walking down the steps towards the car park.

Once you've made your way over to Mason you smile. "Fancy meeting you here" he laughs which makes your heart flutter, "ready to get out of here baby?" you nod then feel your cheeks warming up at the unexpected nickname. He proceeds to open the passenger door for you, before rounding the car to slide into the drivers seat. "Where to Y/N?" he asks while pulling away from the curb, "surprise me" you reply so he nods while furrowing his brows in thought. You can't help but smile at the adorable expression on his face.

A couple of minutes later Mason parks on the street. You try to figure out where he decided to take you for food but come up empty. He opens your door then holds out a hand, the gesture makes you laugh but still slide your palm onto his. "Are you always such a gentleman?" You ask while looking up at him, "I mean, yes and no" he replies and keeps your hand in his while he leads you down the sidewalk. "Like that answer makes any sense" he chuckles then squeezes your hand, "when I'm trying to impress I am, but otherwise I try to be myself, which can be a bit less formal" you nod, "so does that mean you're trying to impress me?" he scoffs, "that's what I've been trying to do since we met at the library" you lower your head to hide the smile on your face. "You're definitely doing much better than any footballer I've come into contact with" he squeezes your hand again making your heart flutter, "I'm bringing you to the dark side Y/N, you're gonna love it here" you let out a snort at his dramatics, lifting your head to see a large grin on his face. "Did you just snort?" you blush then shake your head, "of course not, you're just hearing things" he hums and proceeds to swing your linked hands. "If you did I'm just gonna mention that it was adorable and you should never stop" you bite your lip as your cheeks become even redder at his compliment. Mason stops you in front of a corner pub, you look up then back down at him, "a pub?" he smiles then pulls you inside.

When you and Mason are seated, you can't help but notice the stares. "You must be a big deal" you say quietly, he shrugs then leans forward, "I try not to get caught up in it" he replies. You smile then place a hand on his to move your fingers along his knuckles, "do you do anything other than playing football?" he rotates his hands so that he can fully hold yours, "hm other than chasing beautiful women who don't like the sport, I play some video games, watch films, visit family when I can" you roll your eyes at his response, ready to comment but you get interrupted.

"MASE bruv" you look up at the voice, tensing up immediately because of who it is. "How's it going mate?" the guy you remember from secondary that joined in with the antics against you and your friends asks. Mason lets go of one of your hands to greet him, smiling as he replies to the question. Their attention then shifts back to you, "who's this looker mate?" you grimace in response, "this is Y/N" he says then squeezes your hand, which does nothing to get rid of the tension in your body. "You've got yourself a good lad here Y/N" he explains while dropping a hand to Mason's shoulder, "I sure do, thanks for reinforcing it" you mutter then give him the fakest smile you can muster. He smiles then says goodbye, not realizing how uncomfortable you are during the whole interaction.

"You wanna tell me what that was about?" Mason asks, you peer at him then bite your lip. "You were holding my hand like it was a lifeline" he adds so you blush and try to pull your hand away from his. He doesn't let you shy away though, locking his fingers with yours, "he's one of the assholes from secondary" you finally say not able to look him in the eye. "Shit why didn't you say anything?" you shake your head, "what would be the point? he didn't recognize me" he goes to talk but the waitress interrupts by placing your meals down on the table.

After some silence Mason speaks, "how many of them made it big?" you sigh then look up at him, "all of them", he frowns then clenches his jaw. "Don't do that" you mumble then lift a hand to stroke his cheek, he furrows his brows before his hand goes on top of yours. "They're not worth the frown on your face, I like it better when you smile" he relaxes under your touch then his lips quirk upward. "I should be telling you that, not the other way around" you shrug in response, "I got good at ignoring them, plus they're never going to come looking for me to apologize, I've accepted that" he shakes his head. "Look never mind, let's talk about something else because I'm trying to do this thing where I start to trust footballers again" he smiles then nods, "I bet it's going really well" you laugh, which breaks the tension that started to hang over the outing. The remainder of the evening is spent learning about each other, ranging from family to favourite meals, up until Mason drives you home. A promise to see each other again hangs in the air before you leave him with a feather light kiss to his cheek. 

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